


Bug #4823 » 0001-enhanced-monitor-doc.patch

sz (Sandor Szücs), 06/04/2011 06:36 AM

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= monitor.rb
Copyright (C) 2001 Shugo Maeda <>
This library is distributed under the terms of the Ruby license.
You can freely distribute/modify this library.
== example
This is a simple example.
require 'monitor.rb'
buf = []
empty_cond = buf.new_cond
# consumer
Thread.start do
loop do
buf.synchronize do
empty_cond.wait_while { buf.empty? }
print buf.shift
# producer
while line = ARGF.gets
buf.synchronize do
The consumer thread waits for the producer thread to push a line
to buf while buf.empty?, and the producer thread (main thread)
reads a line from ARGF and push it to buf, then call
# = monitor.rb
# Copyright (C) 2001 Shugo Maeda <>
# This library is distributed under the terms of the Ruby license.
# You can freely distribute/modify this library.
require 'thread'
# Adds monitor functionality to an arbitrary object by mixing the module with
# +include+. For example:
# require 'monitor'
# buf = []
# buf.extend(MonitorMixin)
# empty_cond = buf.new_cond
# # consumer
# Thread.start do
# loop do
# buf.synchronize do
# empty_cond.wait_while { buf.empty? }
# print buf.shift
# end
# end
# end
# # producer
# while line = ARGF.gets
# buf.synchronize do
# buf.push(line)
# empty_cond.signal
# end
# end
# In concurrent programming, a monitor is an object or module intended
# to be used safely by more than one thread. The defining
# characteristic of a monitor is that its methods are executed with
# mutual exclusion. That is, at each point in time, at most one thread
# may be executing any of its methods. This mutual exclusion greatly
# simplifies reasoning about the implementation of monitors compared
# to reasoning about parallel code that updates a data structure. Read
# more about the general principle at
# Wikimedia[].
# == Examples
# === Simple object.extend
# require 'monitor.rb'
# buf = []
# buf.extend(MonitorMixin)
# empty_cond = buf.new_cond
# # consumer
# Thread.start do
# loop do
# buf.synchronize do
# empty_cond.wait_while { buf.empty? }
# print buf.shift
# end
# end
# end
# # producer
# while line = ARGF.gets
# buf.synchronize do
# buf.push(line)
# empty_cond.signal
# end
# end
# The consumer thread waits for the producer thread to push a line
# to buf while buf.empty?, and the producer thread (main thread)
# reads a line from ARGF and push it to buf, then call
# empty_cond.signal.
# === Simple Class include
# require 'monitor'
# class SynchronizedArray < Array
# include MonitorMixin
# def initialize(*args)
# super(*args)
# end
# alias :old_shift :shift
# alias :old_unshift :unshift
# def shift(n=1)
# self.synchronize do
# self.old_shift(n)
# end
# end
# def unshift(item)
# self.synchronize do
# self.old_unshift(item)
# end
# end
# # other methods ...
# end
# +SynchronizedArray+ implements an +Array+ with synchronized access
# to items. This +Class+ is implemented as subclass of +Array+ mixin
# the +MonitorMixin+ module.
module MonitorMixin
# Use <tt>Object#extend(MonitorMixin)</tt> or
# <tt>Object#include</tt> instead of this constructor. Have look at
# the examples above to understand how to use this module.
def initialize(*args)
# Initialize the <tt>MonitorMixin</tt> within an <tt>Object</tt>.
def mon_initialize
@mon_owner = nil
@mon_count = 0
# Create a +Monitor+ class if you want to have a lock object for
# blocks with mutual exclusion.
# require 'monitor'
# lock =
# lock.synchronize do
# # exclusive access
# end
class Monitor
include MonitorMixin
alias try_enter try_mon_enter