


Feature #4896 ยป curses.c.pad.patch

Adds Curses::Pad - drbrain (Eric Hodel), 06/18/2011 06:41 AM

View differences:

ext/curses/curses.c (working copy)
static VALUE mCurses;
static VALUE mKey;
static VALUE cWindow;
static VALUE cPad;
#ifdef USE_MOUSE
static VALUE cMouseEvent;
#define window_timeout rb_f_notimplement
/*--------------------------- class Pad ----------------------------*/
/* returns a Curses::Pad object */
static VALUE
pad_s_allocate(VALUE class)
struct windata *padp;
return Data_Make_Struct(class, struct windata, 0, free_window, padp);
* Document-method:
* call-seq:
* new(height, width)
* Contruct a new Curses::Pad with constraints of +height+ lines, +width+
* columns
static VALUE
pad_initialize(VALUE obj, VALUE h, VALUE w)
struct windata *padp;
WINDOW *window;
Data_Get_Struct(obj, struct windata, padp);
if (padp->window) delwin(padp->window);
window = newpad(NUM2INT(h), NUM2INT(w));
padp->window = window;
return obj;
* Document-method: Curses::Pad.subwin
* call-seq:
* subpad(height, width, begin_x, begin_y)
* Contruct a new subpad with constraints of +height+ lines, +width+ columns,
* begin at +begin_x+ line, and +begin_y+ columns on the pad.
static VALUE
pad_subpad(VALUE obj, VALUE height, VALUE width, VALUE begin_x, VALUE begin_y)
struct windata *padp;
WINDOW *subpad;
VALUE pad;
int h, w, x, y;
h = NUM2INT(height);
w = NUM2INT(width);
x = NUM2INT(begin_x);
y = NUM2INT(begin_y);
GetWINDOW(obj, padp);
subpad = subwin(padp->window, h, w, x, y);
pad = prep_window(rb_obj_class(obj), subpad);
return pad;
* Document-method: Curses::Pad.refresh
* call-seq:
* pad.refresh(pad_minrow, pad_mincol, screen_minrow, screen_mincol, screen_maxrow, screen_maxcol)
* Refreshes the pad. +pad_minrow+ and pad_mincol+ define the upper-left
* corner of the rectangle to be displayed. +screen_minrow+, +screen_mincol+,
* +screen_maxrow+, +screen_maxcol+ define the edges of the rectangle to be
* displayed on the screen.
static VALUE
pad_refresh(VALUE obj, VALUE pminrow, VALUE pmincol, VALUE sminrow,
VALUE smincol, VALUE smaxrow, VALUE smaxcol)
struct windata *padp;
int pmr, pmc, smr, smc, sxr, sxc;
pmr = NUM2INT(pminrow);
pmc = NUM2INT(pmincol);
smr = NUM2INT(sminrow);
smc = NUM2INT(smincol);
sxr = NUM2INT(smaxrow);
sxc = NUM2INT(smaxcol);
GetWINDOW(obj, padp);
prefresh(padp->window, pmr, pmc, smr, smc, sxr, sxc);
return Qnil;
* Document-method: Curses::Pad.noutrefresh
* call-seq:
* pad.noutrefresh(pad_minrow, pad_mincol, screen_minrow, screen_mincol, screen_maxrow, screen_maxcol)
* Refreshes the pad. +pad_minrow+ and pad_mincol+ define the upper-left
* corner of the rectangle to be displayed. +screen_minrow+, +screen_mincol+,
* +screen_maxrow+, +screen_maxcol+ define the edges of the rectangle to be
* displayed on the screen.
static VALUE
pad_noutrefresh(VALUE obj, VALUE pminrow, VALUE pmincol, VALUE sminrow,
VALUE smincol, VALUE smaxrow, VALUE smaxcol)
struct windata *padp;
int pmr, pmc, smr, smc, sxr, sxc;
pmr = NUM2INT(pminrow);
pmc = NUM2INT(pmincol);
smr = NUM2INT(sminrow);
smc = NUM2INT(smincol);
sxr = NUM2INT(smaxrow);
sxc = NUM2INT(smaxcol);
GetWINDOW(obj, padp);
pnoutrefresh(padp->window, pmr, pmc, smr, smc, sxr, sxc);
prefresh(padp->window, pmr, pmc, smr, smc, sxr, sxc);
return Qnil;
#endif /* HAVE_NEWPAD */
/*------------------------- Initialization -------------------------*/
rb_define_method(cWindow, "nodelay=", window_nodelay, 1);
rb_define_method(cWindow, "timeout=", window_timeout, 1);
* Document-class: Curses::Pad
* == Description
* A Pad is like a Window but allows for scrolling of contents that cannot
* fit on the screen. Pads do not refresh automatically, use Pad#refresh
* or Pad#noutrefresh instead.
cPad = rb_define_class_under(mCurses, "Pad", cWindow);
rb_define_alloc_func(cPad, pad_s_allocate);
rb_define_method(cPad, "initialize", pad_initialize, 2);
rb_define_method(cPad, "subpad", pad_subpad, 4);
rb_define_method(cPad, "refresh", pad_refresh, 6);
rb_define_method(cPad, "noutrefresh", pad_noutrefresh, 6);
rb_undef_method(cPad, "subwin");
#define rb_curses_define_const(c) rb_define_const(mCurses,#c,UINT2NUM(c))
#ifdef USE_COLOR
ext/curses/extconf.rb (working copy)
if make
for f in %w(beep bkgd bkgdset curs_set deleteln doupdate flash getbkgd getnstr init isendwin keyname keypad resizeterm scrl set setscrreg ungetch wattroff wattron wattrset wbkgd wbkgdset wdeleteln wgetnstr wresize wscrl wsetscrreg def_prog_mode reset_prog_mode timeout wtimeout nodelay init_color wcolor_set use_default_colors)
for f in %w(beep bkgd bkgdset curs_set deleteln doupdate flash getbkgd getnstr init isendwin keyname keypad resizeterm scrl set setscrreg ungetch wattroff wattron wattrset wbkgd wbkgdset wdeleteln wgetnstr wresize wscrl wsetscrreg def_prog_mode reset_prog_mode timeout wtimeout nodelay init_color wcolor_set use_default_colors newpad)
have_func(f) || (have_macro(f, curses) && $defs.push(format("-DHAVE_%s", f.upcase)))