


Bug #9551 ยป ruby-changes.patch

unified diff patch - jessesielaff (Jesse Sielaff), 02/22/2014 03:39 AM

View differences:

vm_eval.c (working copy)
* call-seq:
* catch([arg]) {|tag| block } -> obj
* catch([tag]) {|tag| block } -> obj
* +catch+ executes its block. If a +throw+ is
* executed, Ruby searches up its stack for a +catch+ block
* with a tag corresponding to the +throw+'s
* _tag_. If found, that block is terminated, and
* +catch+ returns the value given to +throw+. If
* +throw+ is not called, the block terminates normally, and
* the value of +catch+ is the value of the last expression
* evaluated. +catch+ expressions may be nested, and the
* +throw+ call need not be in lexical scope.
* +catch+ executes its block. If +throw+ is not called,
* the block executes normally, and +catch+ returns the
* value of the last expression evaluated.
* def routine(n)
* puts n
* throw :done if n <= 0
* routine(n-1)
* end
* catch(1) { 123 } # => 123
* If +throw(tag2, val)+ is called, Ruby searches up its
* stack for a +catch+ block whose _tag_ has the same
* +object_id+ as _tag2_. If found, the block stops
* executing and returns _val_ (or +nil+ if no second
* argument was given to +throw+).
* catch(:done) { routine(3) }
* catch(1) { throw(1, 456) } # => 456
* catch(1) { throw(1) } # => nil
* <em>produces:</em>
* When _tag_ is passed as the first argument, +catch+
* yields it as the parameter of the block.
* 3
* 2
* 1
* 0
* catch(1) {|x| x + 2 } # => 3
* when _arg_ is given, +catch+ yields it as is, or when no
* _arg_ is given, +catch+ assigns a new unique object to
* +throw+. this is useful for nested +catch+. _arg_ can
* be an arbitrary object, not only Symbol.
* When no _tag_ is given, +catch+ yields a new unique
* object (as from as the block parameter.
* This object can then be used as the argument to
* +throw+, and will match the correct +catch+ block.
* catch do |obj_A|
* catch do |obj_B|
* throw(obj_B, 123)
* puts "This puts is not reached"
* end
* puts "This puts is displayed"
* 456
* end
* # => 456
* catch do |obj_A|
* catch do |obj_B|
* throw(obj_A, 123)
* puts "This puts is still not reached"
* end
* puts "Now this puts is also not reached"
* 456
* end
* # => 123
static VALUE