



Bug #3008


Can't compile ruby without ruby

Added by docwhat (Christian Höltje) almost 15 years ago. Updated almost 14 years ago.

Target version:
ruby -v:


What happened:
I tried to compile ruby 1.9.1-p376 on a new unix system(s). (Linux and Solaris).
I get the error:
executable host ruby is required. use --with-baseruby option.
make: *** [miniprelude.c] Error 1

What I expected:
I expect that ruby should compile.

There are no docs for how to get around this. How can I get ruby on a system if I can't compile ruby?

Actions #1

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Rejected


2010/3/25 Christian Holtje :

I tried to compile ruby 1.9.1-p376 on a new unix system(s). (Linux and Solaris).
I get the error:
executable host ruby is required. use --with-baseruby option.
make: *** [miniprelude.c] Error 1

Yes, compiling trunk requires ruby to preprocess and generate code.

How can I get ruby on a system if I can't compile ruby?

Please build and install tarball package first. It does not require
ruby to be built.

Yusuke ENDOH

Actions #2

Updated by docwhat (Christian Höltje) almost 15 years ago

I'm not using "trunk".

I'm using

I just re-downloaded it to compare and it is exactly the same source code.

I'll try p378 and see if that fixes it.

Actions #3

Updated by docwhat (Christian Höltje) almost 15 years ago

Okay. It seems the problem was that my sources didn't have their proper timestamps. I worked around this by adding this step prior to running configure && make && make install

This "fixes" the timestamps for the files that would require ruby to be pre-installed. It also prevents autotools from trying to run again.

touch \
.revision.time \
ChangeLog \
configure \
enc/trans/big5.c \
enc/trans/chinese.c \
enc/trans/escape.c \
enc/trans/gb18030.c \
enc/trans/gbk.c \
enc/trans/iso2022.c \
enc/trans/japanese.c \
enc/trans/japanese_euc.c \
enc/trans/japanese_sjis.c \
enc/trans/korean.c \
enc/trans/newline.c \
enc/trans/single_byte.c \
enc/trans/utf_16_32.c \
encdb.h \
ext/ripper/eventids1.c \
ext/ripper/eventids2table.c \
ext/ripper/ripper.c \
ext/ripper/ripper.y \
ext/ripper/y.output \
golf_prelude.c \ \ \ \
lex.c \
miniprelude.c \
newline.c \ \ \ \ \
parse.c \
parse.h \
revision.h \
string.c \
transdb.h \
version.h \ \

Actions #4

Updated by coatl (caleb clausen) almost 15 years ago

Some of the ruby 1.9 build scripts are written in ruby. So, you must have an existing ruby already in order to build ruby 1.9. I had thought that the usual workaround was to build a ruby 1.8 release first (which doesn't have this restriction) and then use that to bootstrap 1.9. (I think perhaps Yusuke misspoke when he pointed you at a 1.9 tarball.....?)

This is a known limitation of ruby 1.9. It's not a terribly happy situation, but its not likely to be fixed soon either.

Actions #5

Updated by nielsenj (Jonathan Nielsen) almost 15 years ago

I have built ruby 1.9.1 (p376 and p378) on several computers without an existing ruby interpreter. It has always successfully built a 'miniruby' to interpret scripts in the build process when I have used it. I have done this successfully in Cygwin, Ubuntu Linux and Debian Linux.

Actions #6

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) almost 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Rejected to Open
  • Priority changed from 7 to 3



Actions #7

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) almost 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

This issue was solved with changeset r27037.
Christian, thank you for reporting this issue.
Your contribution to Ruby is greatly appreciated.
May Ruby be with you.



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