


Bug #10819

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 9 years ago

I used to install ruby under the "c:/program files" and use to apply windows short pathname such as "c:/progra~1" and it worked fine. 
 However, rubygems on ruby 2.2.0 failed to look up gemspec. After some investigation, I found that ruby 2.2.0 failed to glob with short pathname. 

 for ex) `ruby ruby -e 'p Dir.glob("c:/progra~1/*")' #=> []` 


 Also I found that the inter glob string with shortname+wildcard also failed both Ruby 2.1.0 and 2.2.0. 

 for ex) `ruby ruby -e 'p Dir.glob("C:/progra~*/*")' #=> []` [] 

 The testcase is below. 

 assert_equal Dir.glob('C:/Program Files*/m*').size, Dir.glob('c:/Progra~*/m*').size 
