# 2.1.0 12/25/2013 * Bug #8703: hash_type is not duplicated if hash is empty * Bug #8114: Issue in test coverage for CRL * Feature #3753: value of def-expr * Bug #5266: BigDecimal#sqrt で、大きな数の平方根の、要求する精度が低いある範囲のとき、結果がおかしい * Feature #8771: Start does not use proxy configuration form ENV variables * Bug #6386: URI.parse should raise an error for invalid uri 'http:/' * Bug #7772: Consider bumping stack size in ruby_qsort * Bug #6751: remove tempfiles early. * Bug #9230: Segmentation fault in Ruby trunk * Feature #8075: Add socket interface class to list interfaces * Bug #7282: Invalid UTF-8 from emoji allowed through silently * Feature #7414: Now that const_get supports "Foo::Bar" syntax, so should const_defined?. * Bug #7584: Ruby hangs when shutting down an ssl connection in gc finalization * Bug #7744: Fix signed integer overflows Github #242 * Bug #7824: [PATCH] Fix FileUtils.rmdir :parents option * Bug #8615: Add examples for SimpleDelegator * Bug #8255: File#each_line omits last byte (==\0) if encoding is utf-16 * Bug #7879: File.readable? fails when ruby runs as root * Bug #7884: Tkで,コマンドにforkを入れると,イベント実行時にクラッシュする * Feature #7906: Giving meaning to ->foo * Bug #7915: Rubygems stub shebang is wrongly expanded * Bug #7921: Cross-compiling ruby_2_0_0 to Windows is failing (rb_w32_pow) * Bug #7940: Mistaken use of inline rescues in stdlib * Bug #7958: include FileUtils::Verbose gives NoMethodError when installing files with a different mode * Bug #7960: Ruby fails to build static under mswin linker error: multiple definitions of _Init_ext * Bug #7957: rb_str_modify() does not prevent shared string from rb_str_set_len() * Bug #7971: bson_ext doesn't install correctly in Ruby 2.0.0-p0 * Bug #8044: Object#methods incompatible with prepend * Bug #8045: Object#singleton_methods incompatible with prepend * Feature #8015: [patch] tuneable HEAP_GROWTH_FACTOR * Feature #8035: singleton class should be included in ancestors * Feature #8050: struct stat to VALUE should be accessable from the C-API * Bug #8041: Marshal incompatibility with prepend * Feature #8155: Improve support for streaming responses in WEBrick * Bug #8074: Call init_mkmf for main * Feature #8089: Add one-shot multicast DNS support to Resolv * Feature #8073: Add multicast support to Rinda::Ring* * Bug #8100: Segfault in trunk * Feature #8121: updated Curses::Window example * Bug #8122: [patch] gc: GC.stat improvements and related cleanup * Bug #8133: Regexp macro %r{} is loosing backslash on "\}" * Bug #8137: r39819 以降 Process.kill(0, $$) が終了しない * Bug #8159: Build failure introduced by Rinda changes * Bug #8161: String#+ should inherit untrustedness * Bug #8166: Since r39628 rspec-mock's and_call_original fail with SystemStackError * Feature #8181: New flag for strftime that supports adding ordinal suffixes to numbers * Bug #8204: ObjectSpace.each_object(Bignum) can generate Bignums that are to small to be Bignums * Bug #8207: Array#delete_if docs can be confusing to beginners * Bug #8213: No documentation for `ri YAML` * Bug #8697: Fixnum complement operator issue * Bug #8225: Missing RI file for Kernel.open * Bug #8242: Fix rdoc of Range#bsearch * Bug #8251: Windowsにおいて、drbのテストでteardown時のkillに失敗することがある * Bug #8252: cgiのHTML tag makerに未定義の属性を渡した場合の挙動 * Bug #8261: module_function for methods of same name * Bug #8318: Fix debug listing when called from the same file the debug module has been required from * Misc #8288: Ruby 2.1.0 release engeneering * Bug #8298: Module include inconsistency * Feature #8339: Introducing Geneartional Garbage Collection for CRuby/MRI * Bug #8337: Test failure and memory leak with OpenSSL::BN * Feature #8338: compilation failure in nkf with Bionic (Android's libc) * Bug #8342: IO.readlines ignores Encoding.default_internal if Encoding.default_external is ASCII-8BIT * Bug #8347: Couldn't find file to include 'lib/rake/doc/README.rdoc' from ../lib/rake/version.rb * Bug #8496: String#b does not check the code range properly * Feature #8354: lib/cgi/util.rb を関数としても使えるようにしたい * Feature #8368: Socket.getifaddrs * Bug #8369: r40574 build fail * Bug #8392: stdlib's 'forwardable' documentation has a bad example * Feature #8671: support SEEK_DATA and SEEK_HOLE * Bug #8408: minitest's test may fail randomly * Feature #8414: String#scrub! * Bug #8435: Can't build tcl/tk extensions after updating Debian/Ubuntu package * Feature #8430: Rational number literal * Feature #8468: Remove $SAFE * Feature #8481: Module#using * Bug #8492: ObjectSpace.after_gc_start_hook aborts with GC.stress * Feature #8509: Use 128 bit integer type in Bignum * Bug #8510: assertion failed in ary_resize_capa * Bug #8518: assertion failed in rb_ary_sort_bang * Bug #8521: bootstrap tests failure caused by $SAFE=4 * Bug #8522: r41264 causes "implicit conversion loses integer precision" on clang * Bug #8525: Error? in pathname :: Pathname.new(`pwd`.chomp).basename.realpath * Bug #8532: tool/runruby.rb:70: warning: Insecure world writable dir /usr/local in PATH, mode 040777 * Bug #8537: RDoc cannot parse ext/objspace * Bug #8535: web secure * Bug #8538: c method not pushed into the callstack when called, but popped when returned * Feature #8553: Bignum#size (and Fixnum#size) * Bug #8557: rubygems/security.rb is loaded twice if openssl is unavailable * Bug #8559: Difficulty Installing on OS X 10.9 "Mavericks" * Bug #8574: CI Build failure introduced by r41686 * Bug #8605: TestSocket_TCPSocket#test_initialize_failure fails on Windows * Bug #8610: MinGW: OpenSSL test failures * Bug #8622: Tracepoint API: B_RETURN_EVENT not triggered when "return" used inside lambda * Bug #8670: "100do" should be a syntax error * Feature #8632: Remove warnings for Refinements * Feature #8684: GC.disable with block * Bug #8641: Enumerator size argument is either mis-documented or should accept any callable * Misc #8646: Can't compile ruby on AIX using gcc if a function name has $. * Feature #8648: unuse special global variable in erb/cgi methods * Bug #8669: outbuf can be "temporarily" locked forever in IO#read * Bug #8654: SEGV in Array#count * Feature #8693: lambda invoked by yield acts as a proc with respect to return * Feature #8675: Add Readline.point=(pos) * Bug #8698: レシーバに不正なバイト列が含まれている場合にString#each_lineや#linesの挙動が引数の有無で変わってしまう * Feature #8726: Class#source_location * Bug #8724: MinGW: ConverterNotFoundError test failure * Bug #8702: POSTLINK fails in test/mkmf/test_framework.rb although RUBY_CODESIGN is given * Bug #8719: r42096 make bm_app_factorial.rb slow * Bug #8785: backport r42282 for 2.0 and 1.9.3 * Bug #8730: "rescue Exception" rescues Timeout::ExitException * Bug #8768: [PATCH] tempfile: undefine finalizer on unlink * Bug #8746: TestWEBrickCGI#test_cgi fails with mswin64 on English version of Windows * Feature #8761: Binding#local_variable_get, set, defined? * Bug #8764: Test failure introduced by r42468 * Bug #8767: IO.copy_stream should write in binary mode. * Feature #8773: Binding#local_variables should work like #local_variable_set and #local_variable_get * Bug #8775: Dir.getwd's encoding is wrong * Bug #8776: script_name's encoding is wrong * Feature #8796: Use GMP to accelerate Bignum operations * Bug #8818: BigDecimal#power * Feature #8838: Enhancing Numeric#step * Bug #8845: Timeout::ExitException が意図せずに rescue される事がある * Feature #8849: Thread#throw * Bug #8869: Error on TestProcess#test_clock_getres * Feature #8906: Freeze Symbols * Feature #8871: Server side TCP fast open * Bug #8888: Fix grammar for documentation of #bm of Benchmark module * Feature #8882: rb_obj_is_mutex() into include/ruby/intern.h * Bug #8880: Refinements bug in ruby 2.1.0dev (2013-09-08) [x86_64-linux] * Bug #8933: ruby-2.0.0-p247/gems/rubyzip-0.9.9/lib/zip/inflater.rb:42: [BUG] Segmentation fault * Bug #8930: some benchmark programs are slow since r42822 * Feature #8897: client side TCP fast open * Feature #8909: Expand "f" frozen suffix to literal arrays and hashes * Bug #8936: Improve explanation about passing more number of params to instance of Struct * Bug #8983: [PATCH] GC.stat[:heap_free_num] returns number of unused slots on heap * Misc #8962: [DOC] add step to enable Generational GC merits in README.EXT* * Bug #8964: [BUG](%p is T_NONE) occurs while marking VM stack * Bug #8965: SEGV when a refined method is undefined by undef * Bug #8974: TestTracepointObj#test_tracks_objspace_events * Feature #8985: xwillfree - promise to free memory * Feature #9292: Add unit test for chown method in test_fileutils.rb with root account * Bug #9031: test_gem{,_stub}_specification.rb fails * Bug #8995: バイナリデータを文字列として encode! すると readbyte の結果が変化する * Bug #9002: Use simpler example for File#expand_path * Bug #9021: [Doc] typos in rdoc of Digest module * Bug #9026: [PATCH] Add ObjectSpace.heap_dump to objspace.so * Bug #9027: [Doc] improve rdoc of Digest module * Bug #9029: doc of ARGF.gets * Bug #9055: Global methods called from an object can access object's internals * Bug #9056: Segmentation fault after upgrading to OSX Maverick and runnning berks upload * Bug #9035: [proposal] new RUBY_GC_HEAP_GROWTH_MAX_OBJ tuning parameter * Bug #9040: Readline duplicate file descriptors but doesn't close them * Feature #9042: Remove "f" suffix in favor of VM optimization of "literal".freeze * Feature #9286: Add unit test for test_chown in test_fileutils.rb with non-root account * Bug #9051: open-uri meta_add_field method removed * Feature #9120: [PATCH] Tests for a_call + a_return * Bug #9061: REXML::Parsers::UltraLightParser で doctype を含む XML のパースがうまくいかない * Bug #9062: lib/rexml/parsers/streamparser.rb に require "rexml/parsers/baseparser" を追加してほしい * Bug #9119: TestTime#test_marshal_broken_offset broken under MinGW * Bug #9105: callcc による不整合(例:Hash) * Bug #9106: 'gem install' doesn't copy .so files of ext libs * Bug #9163: Rinda::RingServer can't announce locally * Bug #9157: rb_readlink() calls rb_str_modify_expand() too early * Bug #9159: [patch] use rb_fstring for internal strings * Bug #9199: win32.h is not installed by '(n)make install) * Bug #9225: [patch] add WB to NODE_CREF * Bug #9176: test_gc_reason failed. * Misc #9188: r43870 make benchmark/bm_so_k_nucleotide.rb slow * Bug #9201: [patch] remove GC overhead for loaded_features_index * Bug #9202: Array#uniq freezes duplicate strings * Bug #9203: fstring_table size and performance * Bug #9227: use opt_aset ? * Bug #9229: [patch] expose rb_fstring() as String#dedup * Bug #9212: Segmentation fault in test/objspace/test_objspace.rb#test_dump_all * Bug #9228: rdoc can't generate documentation for ext/thread/thread.c on trunk * Bug #9252: "RuntimeError: can't add a new key into hash during iteration" error on test-all of objspace * Bug #9250: Bundler with trunk is not works. * Bug #9256: Build failure on Mac OS X after r44257 * Feature #9263: When creating symlink (or link) and the destination exists already, the error message is ambiguous * Bug #9264: with-opt-dir not working * Bug #8439: test_aes_gcm_wrong_tag(OpenSSL::TestCipher) fails randomly * Bug #9268: dead link to raa * Bug #5199: ext/tk: RB_GC_GUARD seems to be needed in several places * Bug #8978: Fiddle possibly misuses mprotect * Bug #9221: Time.parse performance becomes exponentially worse as string length grows * Bug #9187: st_table leaks when exception is raised in Hash#rehash * Bug #7842: An alias of a "prepend"ed method skips the original method when calling super * Bug #8349: [mingw] adding -mfpmath=sse -msse2 causes segv on Windows 7 * Bug #9005: object.send(:define_method, ...){...} creates private method * Bug #9155: DelegateClass - ArgumentError: not delegated * Bug #5515: Integer#quo(aFloat) の結果が Rational になる * Feature #9239: Array#to_h ignores flat arrays * Bug #9223: Hash#reject!.size does not reflect changes to the hash * Bug #8971: 'make check' broken * Bug #8575: Crash in openssl verify_certificate_identity * Bug #7696: Lazy enumerators with state can't be rewound * Bug #7698: RubyGems 2.0 has an incompatibility about installation of extension libraries * Bug #8634: Segfault with sprintf of force_encoding('UTF-16LE') on Windows * Bug #8652: gem で rb_secure(4) を使用するとビルドエラーとなる * Feature #8696: Process.setproctitle * Bug #8739: Range#last と#last(n)で挙動の統一がされていない * Bug #9226: Getting method `inspect' called on unexpected T_NODE object (0x000000025ddea8 flags=0x109089c klass=0x0) (NotImplementedError) from Hash#inspect * Bug #8886: TracePoint API inconsistence when raise used * Bug #9046: [PATCH] Inter-process locking for log rotation is required * Bug #9186: json/pure.rb missing on trunk * Feature #7510: irb --help が古い * Bug #6502: include Syslog * Bug #8205: Regexp.union behavior and Regexp.try_convert * Feature #8391: Introduce Object.singleton_method(:sym) * Bug #8769: [PATCH] process.c (rb_fork_internal): remove cloexec setting * Feature #8846: Publicize Module#include * Bug #8988: [DOC] fix incorrect documentation for SizedQueue * Feature #8998: string keys for hash literals should use fstrings * Feature #9068: [PATCH (trivial)] thread.c: reduce rb_mutex_t size by 8 bytes on x86_64 * Bug #9222: xmalloc usage during GC_START event can cause confusing assertion failure * Bug #7917: Can't write to a Logger in a signal handler * Bug #8584: Remove curses * Feature #8992: Use String#freeze and compiler tricks to replace "str"f suffix * Feature #7508: Clean up some more calls to rb_intern() * Bug #8866: frozen string literal("foo"f ) can ignore source encoding after r42843. * Bug #8762: CFLAGS and LDFLAGS are not set properly in Makefile when they are already set as environment variables * Feature #8579: Frozen string syntax