Index: prelude.rb
--- prelude.rb (revision 31612)
+++ prelude.rb (working copy)
@@ -29,3 +29,90 @@
+class IO
+# call-seq:
+# IO.write(name, string, [offset] ) => fixnum
+# IO.write(name, string, [offset], open_args ) => fixnum
+# Opens the file, optionally seeks to the given offset, writes
+# string, then returns the length written.
+# write
ensures the file is closed before returning.
+# If offset is not given, the file is truncated. Otherwise,
+# it is not truncated.
+# If the last argument (open_args) is a hash, it specifies options for the internal
+# call to open(). The keys would be the following. open_args: is exclusive
+# to others, meaning that if you specify an element, it will use that instead
+# of the default.
+# encoding: string or encoding
+# specifies encoding of the read string. encoding will be ignored
+# if length is specified.
+# mode: string
+# specifies mode argument for open(). it should start with "w" or "a" or "r+"
+# otherwise it would cause error.
+# perm: fixnum
+# specifies perm argument for open().
+# open_args: array of strings
+# specifies arguments for open() as an array.
+# IO.write("testfile", "0123456789") #=> "0123456789"
+# IO.write("testfile", "0123456789", 20) #=> "This is line one\nThi0123456789two\nThis is line three\nAnd so on...\n"
+# More examples:
+# File.write(path, "foo", encoding: "UTF-8")
+# File.write(path, "foo", 10, encoding: "UTF-8") # insert "foo" at offset 10
+ def self.write name, string, offset = nil, open_args_hash = nil
+ # 3rd param is either offset or open_args
+ if !open_args_hash && offset.is_a?(Hash)
+ open_args_hash = offset
+ offset = nil
+ end
+ open_args_hash ||= {}
+ if offset && File.exist?(name)
+ open_args_hash[:mode] ||= "r+" # File::RDWR|File::CREAT
+ else
+ open_args_hash[:mode] ||= "w" # File::WRONLY|File::TRUNC|File::CREAT
+ end
+ open(name, open_args_hash) do |f|
+ if offset
+ offset
+ end
+ f.write string
+ end
+ end
+# call-seq:
+# IO.binwrite(name, string, [offset] ) => fixnum
+# Opens the file, optionally seeks to the given offset, write
+# string then returns the length written.
+# binwrite
ensures the file is closed before returning.
+# The open mode will be "wb:ASCII-8BIT".
+# If offset is not given, the file is truncated. Otherwise,
+# it is not truncated.
+# IO.binwrite("testfile", "0123456789") #=> "0123456789"
+# IO.binwrite("testfile", "0123456789", 20) #=> "This is line one\nThi0123456789two\nThis is line three\nAnd so on...\n"
+ def self.binwrite name, string, offset = nil
+ open_args = offset ? (File::RDWR|File::CREAT|File::BINARY) : 'wb'
+ open(name, open_args) do |f|
+ if offset
+ offset
+ end
+ f.write string
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
Index: test/ruby/test_io.rb
--- test/ruby/test_io.rb (revision 31612)
+++ test/ruby/test_io.rb (working copy)
@@ -1900,4 +1900,64 @@
rescue NotImplementedError
+ def test_s_write
+ t ="foo")
+ path = t.path
+ t.close(false)
+ File.write(path, "foo\nbar\nbaz")
+ assert_equal("foo\nbar\nbaz",
+ File.write(path, "FOO", 0)
+ assert_equal("FOO\nbar\nbaz",
+ File.write(path, "BAR")
+ assert_equal("BAR",
+ File.write(path, "\u{3042}", mode: "w", encoding: "EUC-JP")
+ assert_equal("\u{3042}".encode("EUC-JP"),, encoding: "EUC-JP"))
+ File.delete t
+ assert_equal(6, File.write(path,'string',2))
+ File.delete t
+ assert_raise(Errno::EINVAL) { File.write('/tmp/nonexisting','string',-2) }
+ assert_equal(6, File.write(path, 'string'))
+ assert_equal(3, File.write(path, 'sub', 1))
+ assert_equal("ssubng",
+ File.delete t
+ assert_equal(3, File.write(path, "foo", encoding: "UTF-8"))
+ File.delete t
+ assert_equal(3, File.write(path, "foo", 0, encoding: "UTF-8"))
+ assert_equal("foo",
+ assert_equal(1, File.write(path, "f", 1, encoding: "UTF-8"))
+ assert_equal("ffo",
+ File.delete t
+ assert_equal(1, File.write(path, "f", 1, encoding: "UTF-8"))
+ assert_equal("\00f",
+ assert_equal(1, File.write(path, "f", 0, encoding: "UTF-8"))
+ assert_equal("ff",
+ t.unlink
+ end
+ def test_s_binwrite
+ t ="foo")
+ path = t.path
+ t.close(false)
+ File.binwrite(path, "foo\nbar\nbaz")
+ assert_equal("foo\nbar\nbaz",
+ File.binwrite(path, "FOO", 0)
+ assert_equal("FOO\nbar\nbaz",
+ File.binwrite(path, "BAR")
+ assert_equal("BAR",
+ File.binwrite(path, "\u{3042}")
+ assert_equal("\u{3042}".force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT"), File.binread(path))
+ File.delete t
+ assert_equal(6, File.binwrite(path,'string',2))
+ File.delete t
+ assert_equal(6, File.binwrite(path, 'string'))
+ assert_equal(3, File.binwrite(path, 'sub', 1))
+ assert_equal("ssubng", File.binread(path))
+ assert_equal(6, File.size(path))
+ assert_raise(Errno::EINVAL) { File.binwrite('/tmp/nonexisting','string',-2) }
+ assert_raise(TypeError) { File.binwrite(path, "string", mode: "w", encoding: "EUC-JP") }
+ t.unlink
+ end