desc "Open this repo's master branch in a web browser." command :home do |user| if helper.project homepage = helper.homepage_for(user || helper.owner, 'master') homepage.gsub!(%r{/tree/master$}, '') homepage end end desc "Automatically set configuration info, or pass args to specify." usage "github config [my_username] [my_repo_name]" command :config do |user, repo| user ||= ENV['USER'] repo ||= File.basename(FileUtils.pwd) git "config --global github.user #{user}" git "config github.repo #{repo}" puts "Configured with github.user #{user}, github.repo #{repo}" end desc "Open this repo in a web browser." usage "github browse [user] [branch]" command :browse do |user, branch| if helper.project # if one arg given, treat it as a branch name # unless it maches user/branch, then split it # if two args given, treat as user branch # if no args given, use defaults user, branch = user.split("/", 2) if branch.nil? unless user.nil? branch = user and user = nil if branch.nil? user ||= helper.branch_user branch ||= helper.branch_name helper.homepage_for(user, branch) end end desc 'Open the given user/project in a web browser' usage 'github open [user/project]' command :open do |arg| "{arg}" end desc "Info about this project." command :info do puts "== Info for #{helper.project}" puts "You are #{helper.owner}" puts "Currently tracking:" helper.tracking.sort { |(a,),(b,)| a == helper.origin ? -1 : b == helper.origin ? 1 : a.to_s <=> b.to_s }.each do |(name,user_or_url)| puts " - #{user_or_url} (as #{name})" end end desc "Track another user's repository." usage "github track remote [user]" usage "github track remote [user/repo]" usage "github track [user]" usage "github track [user/repo]" flags :private => "Use instead of git://" flags :ssh => 'Equivalent to --private' command :track do |remote, user| # track remote user # track remote user/repo # track user # track user/repo user, remote = remote, nil if user.nil? die "Specify a user to track" if user.nil? user, repo = user.split("/", 2) die "Already tracking #{user}" if helper.tracking?(user) repo = @helper.project if repo.nil? repo.chomp!(".git") remote ||= user if options[:private] || options[:ssh] git "remote add #{remote} #{helper.private_url_for_user_and_repo(user, repo)}" else git "remote add #{remote} #{helper.public_url_for_user_and_repo(user, repo)}" end end desc "Fetch all refs from a user" command :fetch_all do |user| GitHub.invoke(:track, user) unless helper.tracking?(user) git "fetch #{user}" end desc "Fetch from a remote to a local branch." command :fetch do |user, branch| die "Specify a user to pull from" if user.nil? user, branch = user.split("/", 2) if branch.nil? branch ||= 'master' GitHub.invoke(:track, user) unless helper.tracking?(user) die "Unknown branch (#{branch}) specified" unless helper.remote_branch?(user, branch) die "Unable to switch branches, your current branch has uncommitted changes" if helper.branch_dirty? puts "Fetching #{user}/#{branch}" git "fetch #{user} #{branch}:refs/remotes/#{user}/#{branch}" git "update-ref refs/heads/#{user}/#{branch} refs/remotes/#{user}/#{branch}" git_exec "checkout #{user}/#{branch}" end desc "Pull from a remote." usage "github pull [user] [branch]" flags :merge => "Automatically merge remote's changes into your master." command :pull do |user, branch| die "Specify a user to pull from" if user.nil? user, branch = user.split("/", 2) if branch.nil? if !helper.network_members(user, {}).include?(user) git_exec "#{helper.argv.join(' ')}".strip return end branch ||= 'master' GitHub.invoke(:track, user) unless helper.tracking?(user) die "Unable to switch branches, your current branch has uncommitted changes" if helper.branch_dirty? if options[:merge] git_exec "pull #{user} #{branch}" else puts "Switching to #{user}-#{branch}" git "fetch #{user}" git_exec "checkout -b #{user}/#{branch} #{user}/#{branch}" end end desc "Clone a repo. Uses ssh if current user is " usage "github clone [user] [repo] [dir]" flags :ssh => "Clone using the style url." flags :search => "Search for [user|repo] and clone selected repository" command :clone do |user, repo, dir| die "Specify a user to pull from" if user.nil? if options[:search] query = [user, repo, dir].compact.join(" ") data = JSON.parse(open("{URI.escape query}").read) if (repos = data['repositories']) && !repos.nil? && repos.length > 0 repo_list = do |r| { "name" => "#{r['username']}/#{r['name']}", "description" => r['description'] } end formatted_list = helper.format_list(repo_list).split("\n") if user_repo = GitHub::UI.display_select_list(formatted_list) user, repo = user_repo.strip.split('/', 2) end end die "Perhaps try another search" unless user && repo end if user.include?('/') && !user.include?('@') && !user.include?(':') die "Expected user/repo dir, given extra argument" if dir (user, repo), dir = [user.split('/', 2), repo] end if repo if options[:ssh] || current_user?(user) git_exec "clone{user}/#{repo}.git" + (dir ? " #{dir}" : "") else git_exec "clone git://{user}/#{repo}.git" + (dir ? " #{dir}" : "") end else git_exec "#{helper.argv.join(' ')}".strip end end desc "Generate the text for a pull request." usage "github pull-request [user] [branch]" command :'pull-request' do |user, branch| if helper.project die "Specify a user for the pull request" if user.nil? user, branch = user.split('/', 2) if branch.nil? branch ||= 'master' GitHub.invoke(:track, user) unless helper.tracking?(user) git_exec "request-pull #{user}/#{branch} #{helper.origin}" end end desc "Create a new, empty GitHub repository" usage "github create [repo]" flags :markdown => 'Create README.markdown' flags :mdown => 'Create README.mdown' flags :textile => 'Create README.textile' flags :rdoc => 'Create README.rdoc' flags :rst => 'Create README.rst' flags :private => 'Create private repository' command :create do |repo| sh "curl -F 'repository[name]=#{repo}' -F 'repository[public]=#{!options[:private]}' -F 'login=#{github_user}' -F 'token=#{github_token}'" mkdir repo cd repo git "init" extension = options.keys.first touch extension ? "README.#{extension}" : "README" git "add *" git "commit -m 'First commit!'" git "remote add origin{github_user}/#{repo}.git" git_exec "push origin master" end desc "Forks a GitHub repository" usage "github fork" usage "github fork [user]/[repo]" command :fork do |user, repo| if repo.nil? if user user, repo = user.split('/') else unless helper.remotes.empty? is_repo = true user = helper.owner repo = helper.project else die "Specify a user/project to fork, or run from within a repo" end end end sh "curl -F 'login=#{github_user}' -F 'token=#{github_token}'{user}/#{repo}/fork" url = "{github_user}/#{repo}.git" if is_repo git "config remote.origin.url #{url}" puts "#{user}/#{repo} forked" else puts "Giving GitHub a moment to create the fork..." sleep 3 git_exec "clone #{url}" end end desc "Create a new GitHub repository from the current local repository" flags :private => 'Create private repository' command :'create-from-local' do cwd = sh "pwd" repo = File.basename(cwd) is_repo = !git("status").match(/fatal/) raise "Not a git repository. Use gh create instead" unless is_repo sh "curl -F 'repository[name]=#{repo}' -F 'repository[public]=#{!options[:private].inspect}' -F 'login=#{github_user}' -F 'token=#{github_token}'" git "remote add origin{github_user}/#{repo}.git" git_exec "push origin master" end desc "Search GitHub for the given repository name." usage "github search [query]" command :search do |query| die "Usage: github search [query]" if query.nil? data = JSON.parse(open("{URI.escape query}").read) if (repos = data['repositories']) && !repos.nil? && repos.length > 0 puts { |r| "#{r['username']}/#{r['name']}"}.sort.uniq else puts "No results found" end end