



Backport #1063


in `write': Not enough space - <STDOUT> (Errno::ENOMEM) on Windows XP

Added by konung (Nick Gorbikoff) over 15 years ago. Updated about 13 years ago.



Hi, All.

I'm getting an error message when running my test codes on Windows XP under latest ruby-1.9.1-preview - that I downloaded of the website in binary form ( I didn't compile it).

 test.rb:34:in `write': Not enough space -  (Errno::ENOMEM)
         from test.rb:34:in `puts'
         from test.rb:34:in `puts'
         from test.rb:34:in `'

Now the error message I'm getting is strange - all I could find about it is actually - that somebody had it on *nix machines, but not on windows. Also the same code runs fine under my ruby-1.8.6 - patch 111. As I understand that code means that it's a running out of swap space. Well there is a pagefile on windows, which I guess I guess is windows swap equivalent, but I'm running on a fairly fast machine ( dual core pent 4, with 4 gbs of RAM and system managed pagefile.) So I don't think I'm actually running of memory. :-)

Below is my code that I run ( mind it's just a stupid benchmark code - there is no utility to it, but I was surprised that 1.9.1 couldn't handle what 1.8.6 did) :

 a =
 k = []
 class Array
   def inject(n)
      each { |value| n = yield(n, value) }
   def sum
     inject(0) { |n, value| n + value }
   def product
     inject(1) { |n, value| n * value }
 def fibUpTo(max)
   i1, i2 = 1, 1        # parallel assignment
   while i1 



test.rb (753 Bytes) test.rb konung (Nick Gorbikoff), 01/28/2009 02:47 AM

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Backport186 - Backport #766: 'Not enough space' error on windowsRejectedusa (Usaku NAKAMURA)Actions
Actions #1

Updated by konung (Nick Gorbikoff) over 15 years ago

Also the same code - attached in an rb file.

I understand that I might be tryign to calculate a number out of bounds, but it seems to me that if I can do it in 1.8.6 - I should be able in 1.9.1 .


Let me know if I can provide any additional information.

Actions #2

Updated by rogerdpack (Roger Pack) over 15 years ago

Hmm. It does seem that running

STDOUT.write "a"*100000000

works on windows in 1.8.6 but not 1.9

Linux seems fine, however.

Actions #3

Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) over 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Applied in changeset r21903.

Actions #4

Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) over 15 years ago


In message "[ruby-core:21616] [Bug #1063] in `write': Not enough space - (Errno::ENOMEM) on Windows XP"
on Jan.28,2009 03:06:21, wrote:

Hmm. It does seem that running

STDOUT.write "a"*100000000

works on windows in 1.8.6 but not 1.9

It's Windows' bug. The border is about 60KB.
I found this bug about 7 years ago, and I considered that
it is not critical.

If you want to reproduce on 1.8.6,
STDOUT.binmode.write "a"*100000000

And if you want to reproduce it without ruby,
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define LEN 100000000

int main()
char *str = malloc(LEN + 1);
memset(str, 'a', LEN);
str[LEN] = '\0';
WriteFile(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), str, LEN, &sz, NULL);
printf("%d, %d\n", sz, GetLastError());
return 0;




Actions #5

Updated by rogerdpack (Roger Pack) about 15 years ago

Would it be possible to get this backported to 1.9.1?
Currently with 1.9.1p129 it seems to not be

C:\dev\blade_copy>gem list -r


ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::ENOMEM)
Not enough space -


Actions #6

Updated by d-snp (Tinco Andringa) over 14 years ago

It's still broken/broken again :(

ruby --version: ruby 1.9.1p129 (2009-05-12 revision 23412) [i386-mswin32]

Code: puts 'a' * 100000

echo.rb:1:in write': Not enough space - <STDOUT> (Errno::ENOMEM) from echo.rb:1:in puts'
from echo.rb:1:in puts' from echo.rb:1:in '

Please not that although that code is rather theoretical the error occurs in very fast making it unworkable.

Actions #7

Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) over 14 years ago


In message "[ruby-core:26833] [Bug #1063] in `write': Not enough space - (Errno::ENOMEM) on Windows XP"
on Nov.20,2009 07:42:39, wrote:

It's still broken/broken again :(

ruby --version: ruby 1.9.1p129 (2009-05-12 revision 23412) [i386-mswin32]

You should request backporting r21903 to ruby_1_9_1.




Actions #8

Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) over 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to Assigned
  • Assignee set to yugui (Yuki Sonoda)



Actions #9

Updated by yugui (Yuki Sonoda) over 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Closed

This issue was solved with changeset r26004.
Nick, thank you for reporting this issue.
Your contribution to Ruby is greatly appreciated.
May Ruby be with you.


Actions #10

Updated by rogerdpack (Roger Pack) over 13 years ago

For followers, a hackey kludgey work-around is the following:

class String
def to_2d_array(value)

class << $stdout; alias old_write write; def write a; a.to_s.to_2d_array(1024).each{|little| old_write little}; end; end



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