



Backport #1223


Memory leak reintroduced in 1.8.6 branch?

Added by spatulasnout (B Kelly) over 15 years ago. Updated about 13 years ago.


In early 2008, there were some 1.8.6 versions prior to p279 which exhibited severe memory leaks. See:

[ruby-core:17613] Re: [Ruby 1.8 - Bug #216] Memory leaks in 1.8.6p230 and p238

I say "prior to p279" because p279 happens to be the version I have been using since then which has had an extremely stable memory profile.

This morning when upgrading a server I also tried upgrading ruby 1.8.6 from p279 to the current p355.

The server has about 200 long running ruby processes, which on p279 can run for months with a stable memory profile.

After switching to p355 I could watch the memory drain away in real-time. I started with over 1GB free, and finally killed them when it got down to about 65M free. These are values from the "+/- buffers/cache" line from the free command in linux, printed at 5 second intervals, right before I killed the processes:

    used       free
 3959084     104360
 3963336     100108
 3969248      94196
 3974132      89312
 3977016      86428
 3981824      81620
 3983472      79972
 3988388      75056
 3991796      71648
 3994120      69324
 3996916      66528
 3997432      66012

After I swapped the old p279 binaries back in (, libruby-static.a), the memory usage is once again stable.

Here are the svn revision numbers for the p279 vs. p355 builds I was using:

svn revision 19759 - ruby 1.8.6 (2008-07-17 patchlevel 279) [x86_64-linux]

svn revision 22671 - ruby 1.8.6 (2009-02-25 patchlevel 355) [x86_64-linux]



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