Bug #410
base64 decode flaw
The following string is valid base64 data which does not decode properly with Base64.decode64(instr):
instr = "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"
This is sample data found here: http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/2006-03-01/index.html?HTTPPOSTExamples.html
The decoded data should be a valid JSON blob that looks like this:
'{ "expiration": "2007-12-01T12:00:00.000Z",
"conditions": [
{"bucket": "johnsmith"},
["starts-with", "$key", "user/eric/"],
{"acl": "public-read"},
{"success_action_redirect": "http://johnsmith.s3.amazonaws.com/successful_upload.html"},
["starts-with", "$Content-Type", "image/"],
{"x-amz-meta-uuid": "14365123651274"},
["starts-with", "$x-amz-meta-tag", ""]
Updated by shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) over 16 years ago
Can't confirm... which version do you use?
Updated by candlerb (Brian Candler) over 16 years ago
And how does the corrupted output look?
I can replicate a similar problem here by pasting the string into irb, but it turned out to be nothing more than a lost character during pasting. This is under Ubuntu Hardy and Gnome terminal:
instr = "..."
This shows instr to be 527 characters, when in fact it should be 528 (not including any newline). The unpacked result looks like this:
["starts-with", "$x-amz-meta-ta??B B?B
However I can paste that string directly into the Unix shell just fine: i.e.
ruby -e 'puts "...".unpack("m").first'
and get the correct answer. So it seems to be just a problem with Unix pasting or readline, not with Ruby's base64 decoding.
You can fix this by pasting into a file, and using File.open(...) in irb to slurp in the data.
Updated by ntucker (Neal Tucker) over 16 years ago
[Note: this was my bug; I registered so I could follow up]
Sure enough, this is not a ruby bug. I never would have guessed pasting text into gnome terminal would result in random character dropping, but there you go. I compared the pasted string to a copy read from a file and there is a single character missing from the middle.
This can be closed.
Updated by ntucker (Neal Tucker) over 16 years ago
Further pondering...is it possible this is an irb bug having to do with input handling? I ask because it reproduces nearly 100% of the time in irb, but never in, say vi running in the same terminal.
Updated by shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) about 16 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Rejected