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Revision 1d5066ef

Added by jeremyevans (Jeremy Evans) over 4 years ago

Make m(**{}) mean call without keywords

Previously, **{} was removed by the parser:

$ ruby --dump=parse -e '{**{}}'
 @ NODE_SCOPE (line: 1, location: (1,0)-(1,6))
 +- nd_tbl: (empty)
 +- nd_args:
 |   (null node)
 +- nd_body:
     @ NODE_HASH (line: 1, location: (1,0)-(1,6))*
     +- nd_brace: 1 (hash literal)
     +- nd_head:
         (null node)

Since it was removed by the parser, the compiler did not know
about it, and m(**{}) was therefore treated as m().

This modifies the parser to not remove the **{}. A simple
approach for this is fairly simple by just removing a few
lines from the parser, but that would cause two hash
allocations every time it was used. The approach taken here
modifies both the parser and the compiler, and results in **{}
not allocating any hashes in the usual case.

The basic idea is we use a literal node in the parser containing
a frozen empty hash literal. In the compiler, we recognize when
that is used, and if it is the only keyword present, we just
push it onto the VM stack (no creation of a new hash or merging
of keywords). If it is the first keyword present, we push a
new empty hash onto the VM stack, so that later keywords can
merge into it. If it is not the first keyword present, we can
ignore it, since the there is no reason to merge an empty hash
into the existing hash.

Example instructions for m(**{})

Before (note ARGS_SIMPLE):

== disasm: #<ISeq:<main>@-e:1 (1,0)-(1,7)> (catch: FALSE)
0000 putself                                                          (   1)[Li]
0001 opt_send_without_block       <callinfo!mid:m, argc:0, FCALL|ARGS_SIMPLE>, <callcache>
0004 leave

After (note putobject and KW_SPLAT):

== disasm: #<ISeq:<main>@-e:1 (1,0)-(1,7)> (catch: FALSE)
0000 putself                                                          (   1)[Li]
0001 putobject                    {}
0003 opt_send_without_block       <callinfo!mid:m, argc:1, FCALL|KW_SPLAT>, <callcache>
0006 leave

Example instructions for m(**h, **{})

Before and After (no change):

== disasm: #<ISeq:<main>@-e:1 (1,0)-(1,12)> (catch: FALSE)
0000 putself                                                          (   1)[Li]
0001 putspecialobject             1
0003 newhash                      0
0005 putself
0006 opt_send_without_block       <callinfo!mid:h, argc:0, FCALL|VCALL|ARGS_SIMPLE>, <callcache>
0009 opt_send_without_block       <callinfo!mid:core#hash_merge_kwd, argc:2, ARGS_SIMPLE>, <callcache>
0012 opt_send_without_block       <callinfo!mid:m, argc:1, FCALL|KW_SPLAT>, <callcache>
0015 leave

Example instructions for m(**{}, **h)


== disasm: #<ISeq:<main>@-e:1 (1,0)-(1,12)> (catch: FALSE)
0000 putself                                                          (   1)[Li]
0001 putspecialobject             1
0003 newhash                      0
0005 putself
0006 opt_send_without_block       <callinfo!mid:h, argc:0, FCALL|VCALL|ARGS_SIMPLE>, <callcache>
0009 opt_send_without_block       <callinfo!mid:core#hash_merge_kwd, argc:2, ARGS_SIMPLE>, <callcache>
0012 opt_send_without_block       <callinfo!mid:m, argc:1, FCALL|KW_SPLAT>, <callcache>
0015 leave

After (basically the same except for the addition of swap):

== disasm: #<ISeq:<main>@-e:1 (1,0)-(1,12)> (catch: FALSE)
0000 putself                                                          (   1)[Li]
0001 newhash                      0
0003 putspecialobject             1
0005 swap
0006 putself
0007 opt_send_without_block       <callinfo!mid:h, argc:0, FCALL|VCALL|ARGS_SIMPLE>, <callcache>
0010 opt_send_without_block       <callinfo!mid:core#hash_merge_kwd, argc:2, ARGS_SIMPLE>, <callcache>
0013 opt_send_without_block       <callinfo!mid:m, argc:1, FCALL|KW_SPLAT>, <callcache>
0016 leave