# 2.0.0 02/24/2013 First release of new series of Ruby, 2.0 * Feature #1374: location of already initialized constant * Bug #6805: heroku connection failure * Feature #259: String crypt method's salt argument should be optional * Bug #5883: thread bootstrap tests fail with clang 3.0 on Snow Leopard * Bug #527: test_execopts_pgroup(TestProcess) fails on NetBSD * Bug #7600: Constant typo in IRB::SLex * Feature #512: String#% behavior * Bug #5790: net/http の EOFError と Keep-Alive * Bug #631: ripper does not follow change of parse.y * Feature #641: GC patch to cache the most recent heap for is_pointer_to_heap * Feature #643: __DIR__ * Feature #679: Integer#to_s(:step=>3, :sep=>",") が欲しい * Feature #1045: nicer icon for ruby.exe * Bug #650: Marshal.load raises RegexpError * Bug #664: ruby 1.9 (trunk rev 19846) segfaults * Bug #669: nil を引数にして Iconv.new を呼ぶとSEGV * Bug #680: csv.rb: CSV.parse is too late when encoding is mismatch * Bug #682: Rogue values bound to block parameters * Bug #689: reading after EOF with textmode * Feature #707: Documentation for Enumerator chaining * Bug #721: select in windows accepts too many fd's * Bug #724: webrick httpresponse wrong content-length * Bug #6909: Documentation for XMLRPC * Feature #747: /\A/u ignores BOM * Feature #749: String#indent, String#tabto, etc. * Bug #754: String#subの第二引数が正しくマルチバイト文字列を処理していない * Bug #756: lambda{} != lambda {} * Feature #839: Add code on each line of a backtrace output to the screen * Bug #804: Ruby 1.9.1 preview 2 : make test failure * Bug #821: uninitialized constant Test::Unit::AutoRunner * Bug #830: Encoding::UndefinedConversionError * Bug #849: --enable-shared で btest が動かない * Feature #850: Symbian patch for 1.9.x * Feature #1269: warning when Kernel#p is used * Bug #918: super doesn't work correctly when used with define_method * Bug #919: tool/file2lastrev.rbでエラー * Bug #953: 深い入れ子の配列の取り扱いで落ちる * Bug #7656: Handful of documentations * Bug #970: Re: [ruby-cvs:28403] Ruby:r21185 (trunk): * thread.c (rb_thread_blocking_region): add a comment. * Feature #973: EncDet again * Bug #982: stack level too deep for long Array initialization * Bug #1024: Array#zip does not convert arguments to arrays * Feature #1047: request: getters, setters for the GC * Bug #1029: \C-z as an EOF * Bug #1066: Frequent failure: test_io.rb test 2 on OS X 10.5.6 * Bug #1527: 1.9 compilation fails on windows if you have the pthread library installed * Feature #1102: Prepend Module * Feature #1122: request for: Object#try * Feature #1125: [*x] (array consisting only of a splat) does not necessarily return a new array * Bug #1152: profiler.rb is not concurrent-execution threadsafe * Feature #1193: Justified Error Messages * Feature #1200: Possibility for using named and normal groups together in regular expressions * Feature #1201: Add relative group reference in back reference with nest level in regular expressions (e.g. \k<-5+1>) * Feature #1218: New method needed to set and get the current recursion limit * Feature #1256: Add constant TAILRECURSION to let a program recognize if tail recursion optimization is implemented * Feature #1275: IPAddr unnecessarily destroys information on creation * Feature #1291: O_CLOEXEC flag missing for Kernel::open * Bug #1336: Change in string representation of Floats * Bug #1564: a typo in base64.rb * Bug #1363: Wrong value for Hash of NaN * Feature #1400: Please add a method to enumerate fields in OpenStruct * Feature #1408: 0.1.to_r not equal to (1/10) * Bug #1424: [PATH] Documentation typo in Net::HTTP * Feature #1498: rubygems tests fail on zlib dependency if you compile ruby without zlib headers * Bug #1501: Enumerator.new { }.take(1).inject(&:+) causes stack overflow * Bug #6743: Add documentation for debug library * Bug #1551: String#slice! Raises RuntimeError on Frozen String Despite Making No Changes * Bug #1552: String#strip! raises RuntimeError on Frozen String Despite Making No Changes * Feature #1597: ObjectSpace.count_nodes * Bug #1568: Revision 23639 build error OSX 10.5.7 * Bug #1603: TestOpen3 failure (windows) * Bug #1627: Kernel.require Should Canonicalise Paths * Bug #1645: 大きな数の比較で正しくない結果になることがある * Bug #1963: redo'ing deadlock causes [BUG] * Feature #1981: [PATCH] CSV Parsing Speedup * Bug #1721: NaN.divmod(NaN) が例外にならない * Bug #1733: require does not look at current directory anymore ? * Bug #1780: Clarification of Array#sample documentation * Bug #7173: with-opt-dir flag documentation * Bug #1787: URI ライブラリの正規表現パターン * Bug #1792: Fixnum#& 等が、Rational などを受けつける * Bug #1807: r+ オープンしたファイルが MinGW の拡張ライブラリで扱えない * Bug #1813: Threading seg fault (1.9.1-p129 Linux/Mac) * Feature #1823: Readline Command Completion * Feature #1880: Hash#flatten Doesn't Operate Recursively for Hash Values * Bug #1903: incorrect line returned (0) in rb_vm_get_sourceline() * Feature #1906: Kernel#backtrace: Objectifying Kernel#caller * Bug #6708: Remove useless parameter * Bug #1899: Re: [ruby-cvs:31633] Ruby:r24415 (trunk): * ext/digest/sha2/sha2.[ch]: Update to 1.0 RELEASE which fixes an * Bug #1911: Memory leak in Dir.glob on Windows * Feature #1905: How about IPAddr#<=> to take care of mask_addr? * Bug #1918: inspect Struct.new results incompatible character encodings on non-ascii structure * Bug #1924: マルチバイト文字を含んだパス内で ruby をビルドすると make install で失敗する * Bug #1934: Segmentation fault * Bug #1953: empty range in String#tr causes unexpected behavior * Feature #1947: rb_w32_getenv has naive implementation * Feature #1961: Kernel#__dir__ * Bug #1997: memory leak on redefining method * Bug #1971: Segmentation fault in readline * Bug #2024: memory leak in eval with TOPLEVEL_BINDING * Bug #1977: test failed in test_isdigit in test/dl/test_func.rb on sparc-solaris-2.10 (64bit) * Feature #2012: Set event_flags on thread creation if hook exists * Bug #2025: problem with pthread handling on non NPTL platform * Feature #2366: private constant * Bug #2178: in gem_prelude.rb: encoding error * Feature #2190: FileUtils::chmod - allow symbolic mode * Bug #4765: signal が正しくマスクされておらず main thread でシグナルハンドラが動いている * Bug #6598: tool/runruby.rb の File.realpath * Bug #2237: Interoperability between 1.8 and 1.9 through Marshal * Bug #2469: Difference behavior of IO#read_nonblock and #read between 1.8 and 1.9 * Feature #2322: [PATCH] Add standard deviation function to Math Module * Bug #2310: should ensure GVL_UNLOCK_END in rb_thread_blocking_region * Feature #2328: malloc_limit の肥大化を防ぎたい * Feature #2340: Removing YAML/Syck * Bug #2341: CGIMultipartTest#_read のモードをバイナリモードに * Bug #2342: bootstraptest/test_thread.rb がまれに失敗する * Bug #2374: URI.regexp('http') が 'http://' にマッチする * Bug #2357: make install fails due recent Tempfile modifications * Bug #2370: Forked process generates spurious signal errors * Bug #2369: ENV's strange behavior on WinXP * Feature #2408: better error reporting in windows when you try to run a directory * Bug #2420: super call may use wrong receiver object * Bug #2427: possible bug in Method#source_location (from [ruby-core:27014]) * Feature #2454: OpenSSL has no maintainer * Feature #2515: Array#select! * Feature #2455: --dump=parsetree, --dump=parsetree_with_comment * Feature #2471: want to choose a GC algorithm * Feature #2480: request to add GC::Profiler.time method * Bug #2488: thread usage can result in bad HANDLE * Bug #3123: uninitialized constant Object::C (NameError) * Bug #2583: クラス定義中の defined? yield が "yield" を返す * Bug #2546: REXMLでString::eachを使用しているため1.9でNo Method Error * Bug #2584: クラス定義中の defined? yield が "yield" を返す * Bug #2550: failed to build with Solaris's make * Bug #2552: HOME 変数を空にして起動すると、再度空にできなくなる * Feature #2565: adding hooks for better tracing * Bug #7860: Passing --libdir to ./configure causes Gem.ruby to point to an incorrect ruby interpreter path * Bug #2587: Forced definition of struct timezone under MinGW * Bug #2588: Forced definition of stati64 and _stati64 under MinGW * Bug #2616: unable to trap in doze * Bug #2627: incompatibility of Marshal of Time with nanosecond * Feature #2643: test/unit redefinition check of test_* method * Bug #2646: 1.9.2dev segv when compiling with clang 1.1/trunk * Bug #2657: rubyspec: The return keyword within define_method goes through the method via a closure FAILED * Bug #2679: rubyspec: SimpleDelegator when frozen creates a frozen clone ERROR * Bug #2662: BigDecimal#ceil, etc. should not return Integer * Feature #2674: RubyVM::InstructionSequence to accept IOs * Bug #2684: .def file is missing * Bug #2717: Requiring rubygems/specification causes tons of warnings for NoMethodError * Feature #2713: Rdoc: rdoc/usage missing in Ruby 1.9 * Bug #2776: can't return from lambda with outer block * Feature #2984: string split with capitalize * Feature #2746: ビルドする拡張ライブラリを configure 時に指定するための --with-exts オプション * Bug #2747: io.dup doesn't handle pos properly * Bug #2788: nil.instance_eval pushes nil onto cref * Feature #2784: The formatting options hash passed to the to_yaml methods do nothing. * Bug #7112: File.extname documentation fix * Bug #6160: '\\'.delete('\\') raise ArgumentError: empty string * Bug #2954: wrong result of nkf with --numchar-input * Feature #3638: VM内データ構造へアクセスするマクロ * Bug #3640: BigDecimal#hash returns -2 for all negative finite numbers. * Feature #2975: Kernel.warn always writes despite $VERBOSE value * Bug #3005: Ruby core dump - [BUG] rb_sys_fail() - errno == 0 * Feature #3010: slow require gems in ruby 1.9.1 * Bug #7524: rdoc hangs upon encountering fraktur characters * Feature #3037: testrb の動作が1.8.7 の testrb と違いすぎる * Bug #3052: DRb::start_service fails to detect used port * Bug #3063: document error in IO.new rdoc * Feature #3112: require "yaml" doesn't use psych as default * Feature #3073: io/console * Bug #7838: Backport r39213 to Ruby 2.0.0 which fixes intermittent test failures * Bug #3080: class_variable_set issue with duped Module * Feature #3090: xml-rpc support for i8 data type * Bug #3723: Remove unused control frame variable: rb_control_frame_t.block_iseq * Bug #3107: AIXで--with-opt-dir * Feature #3131: add Kernel#Hash() method like Kernel#Array() * Bug #3136: reuse of singleton method definition causes SEGV * Bug #3137: complex.rb changes exceptions of Math * Bug #3167: RDoc issues in interactive mode * Feature #3176: Thread#priority= should actually do something * Feature #3207: refinement of IO's bizarre behavior * Bug #3198: O_APPEND for redirect fd is ignored on windows * Bug #3214: Missing function name in "Wrong number of arguments" exception backtrace * Feature #3222: Can bignums have singleton class & methods? * Feature #3232: Loops (while/until) should return last statement value if any, like if/unless * Bug #3248: extension 'tk' is finding tclConfig.sh and tkConfig.sh incorrectly * Feature #3251: allow to unlock mutex locked by another thread * Feature #3285: BigDecimal.mode should be managed thread-safely * Bug #4010: YAML fails to roundtrip non ASCII String * Bug #3275: incompatibility of testrb * Bug #7709: constants on Float aren't documented * Bug #3306: rbconfig.rb RPATHFLAG wrong for AIX * Feature #3378: Range#each should not yield its `begin' itself * Bug #3323: Spawning process on unicode path is not supported on windows * Bug #3331: Suppress Warning: class <val}.hash is always equal to {val=>key}.hash * Bug #4301: Off-by-one line number in Psych parse error * Bug #4332: Some seemingly random segfaults * Bug #4310: String#% cause Segmentation fault on Windows * Bug #4333: test_too_long_path2 が失敗します * Bug #4354: File.realdirpath is expected to test for real file. * Feature #4335: String#split for empty string is always empty array * Bug #4345: IRB fails with --disable-gems and Ubuntu default LANG variable * Feature #4347: Tracing cannot be re-enabled after callcc [patch] * Bug #4349: typo of rdoc in marshal.c * Feature #4647: [PATCH] io/wait: add IO#wait_writable method * Bug #4384: Typo in configure.in * Bug #4387: test_socket_connect_nonblock(TestSocketAddrinfo) がまれに失敗する * Feature #4391: date/delta tests * Bug #4392: Typo in enum.c * Bug #4400: nested at_exit hooks run in strange order * Bug #4401: override :method method breaks Psych * Bug #4408: Net::SSH connections are subject to plaintext recovery due to lack of CTR mode * Bug #6776: segment fault for 1.9.3 trunk crosscompiled runing on am335x * Bug #4870: forkのテストが非常にまれに失敗する * Feature #7006: Add Enumerable#grouped_in as a each_slice without the block * Bug #4458: Time#strftime で %z 指定子での結果への空白を詰めかたが正しくない * Bug #4463: [PATCH] release GVL for fcntl() for operations that may block * Feature #7007: Make OpenStruct#new accept OpenStruct object * Feature #4481: Add client_ca method to OpenSSL::SSLSocket * Bug #7081: GServer orphaned threads lead to resource exhaustion * Bug #4498: REXML Pretty formater does use specified 'width' to wrap lines * Bug #4500: warning: implicit declaration of function 'fdatasync' for OS X * Bug #4502: strange Module.new behaviour * Bug #4525: Exponential performance when summing Enumerable * Bug #4526: [PATCH] IO#syswrite releases GVL * Bug #4535: [PATCH] fix race in blocking send_io/recv_io * Bug #4555: [PATCH] ext/socket/init.c: rsock_connect retries on interrupt * Bug #4991: Add a method to retrieve raw data from GC::Profiler * Bug #4564: mingw-w64, truncate, ftruncate and ftello -- properly evalute it's existence * Feature #4568: [PATCH] file.c (rb_group_member): kill 256K of stack usage * Feature #4614: [RFC/PATCH] thread_pthread.c: lower RUBY_STACK_MIN_LIMIT to 64K * Bug #4579: SecureRandom + OpenSSL may repeat with fork * Bug #4600: date/date_parse.c errors are breaking MinGW build * Feature #4653: [PATCH 1/1] new method Enumerable#rude_map * Bug #4652: Improvement for documentation of String#start_with? and end_with? * Feature #4783: REXML::Text.new 引数がfreezeされていたとき * Feature #4766: Range#bsearch * Bug #4804: IO.pipeとNEWLINE_DECORATOR * Bug #4798: test_process and test_signal errors and halts on Windows * Bug #4799: M17N tests are too JP specific * Feature #5016: Kernel#caller with negative limit should limit result to N initial frames * Bug #4854: Invalid locale_charmap (CP0) when running as Windows Service * Bug #4855: rb_context_t::saved_thread::machine_stack_(start|end) should be cleared * Feature #4878: CMath に frexp, ldexp, hypot の3関数は不要ではないか * Feature #4890: Enumerable#lazy * Feature #4872: REXML::XMLDecl#encodingがStringではなくEncodingを返すようにする * Feature #4896: Add newpad() support to Curses * Feature #4906: rb_w32_add_socket / rb_w32_remove_socket * Bug #4909: trapハンドラは再入されてはいけないのではないか? * Bug #4911: timer_thread_function() が thead unsafe * Bug #7714: a bit of docs for DRb * Bug #4934: winsock listen backlog may only be set once, and is set to 5 * Feature #4970: FileUtils refactored * Bug #4956: [PATCH] string.c (tr_s_bang): fix leak with heap strings * Bug #4971: Module#class_variables * Bug #4999: configure.in issues are breaking the build under MinGW * Bug #5001: unsigned warning raised by error.c * Bug #7737: problem with generated rbconfig.rb for Haiku * Bug #6006: Fix calculation of HEAP_OBJ_LIMIT and HEAP_BITMAP_LIMIT * Bug #5030: [Win7/MinGW] build fail on trunk@32549 * Feature #5033: PATCH: 1.9: gc_mark_children: Avoid gc_mark() tail recursion, use goto again. * Bug #5068: Issue with "duplicated when clause is ignored" * Bug #5093: DEBUGGER__::Context#debug_print_help に表示されないオプション * Bug #5104: test_rinda.rb の GC保護もれ * Feature #5219: Array#pack should warn (or raise) if an invalid pack string is given * Feature #5157: [PATCH] add -Wunused-variable to CFLAGS * Bug #5171: [PATCH] date_core: RB_GC_GUARD temporary strings * Bug #5172: [PATCH] bigdecimal: RB_GC_GUARD rb_inspect() output * Bug #5173: [PATCH] json/generator: prevent GC of temporary strings * Feature #5220: NilClass#to_i should accept an argument to match String#to_i * Bug #7485: ruby cannot build on mingw32 or FreeBSD 8 due to missing __sync_val_compare_and_swap * Feature #5185: Set#merge acts in place but Hash#merge does not * Feature #5221: LoadEerror#path * Bug #5213: GC.stress=true で TestSH#test_commercial が Failure になる * Bug #5195: Queue#popでsleepしているthreadをwakeupさせるとQueueの@waitingにそのthreadがpushされてしまう * Bug #5393: some style fixes in enum.c docs * Bug #5236: Including a module in a superclass after it has been included in a subclass leads to infinite recursion if the module uses `super` * Feature #5248: Faster PStore * Bug #5254: class オブジェクトの開放時に segv * Bug #5255: C の Proc の比較のバグ * Bug #5258: SizedQueueにBug #5195と同様のバグ * Bug #5259: SizedQueue#max=で正でない数を指定できてしまう * Bug #5261: Symbol#to_proc memory leak in 1.9.x * Feature #5784: Readline.special_prefixes の追加 * Bug #5267: BigDecimal#sqrt の rdoc で、引数は必須 * Bug #5269: All ThreadError in PStore transaction will be caught and replaced with PStore::Error * Bug #5297: Either File.expand_path or File.join is corrupting string encoding * Bug #5327: goruby build failed @ trunk * Bug #5355: Sync_mにBug #5195やBug #5258と同様のバグ * Feature #5337: Use outbufs in FileUtils.compare_stream * Feature #5341: Add SSL session reuse to Net::HTTP * Bug #5344: Clarified Array.new Documentation * Bug #5350: WeakRef で謎の NoMethodError * Feature #5361: Lice? * Bug #5370: [psych] test_yamldbm.rb failures/warnings on Win7/Arch * Feature #5371: add marshalling support for Mutex * Bug #5374: Weird SecurityError with ruby1.9, File.stat/Dir.glob and $SAFE=1 * Feature #5505: BasicObject#__extend__ * Bug #5390: YAML.load が、正しく解析できないエンコーディングの文字列も受け付けてしまう * Bug #5396: Improvements to documentation for Etc module * Bug #5406: inconsistent odd-length array rejection in Hash[*ary] vs Hash[ary] * Bug #5411: Some enum.c doc tweaks * Feature #5785: Readline に pre_input_hook, insert_text, redisplay を追加 * Feature #5460: Improve "CONNECT" code in net/http. (patch inclulded) * Feature #5650: Add rb_enc_raise() to allow C extensions to raise errors with messages with correct encoding * Feature #5444: Object.free * Bug #5449: nested constant opasign not working * Bug #5450: rake does not exist in rubygems.org * Feature #5610: Allow strings as input for Process.uid= * Feature #5474: keyword argument * Bug #5508: Is BigDecimal really not $SAFE? * Bug #5570: Encoding of environment variables on Windows * Bug #5530: SEEK_SET malfunctions when used with 'append' File.open mode * Feature #5528: OO API for tracing * Feature #5578: Embedded YAML for Ruby 2.0 * Bug #5536: String#start_with? and end_with? ignore arguments convertible to a String [PATCH] * Bug #5532: Compile problem for bigdecimal on cygwin * Feature #5543: rb_thread_blocking_region() API is poorly designed * Bug #5545: Net::HTTP breaks with https URI objects * Bug #5556: SIGHUP no longer ignored when sent to process group from a subprocess * Bug #5713: Fixnum#** returns Infinity for 0 ** negative Bignum * Feature #5572: ブロックなしPathname#find呼び出しでEnumeratorを返す * Feature #5584: Array#sample! * Feature #5787: OpenSSL::X509::Name#to_a Improvement (Patch Attached) * Bug #6866: DRb tests hang on OS X * Feature #5613: Signal.termsigname メソッドの追加 * Bug #5626: io/console: Cannot disable raw mode * Feature #5861: String#version_compare * Bug #5619: Segfault on OS X * Feature #6517: Array documentation examples and formatting * Bug #5633: Suppress output during Engine cipher test * Feature #6518: Object#=== documentation formatting * Bug #5637: warnings of shellescape * Feature #5658: Wrap mkmf.rb in a module to clean up documentation * Bug #5679: Too many arguments for format warnings on mingw32 build * Feature #5937: Zlib::Inflate#add_dictionary to pre-supply dictionaries for inflate streams * Bug #5674: [mingw] build failure due to win/win32.c `rb_w32_getc` * Bug #5676: miniruby linking error: undefined reference to ___stack_chk_guard * Feature #5678: StringIO#to_str * Bug #5689: class variables inside of instance methods inside of "class_eval" * Bug #5886: OpenSSL ASN.1 time values may not round-trip their type * Bug #5688: Solaris10 で spawn を繰り返すとメモリリークする * Bug #5706: Build failure on io/wait extension with VC 2010 * Bug #5711: r32774 (and r32783) broke nmake support * Bug #5715: +/-1 ** Bignum returns different results than +/-1 ** Fixnum * Bug #7500: Improve GC profiler timings on linux * Bug #5747: Proc#curry doesn't always detect too many arguments * Bug #5768: TestRequire#test_race_exceptionで競合するケースがまだある * Feature #5839: Proposal: Bitmap Marking GC * Bug #5775: BigDecimal does not follow Allocation Framework * Bug #5776: irb のトップレベルで定義したメソッドが public になる * Bug #5804: Cannot cross compile trunk using Ruby 1.9.3 as BASERUBY * Feature #5826: When the RUBY API_VERSION will be increased? * Bug #5812: test-all is stuck on Windows * Bug #5817: [mingw] ruby/test_file.rb error in test_chmod_m17n(TestFile) * Feature #5820: Merge Onigmo to Ruby 2.0 * Bug #5841: Inccorect calculation in rb_file_join * Bug #5832: 意図しないブロック渡しが行われる * Bug #5833: [mingw] trivial patch for thread.c build warning * Bug #5846: JSON.parse with :object_class causes SEGV * Bug #5858: Failure test/-ext-/old_thread_select/test_old_thread_select.rb * Feature #5893: named return,next... * Bug #5879: $ignore_error use before set * Feature #5895: rb_iter_break_value * Feature #5875: Couple of tiny changes to string * Feature #5896: object representation in rb_enc_vsprintf() * Bug #5919: File singleton methods (expand_path, realpath, dirname, basename, extname) should respect encodings * Feature #5898: raise and Exception#initialize * Bug #5915: Array#join with explicit nil should not use $, * Bug #5929: Zlib::Inflate#set_dictionary does not work with short input * Bug #7670: main.include should be private * Bug #5912: Interpreter crashes when trying to invoke implicit block via Binding#eval * Bug #5913: CGI.escape cannot escape a string with invalid byte sequence. * Feature #5922: Migrate equal? to identical? * Bug #5972: OpenSSL::ASN1::GeneralString - double INT2NUM() results in invalid ASN.1 tag * Feature #6056: Enhancements to OpenStruct * Bug #5946: Remove too early and unnecessary calls to heaps_increment * Bug #5953: docs: spelling on doc/re.rdoc * Bug #5963: MacOS < 10.6 has no memalign * Bug #5966: ->{} doesn't work in BasicObject * Feature #5977: Remove $, and avoid perlish global variables * Bug #5978: YAML.load_stream should process documents as they are read * Bug #6001: Retry idempotent HTTP requests for more errors * Bug #5989: Keyword spash is syntax error when there are no explicit keyword arguments * Bug #5991: fiddle/conversion.c ignores unsigned qualifier * Feature #5992: DL and fiddle should support intrinsic types, size_t, ptrdiff_t and intptr_t * Bug #5993: Thread.new{ Fiber.new { Thread.exit }.resume }.join で例外 * Feature #5999: Optimize for faster loading time and win32/file.c refactoring * Bug #6029: Should OpenStruct implement #eql? and #hash? * Bug #6058: Stack overflow in SEGV Handler * Bug #6048: {Unbound}Method#hash doesn't always return the right value * Bug #6066: Fix "control may reach end of non-void function" warnings for clang * Bug #6159: Enumerable::Lazy#inspect * Feature #6070: The scope of for loop variables * Bug #6081: [PATCH] io.c (do_io_advise): raise exception without segfaulting * Bug #6085: Treatment of Wrong Number of Arguments * Bug #6099: [BUG] probable buffer overflow * Feature #6088: Add Net::ReadTimeout to distinguish which operation failed * Bug #6092: tests of psych reports many errors and failures when external encoding is not unicode * Bug #6094: [OpenSSL] wrong argument of rsa_generate() * Feature #6130: inspect using to_s is pain * Bug #6112: String#byteslice、BigMath.#log のコメントの typo など * Feature #6499: Array::zip * Feature #6150: add Enumerable#grep_v * Bug #6155: Enumerable::Lazy#flat_map raises an exception when an element does not respond to #each * Bug #6146: three possible bugs by nobu * Bug #6151: ArgumentError of lambda shows wrong location * Feature #6177: array.cのrb_ary_equal()の高速化 * Bug #6172: Inconsistent behaviour of defined? * Feature #6173: re.cのrb_memsearch()におけるmemchr()の利用 * Bug #6174: Fix collision of ConditionVariable#wait timeout and #signal (+ other cosmetic changes) * Bug #6195: String#[] に逆順の Range を渡した場合の挙動 * Feature #6522: Migrate extconf.rb documentation from README.EXT to MakeMakefile * Feature #6199: Organize gc.c a bit * Bug #6271: textmode File#read on CRLF * Bug #6203: Array#values_at does not handle ranges with end index past the end of the array * Feature #6534: Delegator documentation for the bang operator * Bug #6606: default_external encoding and STDOUT and UTF-8 * Bug #6231: OpenSSL: Implicit conversion from long to int * Feature #6236: WEBrick::HTTPServer swallows Exception * Feature #6243: Make ERB Ruby's Super Power * Feature #6245: "is_integer?" method declaration in prelude * Feature #6253: Implement a way to pass keyword options to curried procs * Feature #6569: [PATCH] Add HTTP status codes defined in RFCs 2295, 2817, 2774, 4918 and 5842 * Bug #6799: Digest::*.hexdigest returns an ASCII-8BIT String * Feature #6276: to_h as explicit conversion to Hash * Feature #6572: Array#index return array of indexes * Bug #6290: Matrix#hermitian? fails to check diagonal elements * Feature #6310: add EC_POINT_mul and EC_POINTs_mul to the ruby openssl ec wrapper * Feature #6421: Add zlibwapi to extconf.rb file for zlib library * Bug #6329: Can't use Ruby 1.9.3 as baseruby when cross compiling (MinGW) * Feature #6353: caller-side ** * Feature #6372: More specific error for uncaught throw * Feature #6409: public_send is easily bypassed * Bug #6410: Documentation for SDBM * Bug #6411: Small documentation correction for cp_r GH#114 * Feature #6388: Convert README to README.rdoc with formatting * Bug #6428: lazy版take/dropに2度forceを呼んだ時の挙動 * Bug #6405: Re: [ruby-cvs:42717] ryan:r35541 (trunk): Imported minitest 2.12.1 (r7323) * Bug #6416: Deadlock when calling Thread#join from signal interrupt context * Bug #6978: RDoc does not convert @ to hyperlinks * Bug #6576: shared library references _environ macosx Lion * Bug #6433: rb_thread_blocking_region(): ubf() function is executed with GVL * Feature #6435: Break up net/http.rb into individual files * Feature #6440: 引数にIOを渡した場合のMarshal.loadにバッファを持たせたい * Bug #6455: IRB.conf[:RC_NAME_GENERATOR] と IRB.conf[:SAVE_HISTORY] を同時に設定すると irb が起動できないのを修正する * Bug #6619: Fixed Typo in eval.c GH#131 * Feature #6503: Support for the NPN extension to TLS/SSL * Bug #6462: Broken build under MinGW due undefined references * Feature #6480: [PATCH] Add HTTP status codes from RFC 6585 * Feature #6481: Add exists? to Pathname GH #126 * Feature #6482: Add URI requested to Net::HTTP request and response objects * Feature #6620: Add ' to CGI's HTML escaping * Feature #6492: Inflate all HTTP Content-Encoding: deflate, gzip, x-gzip responses by default * Feature #6494: Send Accept-Encoding for all HTTP requests * Feature #6497: Disabling TLS client-side renegotation * Bug #6535: [MinGW] Unexpected close program dialog for TestRubyOptions#test_segv_test * Bug #6509: String#gsub is too slow if receiver includes a binary * Bug #6524: missing "#=>" in example block in Regexp class documentation * Bug #6531: Increase Racc runtime versions * Bug #6533: Benchmark documenation formatting bug and consistency * Bug #6536: Fix broken links for Programming Ruby book * Bug #6541: marshal_load discards frozen objects * Bug #6544: Broken links on lib/drb references documentation * Feature #6545: inconvinient require order of DL * Feature #6546: Net::HTTP to check for HTTP_PROXY environment setting. * Bug #6548: Rake doesn't ignore arguments after -- * Feature #6555: New comparison operators * Bug #6558: Crash in garbage collection - using caller inside finalizer method * Bug #6577: GC中にstack overflowが発生するとSEGVする * Feature #6621: Accept a CGI parameter without a value * Feature #6622: Add <, >, <=, >= to Set * Feature #6587: proposal: adding new methods File.rootname and Pathname#rootname * Bug #6662: prepend した Class/Module が継承ツリー上にある Class/Module で ancestors に Class が入り込む * Bug #6595: no skipped information on test-all when -j is specified * Bug #6597: README.EXT と README.EXT.ja の内容が違う * Feature #6612: Add streaming inflate and deflate to Zlib * Bug #6623: Tracer output does not use Tracer.stdout * Bug #6610: Fix Benchmark.benchmark output with an empty caption * Bug #6604: trunkでtest-all が完走しない (-j 使用時のみ) * Feature #6615: Release GVL in zlib when calling inflate() or deflate() * Feature #6609: Toplevel as self extended module * Feature #6617: Net::HTTP: Bind to a specific local IP/port * Bug #6625: broken Marshal compatibilities on Complex and Rational * Bug #6659: prepend した Class/Module の ancestors に Class が混入する * Feature #6636: Enumerable#size * Bug #6644: Weird behavior of defined?(super) check invoked from a metaprogrammatically defined class method * Feature #6637: Add HTML5 support to CGI * Feature #6638: Array as queue * Bug #6700: [PATCH] Fix some 4xx status classes to inherit correctly from Net::HTTPClientError * Bug #6660: prepend したクラスの instance_methods(false)が空になる * Feature #6646: Objectified caller * Bug #6655: Calling instance_methods after prepend causes VM crash * Bug #6665: Import RubyGems 1.8.24 into trunk * Bug #6650: Fixing win32ole test errors * Feature #6651: Re: [ruby-cvs:43389] nobu:r36213 (trunk): popen: shell commands with envvar * Bug #6652: broken Marshal compatibilities on Date and DateTime * Bug #6654: Module#prepend does not honor included modules * Bug #6657: IRB.fail * Feature #6679: Default Ruby source file encoding to utf-8 * Bug #6680: Unclear rdoc for Array and String slicing * Feature #6875: Make test/unit default gem * Bug #6692: TestSocket::test_udp_server always fails on OS X with Back to my Mac enabled * Bug #6706: Improve documentation for Continuation * Bug #6699: rb_barrier_wait() gets blocked when running within a Thread.new { } * Feature #6712: Introduce super! for calling old definition when reopening classes * Bug #6741: (1 << 103).to_f.to_s is "10141204801825835000000000000000.0" * Bug #6719: Documentation Error for String.sub() * Feature #6720: Discrepancy between DateTime#strftime('%s') and Time#strftime('%s') before 1582-10-15 * Bug #6722: Weird behavior of defined?(super) check invoked from a metaprogrammatically defined class method * Bug #6723: Global variable scoping problem. * Feature #6735: curses: support linking against pdcurses * Bug #6746: test_bind_to_local_host(TestNetHTTPLocalBind) fails. * Feature #6757: [PATCH] Add Process.getsid * Feature #6762: Control interrupt timing * Feature #6763: Introduce Flonum technique to speedup floating computation on th 64bit environment * Bug #6764: IO#read(size, buf) causes can't set length of shared string in trunk (2.0.0dev) * Bug #6774: test failures when *_proxy already set * Bug #6765: test_filename_utf8_raw_name and test_filename_euc_jp (test_dir_m17n.rb) fail on non-JapaneseWindows * Bug #6766: Unable to run tests for different builds due fixed port for Net::HTTPS * Feature #6767: Utility method to get a duplicated string whose encoding is ASCII-8BIT * Bug #6781: open-uri で NameError が発生する * Bug #6804: test_generate_bin_bindir_with_user_install_warning(TestGemInstaller) fails on windows. * Bug #6784: Test failures related to numeric with x64 mingw * Bug #6786: Add :trace_instruction to the output of RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_option * Bug #6789: parse.y compilation error due not updated id.h * Bug #6790: mingw-w64: rb_libruby_handle and libruby changes when extensions are loaded * Bug #6794: x64 mingw: test_at(TestTime) failure * Bug #6809: Deprecation of Config * Feature #6812: Refactor gc.c * Bug #6813: TestRubyOptions#test_encoding failure on Windows * Bug #6827: Broken build after r36612 * Bug #6814: Test failures in test_win32ole_variant.rb * Feature #6819: OpenSSL::Digest.new should return an instance of the chosen subclass * Bug #6820: Time#to_s on NEWS * Bug #6821: GC::Profiler.enabled? returns 0 when enabled * Bug #6822: Race Condition with Fiber and Process * Bug #6830: test failure test_constants(OpenSSL::TestConfig) [/ruby/test/openssl/test_config.rb:27] on Mac + homebrew * Bug #6867: super in a Mutex#synchronize block * Bug #6832: Module#instance_method and Module#method_defined? act inconsistently w.r.t #respond_to_missing? * Bug #6836: Improve File.expand_path performance in Windows * Bug #6880: csv: nodoc native classes Object, String and Array * Feature #6840: YAML tag method * Bug #6881: 2 Failures in test/-ext-/test_printf.rb * Bug #7213: Namespace regression problem in RSpec from 1.9.2 to 1.9.3 * Feature #6845: Optimize stat on Windows * Bug #6850: It's not recommended to escape ' to ' * Bug #7419: GC.clear is not defined (test error) * Bug #6851: Result of File.stat("c:/...") is different from 1.9.3 * Bug #6882: parallel test crashes when unknown exception is occured in a test * Bug #6884: test_fileutils.rb might end up rm -rf the whole current directory * Bug #6885: Unexpected behaviour of DateTime.parse (this issue can be reproduced in Ruby 1.8/1.9 as well) 英語で書いてるけど日本語も分かります。 * Bug #6889: Restore backwards compatibility of Net::HTTP * Bug #6892: segfault of interpreter (possibly related to libxml-ruby) * Feature #6895: TracePoint API * Bug #6897: With --no-retry option parallel test-all result * Bug #6901: SEGV with tail call optimization * Feature #6910: Loading syck's broken yaml with psych * Bug #6911: Sync_m#sync_unlock で ThreadError が発生する場合がある * Bug #6947: Documentation for Pathname * Bug #6929: Documentation for Ripper * Bug #6930: implicit conversion warnings in vm.c * Bug #6935: TestEtc#test_getgrgid on OSX * Bug #6948: addr2line.c does not compile on FreeBSD 8 * Bug #7352: Array#bsearch test failure on Range (32bits MinGW) * Feature #6936: Forbid singleton class and instance variabls for float * Bug #6941: ID_H_TARGET no longer created after running make * Bug #6954: Build failure on trunk 36856 with VC 2010 * Bug #6964: Documentation for Shellwords * Bug #6965: Ramdom test failure for test_pstore_files_are_accessed_as_binary_files * Bug #6985: Documentation Examples for Abbrev * Bug #6987: have_framework can only be called once in extconf.rb * Bug #6990: test_s_random_bytes_without_openssl error on Windows x64 * Feature #6993: Class#allocate の仕様変更(Cレベル) * Bug #6997: Improve documentation for OptionParser * Bug #7044: BigDecimal#power randomly raises coercion errors * Bug #3929: Pluralize mistake on radius * Bug #7027: Tempfile#inspect is Confusing * Feature #7035: defined? should return cached, frozen strings * Bug #7036: Compiling extensions with Ruby in a path with spaces * Bug #7040: gem install で特定の gem がインストールできない * Feature #7047: Add new C API: rb_newobj_with * Bug #7050: encoding of String#unpack for 'H', 'h', 'B' and 'b' * Bug #7062: Rdoc for String#=~ * Feature #7067: IO#reopen should accept File::Constants * Bug #7088: Documentation of Timeout::timeout is wrong about which thread executes the block * Bug #7084: RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile("1+"*10000 + "1") causes SystemStackError or Segmentation Fault * Bug #7085: Subversion → GitHub gateway stops. * Bug #7692: Enumerator::Lazy#drop_while and take_while should require a block. * Feature #7095: Non-recursive marking * Bug #7153: IMAP: emails with (BODY ("MIXED")) returned from fetch fail to parse * Bug #7105: Socket documentation fix * Bug #7110: CGI: Add support for HTML5
tag * Bug #7506: segfault generating encdb.h * Bug #7133: [mingw] bogus TestProcess#test_execopts_gid test failure * Bug #7140: TestWEBrickCGI#test_cgi fails on Windows with chcp 437 * Bug #7141: ALT_STACK_SIZE is not enough * Bug #7142: mingw TestFloat#test_round_with_precision failure * Bug #7214: Ruby 2.0 breaks support for some debugging tools * Bug #6956: cannot build with nmake * Bug #7286: CGI#header が 1.9.3 と異なる挙動となっている * Bug #7172: [[Ruby 1.9:]] fix rbconfig for --enable-load-relative (v2) * Feature #7177: Proposal of a new C API * Bug #7197: Error: test_tls_v1_2(OpenSSL::TestSSL) * Bug #7184: --disable-gems commandline parameter does not show up with ruby -h * Bug #7305: BigDecimal documentation * Bug #7242: Bignum mathematical accuracy regression in r31695 * Bug #7200: Setting external encoding with BOM| * Bug #7201: Setting default_external affects STDIN encoding but default_internal does not * Bug #7231: StringIO inconsistently raises IOError or RuntimeError if the string is frozen * Bug #7212: "stack level too deep" in Fiber much earlier in new versions of 1.9.3 * Bug #7232: StringIO#gets(nil, nil) raises TypeError, IO/File#gets do not * Bug #7261: Symbol#to_proc to retrieve a method from current refinement * Bug #7262: module extension (#include/#prepend) in refinements * Bug #7380: benchmark/driver.rb: --executables separator * Bug #7244: ArgumentError of refine * Bug #7246: FileUtils.cp_r does not preserve attributes of directories * Bug #7298: Behavior of Enumerator.new different between 1.9.3 and 2.0.0 * Bug #7247: r37079以降Solaris10でthread_pthread.cがコンパイルエラー * Bug #7406: English.rb says that $_ is thread-local, but it is frame-local * Feature #7251: using usings in usinged Module * Bug #7259: ruby-debug-base19x does not compile on 2.0.0-head * Bug #7263: ruby 2.0.0-preview1 does not detect readline on Fedora 17 x86-64 * Bug #7264: Error running miniruby: "vm_base_ptr: unreachable" on Mac OS X 10.7.4 * Bug #7265: r37414 breaks building with BSD make and nmake. * Bug #7260: make realclean でError * Bug #7276: TestFile#test_utime failure * Bug #7269: Refinement doesn't work if using locate after method * Bug #7271: Refinement doesn't seem lexical * Bug #7272: twice-a-week manual svn -> github sync * Bug #7277: mingw: Makefile no longer links ruby.res.o with PROGRAM or WPROGRAM * Feature #7288: Documentation missing: FileUtils.chmod "+X", "directory" * Bug #7289: test-unit.gemspec should not be installed into StdLib * Feature #7297: map_to alias for each_with_object * Bug #7319: CSV docs * Bug #7301: URI::FTP.new2()の引数typecodeを省略するとNoMethodErrorが発生します。 * Bug #7302: r37497 changes rb_enumeratorize without NEWS * Bug #7307: gcc -ansi vs. alloca (undefined reference to `alloca') * Bug #7312: test_str_crypt(TestM17NComb) fails * Bug #7313: test_initialize(TestEnumerator) fails * Bug #7326: Time.c doc improvements * Bug #7327: ruby.c typo * Bug #7330: TestRequire#test_race_exception sometimes fails * Bug #7559: Wrong line number with method call syntax * Bug #7365: File::NULL is not in documentation * Bug #7342: String#<=> checks for a #to_str method on other but never uses it? * Bug #7364: CGI::Cookie.parse can't deal with cookie options * Bug #7344: gem pristine bigdecimal が失敗してしまう * Bug #7348: marshaling an object by a float does not work * Bug #7350: Segmentation fault with ruby 1.9.3p328 (2012-11-13) [x86_64-linux] * Bug #7366: cannot 'make install' when --enable-doc * Bug #7367: toooo many test failures after rake 0.9.4 is imported * Bug #7370: Some benchmarks are slow * Bug #7373: FileUtils#chmod verbose gives error when mode is string * Bug #7386: test_signal_propagation_in_tests is failed before make install * Feature #7387: Keep LOADED_FEATURES sorted by filename without extention for faster lookup on require. * Bug #7382: Struct#each_pairのyieldと他のeach_pairのそれの相違 * Bug #7392: Add handling for %i and %I quoting to irb * Feature #7393: Fix array behaviour when it is used as a queue: github#174 * Bug #7397: Fix detection of RL_PROMPT_*_IGNORE macros * Bug #7535: Documentation for Ripper * Bug #7405: Rdoc for CGI#header alias * Bug #7440: IO#lines etc. should return Array * Bug #7420: Writeable pipe and timeout tests are failing (MinGW) * Bug #7409: Fix bsearch documentation bug - should be O(log n) * Bug #7416: test-all crashes with mysterious message * Bug #7449: Rdoc for obj.object_id * Feature #7429: Provide options for core collections to customize behavior * Bug #7437: Array#delete(obj) should return obj when there is an object that is equal in the array * Bug #7450: Thread#raise may override Thread#status unexpectedly * Bug #7443: Method redefinition from Fiddle is causing a test failure (MinGW) * Bug #7481: gem cleanup が正常に完了しない * Bug #7471: character class has duplicated range warning for "" =~ /[\w\W]/ * Bug #7464: minitest 4.3.2 in r37967 breaks RDoc tests * Bug #7455: Queue#popで待っている間にtrapに入りその時にQueue#pushされると、Queue#popから戻ってこなくなる。 * Feature #7457: GC.stat to return "allocated object count" and "freed object count" * Bug #7498: Optparse does not complete argument when used with :REQUIRED * Bug #7462: x86_64-linux build failure after r37951 * Bug #7482: test_system_redirect_win(TestSystem) failure on Windows 8 * Bug #7465: Rdoc for CGI (html generation example) * Bug #7467: lib/mkmf.rb merge_lib fails on larger sets of libraries * Bug #7570: rb_fatal() in Fiber don't terminate process * Bug #7504: Rdoc for OptionParser (remove "developer documentation" from Rdoc output) * Feature #7472: Add a mechanism to remove objects from the GC cycle * Feature #7473: new events for TracePoint thread_begin/end, b_call/b_end * Bug #7474: I am getting undefined symbol: rb_enable_interrupt when running event machine * Bug #7480: tracepoint deadlock on exception without :raise * Bug #7575: Struct のメンバーをアクセサで参照できない事がある * Bug #7494: Suppress uninitialized warning from @is_proxy_class * Bug #7496: incorrect base_dir for default gemspecs * Bug #7718: test_ioctl_linux fails on PPC and PPC64 * Bug #7674: Document for using Struct.new with block * Bug #7502: ObjectSpace.each_object で inspect できないオブジェクトが渡ってくる * Bug #7507: lazy.map{}.zip{} causes SEGV * Bug #7513: TracePoint#enable/disable should not cause error * Bug #7514: DL::Function and DL::Importer#bind_function ignores abi and name when Fiddle is available * Bug #7520: irb/completion でインスタンス変数がチェックされていない * Bug #7521: test_thr_kill(TestQueue) fails * Bug #7523: test_modify_expand_memory_leak(Test_StringModifyExpand) fails * Bug #7571: RDoc documentation bug in Regexp#=== * Feature #7525: How to avoid memory leak when something gets wrong and throw exception when using win32api? * Bug #7528: CSV.== fails to check object type * Bug #7533: Oniguruma hates the letter 's' :( * Bug #7773: Calling send("attribute=", value) returns nil instead of value * Bug #7726: bsearch should handle block result in a consistent way * Bug #7566: Escape (\u{}) forms in Regexp literals * Bug #7556: test error on refinement * Bug #7554: TracePoint#defined_class doesn't return Class or Module * Bug #7675: main.protected is not defined * Bug #7562: __FILE__ encoding in Windows * Bug #7598: Move IRB::INSPECTORS and class methods to IRB::Inspector * Bug #7579: TestGemExtCmakeBuilder#test_self_build failed in ja_JP.UTF-8 locale * Bug #7599: IRB::InputMethod#readable_atfer_eof? should be #readable_after_eof? * Bug #7620: Incorrect exception for non-square matrix in Matrix::LUPDecomposition#det * Bug #7589: parallel test-all で test_settracefunc が SEGV * Bug #7590: parallel test-all で test_settracefunc が cfp consistency error * Bug #7592: Can not continue after SystemStackError * Bug #7603: app_factorial と so_ackermann が動かない * Bug #7608: Document ERB::new trim_mode parameter * Bug #7618: TestGemDoctor failures * Bug #7619: 遅延評価された無限長の Range に map を適用して force しようとすると SEGV * Bug #7642: IRB indentation is gone * Bug #7622: Can't grab exceptions at (|c_|b_)return event hooks * Bug #7623: Messages while RDoc generation * Bug #7625: Arrayを継承したオブジェクトのcompactがArrayを返す * Bug #7706: Lazy#zip should not call `lazy` * Bug #7628: IRB::Context#new: Check from JobManager inside IRB namespace * Bug #7630: Proc/block doesn't take keyword arguments * Bug #7636: Problems in the documnt of psych * Bug #7638: trunk で rails の activesupport のテストが失敗してしまう * Feature #7661: Please register nacl chkbuild to rubyci.org * Bug #7812: Backport BSDL copyright fix in r39167 to ruby 2.0.0 * Bug #7813: github mirror missing ruby_2_0_0 branch * Bug #7665: keyrest argument overwrites the last element of rest argument * Bug #7678: $_ and $~ are shared across Fibers halfway * Bug #7679: IRB history is broken * Bug #7680: IRB autocompletion doesn't autocomplete methods * Bug #7715: Lazy enumerators should want to stay lazy. * Bug #7724: 6 bugs with Range#bsearch over floats * Bug #7725: bsearch should return enumerator when called without a block * Bug #7728: Range#bsearch on other Numerics? * Bug #7729: __dir__ returns a absolute dir path * Bug #7752: Rational/Float/Fixnum/Bignum `.to_s.encoding` is US-ASCII * Bug #7765: Proc#arity bug with optional argument * Bug #7766: Marshal.dump corrupts Hash data when serializing * Bug #7809: Backport RubyGems fixes in r39166 to ruby 2.0.0 * Bug #7779: embedded rubygems 2.0.0.rc.2 mangles --user-install * Bug #7784: [mingw] r39055 creates test failures and functionality loss * Bug #7789: test_setsid fails for OpenBSD * Bug #7790: documentation about exception in Comparable#== * Bug #7794: Documentation bug in Net::HTTP.post_form example code * Bug #7818: Ruby 2.0.0-rc2 is not compatible with openssl 1.0.1d. * Bug #7815: Backport: Warning about TracePoint events to 2.0.0 * Bug #7820: Let's decide Ruby 2.0 supported platform list * Bug #7828: invalid glibcver in test_m17n_comb.rb:test_str_crypt fails 2.17 system * Bug #7850: Gem::Dependency.new( Symbol ) is deprecated? * Bug #7871: exec_prefix regression breaks mingw * Bug #7874: multiarch support enhancements * Bug #7878: E::Lazy#grep ignores ^C * Bug #7885: Build failure: test_initialize_user_install issues under Windows * Bug #7949: Gem::Ext::Builder removes dependency to directory creation task * Bug #1720: [NaN] == [NaN] が true になる * Bug #5985: miniruby skews "make benchmark" results * Bug #7743: protected なメソッドを respond_to? で評価した時の結果が 1.9 と異なる * Bug #6634: Deadlock with join and ConditionVariable * Feature #1279: Add DTrace Probes * Feature #4574: Numeric#within * Bug #7097: Thread locals don't work inside Enumerator * Bug #843: RubyGems include useless libraries * Bug #868: Add RubySpec-related targets to the list make help outputs * Bug #644: compile error on win32ole with VC++6 * Feature #120: --enable-gc-malloc-stats * Bug #6086: Number of arguments and named parameters * Bug #7659: RBConfig Change Breaks VC Build * Bug #7924: r39232 以降 net/http で正しく reponse を取得出来ないケースがある * Bug #3355: Stack overflow executing rdoc * Feature #7486: Cutting through the issues with Refinements * Bug #7681: Flip-flop test failure under MinGW * Feature #7427: Update Rubygems * Bug #7459: at_exit { Thread.new {} } broken in r37921 * Bug #6540: marshal_load discards frozen objects * Bug #696: 1.9.0-0 is more faster in factrial test * Bug #7564: r38175 introduces incompatibility * Bug #7897: rubygems 2.0 has an incompatibility about installation of extension libraries if gem package does not contain lib directory * Bug #7870: Time.now == "" causes an infinite loop * Bug #7823: sitelibへのsoのコピー (2.0.0) * Bug #7722: [rubyspec] failure in core/marshal/dump_spec.rb * Bug #7668: set_trace_func and TracePoint don't handle exception in finish frame * Bug #825: Gem::Installer#generate_windows_script の引数の順番が他と一致しない * Bug #7650: net/http always added port number in host header. * Bug #782: 余分な外部シンボル * Feature #1927: rb_w32_readdir seems to be superseded by rb_w32_readdir_with_enc * Feature #856: Reorganize doc/NEWS * Bug #2355: Please update rubygems! * Bug #1834: 1.9.2-dev fails to compile socket with IPv6 and MinGW 3.4.5 * Bug #1111: -E and -K on shbang * Bug #3398: 1.9.2 SEGV during test-all * Feature #1952: cannot stop with Ctrl+C * Bug #2371: [BUG] thread_free: locking _mutex must be NULL * Bug #2732: rubyspec: ObjectSpace.define_finalizer doesn't call self-referencing finalizers FAILED * Bug #3024: mkmf: Directory names with spaces cause invalid Makefiles to be generated * Bug #3314: ruby_dbl2cstrで不具合 * Bug #4135: bug in calculations in 1.9.3dev / 1.9.2 * Bug #4266: Timeouts in threads cause "ThreadError: deadlock; recursive locking" * Feature #7256: Update Rake * Feature #7257: Update Rubygems * Bug #5353: TLS v1.0 and less - Attack on CBC mode * Bug #5852: Failure test/test_mathn.rb * Bug #6077: Segmentation faults on trunk after r34788 * Feature #7258: Update Rdoc * Bug #6122: OpenSSL::PKCS7 verify * Bug #6392: rdoc -E option does not work * Bug #6393: rdoc does not parse multibyte files * Feature #7375: embedding libyaml in psych for Ruby 2.0 * Bug #6616: MinGW: cannot build extensions or run tests due changes in exec_arg? * Bug #6633: MinGW: broken build caused by changes in process.c (execve) * Bug #6837: MinGW: r36626 broke the build (x86 & x64) * Feature #6980: OpenSSL support for AEAD additional authenticated data and tags * Feature #7003: Please decide. MVM to be with 2.0? * Bug #7248: Shouldn't Enumerator::Lazy.new be private? * Bug #7158: require is slow in its bookkeeping; can make Rails startup 2.2x faster * Bug #7304: Random test failures around test_autoclose_true_closed_by_finalizer * Bug #7374: File.expand_path resolving to first file/dir instead of absolute path * Bug #7383: Use stricter cache check in load.c * Feature #7426: Update Rdoc * Bug #7646: String#each_lineでinvalid byte sequence * Bug #7536: local variables added to TOPLEVEL_BINDING in -r are broken * Bug #7690: Enumerable::Lazy#flat_map should not call each * Bug #7605: Zlib: deprecation of IO-likes caused build failures * Bug #7606: gcc -pie configure check is broken for OpenBSD/amd64 * Bug #7660: VC Builds Broken * Bug #7691: 3 bugs with Lazy enumerators with state * Bug #7710: [mingw] r38839 breaks build * Bug #7774: IFUNC上のbinding呼び出しでSEGV * Bug #7817: (Unable to compile Ruby 2.0.0-rc2 on OSX (clang version 2.1) * Bug #3899: 32 ビットマシンにおいて、symbol table overflow (RuntimeError) が 2Mi 個のシンボルで起きる * Bug #3389: [Docs]: Kernel.test Specifies Incorrect Return Type for ?W * Feature #227: rb_scan_args() for keyword arguments * Bug #270: lazy timer thraed creation * Bug #3391: Use single exclamation mark instead of double exclamation mark for IRB * Bug #373: MingwでIO#dupがブロックする * Feature #3793: No test for OpenSSL::PKCS12 * Bug #372: Rinda has a race condition * Bug #452: config.guess returns "i386" on Mac OSX 10.5.4. * Feature #490: relayouting struct RNode * Feature #1031: -U オプションの説明が --help にない * Bug #717: Unneccesary statement in lib/irb.rb * Feature #767: Module#const_getでネストした定数の値を得られてもよいと思う * Feature #2065: An ancestors iterator * Bug #1016: Raises LocalJump exception in MiniTest::Unit.autorun. * Feature #1095: Readline.completion_proc = nil を許可する。 * Feature #1103: Ruby used for webrick cgi should be configurable * Bug #1118: irb core dumps with 'CTRL-C' with zsh * Feature #1316: Phasor.rb: Complex number class using polar coordinates * Feature #1211: nested loop construct * Feature #1212: doc for Array#fill misses indication about negative value for the start argument * Bug #1280: Fix Compiler Warnings - digest/iconv/json/socket/syck/zlib extensions * Bug #1296: [trunk/22981] 64-bit issues on trunk in ext/zlib * Feature #1431: Object#__class__ * Feature #1493: [patch] lex_state as bit field / IS_lex_state() macro * Bug #1573: $0 behaves unexpectedly * Feature #1628: GC.stat * Bug #1658: Encoding.name_list Returns Dummy Encodings Contrary to Documentation * Feature #1784: More encoding (Big5 series) support? * Feature #1844: Immediates Should Not Respond to :dup * Feature #2010: autoset http response encoding * Feature #2018: [irb] BasicObject.new doesn't have an inspect * Feature #2372: read_all() with buffering * Bug #3539: Invalid Hex Escape Triggers Three Warnings in Regexp * Bug #2425: Kernel#public_method の例外メッセージ * Bug #2541: fork のない環境での spawn による未使用 fd へのリダイレクト * Bug #2641: Seg fault running miniruby during ruby build on Haiku * Feature #2645: Have a method in StringScanner which returns the position in characters rather than in bytes * Bug #2775: add explicit constraints for WONTFIX IO bug * Feature #2824: Backtrace from Singleton Classes is Unclear * Bug #3015: NetBSD vs test/dl * Feature #3018: UNINITIALIZED_VAR() マクロの導入 * Bug #3022: What are $. and ARGF.lineno ? * Feature #3085: Time dumping/loading using Psych * Bug #3237: irb exits unexpectedly with Encoding::CompatibilityError * Feature #3380: Minitest Runner Command * Bug #3354: エンコードを指定してread中にCtrl-Cで落ちる * Bug #3305: test_processのMANDATORY_ENVS * Bug #3514: Unused Variable Warnings in StdLib [PATCHES] * Bug #3368: Re: [ruby-cvs:35269] Ruby:r28058 (trunk): * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Requester#request): rescue ECONNREFUSED. * Bug #3392: Kernel.open Ignores :binmode Key in Opts Hash w.r.t Encoding * Bug #3393: NEWS Mentions Enumerable#join * Bug #3407: Kernel.open Ignores 'BOM|' Prefix of :encoding Value * Feature #3619: \x{XXXX} as an escape sequence of string * Feature #3905: rb_clear_cache_by_class() called often during GC for non-blocking I/O * Bug #3744: Fails to compile on OpenSolaris * Bug #3886: cannot list the pathname of my own modules in backtrace on mswin64 * Bug #3890: ビジースレッドがあるとコンテキストスイッチが起きづらくなる * Bug #3891: Unexpected result of ENV[""] on Windows * Feature #4043: グローバル関数current_classの提案 * Feature #4165: win32ビルドでbaserubyを設定しなかったときのエラーが非常に不親切 * Bug #4242: ruby-mode for emacs syntax highlighting breaks on regular expressions * Feature #4280: SJIS should be an alias of Windows-31J, not of Shift_JIS * Bug #5305: YAML::DBM#update、#replace のコメントの間違いを修正する * Bug #4438: rescue args type check omitted * Bug #4439: TestBeginEndBlock#test_should_propagate_signaled が必ず1度失敗する * Bug #4444: Windowsプラットフォームでtest_parallel.rbがエラー * Bug #4511: Ripper#end_seen? の戻り値に関するコメント * Feature #4531: [PATCH 0/7] use poll() instead of select() in certain cases * Feature #4538: [PATCH (cleanup)] avoid unnecessary select() calls before doing I/O * Bug #4559: Proc#== does not match the documented behaviour * Feature #4570: [PATCH v2] io.c (rb_io_close): release GVL if possible * Bug #6664: Object finalizer do not run until program exit * Feature #4689: /proc/$PID/environ in Linux * Feature #4672: [PATCH] openssl: enable SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS if available * Bug #4943: test/testunit/test_parallel.rb reports an Error on mswin/mingw * Feature #4946: Building libruby-static.a with option nodynamic and --with-static-link-ext doesn't disable dlopen * Feature #4967: dmalloc reported memory leaks in ruby * Bug #5420: RubyGems misleading error message for "update -l" * Bug #5021: test_empty(DL::TestCFunc): DL::DLError: unknown symbol "strcpy" * Feature #5100: allow configurable timeouts in resolv.rb * Feature #5101: allow optional timeout for TCPSocket.new * Bug #5765: [PATCH] modernize Timeout usage in net/{http,pop,smtp,telnet} * Feature #5605: [PATCH] net/http: use IO.copy_stream for requests using body_stream * Bug #5859: incorrect return value of Pathname.realdirpath of Pathname objects created by Pathname.entries * Bug #6237: ruby my_controller.rbでSEGV * Feature #6417: Supporing a subset of ANSI escape code on Windows * Feature #6418: Supporing a subset of ANSI escape code on Windows * Feature #6530: Improve Racc documentation coverage * Bug #6673: No longer able to run tests in parallel (-j2) * Feature #6775: Regexp match() for Enumerables * Bug #6904: make -j all fails (sometimes) * Bug #6959: Net/HTTPS tests: fixed port usage cause issues on CI * Bug #7180: set_trace_func with error in proc block locks up Ruby with 100% cpu usage and no way to exit without killing proc * Bug #7343: Enumerator::Lazy seems to nest herself infinitely * Bug #7573: const_get の引数検査が甘い * Bug #7572: クラス定義においてスーパークラスとしてクラスでないものを指定してもエラーにならない事がある * Bug #7574: 名前についてのエラーメッセージが正しくない事がある * Bug #7563: test of gem_ext_cmake_builder in another directory * Bug #7597: $0を変更するとbug_reportでsegvする * Feature #666: Enumerable::to_hash * Feature #709: Enumerator#+ * Bug #7951: Cannot rescue SignalException in 1.9.3 or 2.0.0 * Bug #5615: A memory leak in hash.c on Solaris (and every environment which defines __sun) * Feature #708: Lazy Enumerator#select, Enumerator#map etc. * Bug #7107: Ruby can no longer find constants in methods in anonymous modules * Feature #6242: Ruby should support lists * Feature #6852: [].transpose should behave specially * Bug #7290: Overriding method_added on a refinement's anonymous module can cause the opt_* opcodes to behave incorrectly * Bug #7308: Infinite recursion on circular 'using' * Bug #7759: Marshal.load is not documented to be dangerous * Bug #7955: OpenSSL related crash on `bundle` * Bug #7635: debug_inspector API segfaults when opened from inside an eval frame