# 1.9.1 Release Candidate 12/25/2008 Release candidate of the first stable version of 1.9 series * Feature #235: default charset of rdoc * Feature #255: CGI element generation methods should convert keys/values to Strings before escaping. * Bug #256: defined?(Gem::RubyGemsVersion) behaves strange * Bug #457: Is irb/xmp supported in 1.9? * Bug #559: WEBrick should use #bytesize instead of #size * Bug #470: File::openのドキュメント * Bug #497: NEWSを書く * Bug #525: test_convert(TestBignum) on NETBSD * Bug #553: REXML::Document#write(io, 1, true, true) #=> NameError/ArgumentError * Bug #555: method_missing in Gem module removes some necessary methods * Bug #566: String encoding error messages are inconsistent * Bug #572: CGI::Session : ignore session_key and session_id options * Bug #914: Integer#upto(NaN) * Bug #634: Time parsing works in 1.8 but not 1.9 * Bug #896: MiniTest::Assertions#assert_match arguments order is different from Test::Unit::Assertions::assert_match * Bug #618: some tests still seem to depend on test/unit * Feature #600: cgi.rbのマルチパートフォームの受信は1.8との互換性が低い * Bug #601: an instance of Bignum can have singleton methods * Bug #602: CGI::HtmlExtension::popup_menu calls #bytesize on array parameters * Bug #607: Mini/Unit Break assert_send() * Bug #609: cgi.rbで&&がクエリにあると例外 * Bug #933: Fiber class documentation * Bug #623: optparseでオプションが重複していると--helpと挙動が違う * Bug #632: StringIO has an odd alias implementation [?] * Bug #633: dl segfaults on x86_64-linux systems * Feature #711: M17N of irb * Feature #712: M17N of erb * Bug #808: IO (StringIO) documentation corrections. * Bug #701: Wrong behaviour of StringIO#ungetc * Bug #704: delegate.rb will only delegate to specifically-named delegate object * Bug #722: optparse needs patch in 1.9 * Feature #739: Regexp#match with position * Bug #763: Mini-unit should not auto-run tests when exiting due to an exception * Bug #742: 1.9.1-preview1 build fails on Mac OS X 10.4 * Bug #751: Regexp.new(dummy_encoding_string) * Bug #775: trunk build fails on Mac OS X 10.5.5 * Bug #799: cross compile 1.9.1-preview1 is not possible * Bug #813: rubygems/source_info_cache_entry.rb document have a little mistake * Bug #910: optparse with regexp * Bug #827: Fix document for Gem::Installer#write_spec * Bug #831: make clean がエラーになる * Bug #832: Encoding in which Array#pack returns when a string-related format and a byte seq format are mixed * Bug #874: cannot make with bison-2.4.1 * Bug #842: endless loop of ObjectSpace.each_object * Bug #860: some mistakes in Rake RDoc * Bug #862: r20625 default_internal is nil. * Bug #876: nil before Loaded suite * Bug #897: Kenel#describe should be private in minitest/spec * Bug #898: Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_nothing_raised does not increment number of assertions * Bug #913: mathn した場合、sqrt(NaN) が複素数になる * Bug #903: segmentation fault in irb * Bug #943: Segmentation fault (cygwin) * Bug #917: cannot make with bison-2.4.1 (cont.) * Bug #927: [m17n] TestCSVFeatures fails because of r20905 * Bug #923: `initialize_copy': wrong argument type # (expected Data) (TypeError) * Bug #926: module_function中のsuperでSystemStackError * Bug #1149: gem update --system failed * Feature #1999: Improved Tempfile * Bug #885: Thread.new{fork{}} * Bug #653: `rake gem' emits a warning * Bug #894: XMLRPC::Server "system.listMethods" handler fails in Ruby 1.9.1-preview2 * Bug #901: RDoc does not handle multiple method description for a C function properly * Bug #932: incorrect case statement in "ext/dl/test/test_base.rb" causes library problems on openSUSE 11.1 64-bit * Bug #409: Can't modify frozen ... の型 * Bug #575: module_function: undefined method * Bug #617: rubygems depend on test/unit/ui/console/testrunner * Bug #730: Infinite recursion on 'super' in dynamically generated modules * Bug #732: $! in at_exit * Bug #770: assert_match should escape string argument * Bug #771: test/unit wrapper breaks compatibility * Bug #803: eval with binding * Bug #854: Rake::FileList#egrep が動かない * Bug #857: 1.9 Crash on calling 'hour' method on DateTime object in C extension * Bug #858: r20625 dumps core and many strings associated with wrong encoding * Bug #871: Segfault when define_method is setting up a method that takes a block * Bug #873: compilation failure * Feature #442: name referencing in sprintf * Bug #501: rubygems fails to cache spec file * Bug #902: 1.9.1 preview 1 does not build on mac OSX 10.5.5