



Bug #14013


[PATCH] Webrick 60172 fix

Added by MSP-Greg (Greg L) over 6 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Target version:
ruby -v:
ruby 2.5.0dev (2017-10-13 trunk 60176) [x64-mingw32]


I was looking at the failure from 60172, and just tried changing some code. Low and behold, it passed all tests. But, since I'm not that familiar with 'nonblock' issues, I thought asking someone with more knowledge would be appropriate.

The patch also included a patch to TestNetHTTPS.test_verify, which was bypassed (not skipped) based on an ENV setting. I changed it to skip based on what I think is a sensible criteria.

I'm somewhat concerned about the test times under windows. Since this is a 'ruby only' patch, maybe someone can test under OSX or *nix?

After the patch, I have the following test results:

E:\GitHub\ruby\test>ruby -v --disable-gems runner.rb -I./lib -v --show-skip net/http/test_https.rb
ruby 2.5.0dev (2017-10-13 trunk 60176) [x64-mingw32]
Run options: -I./lib -v --show-skip

# Running tests:

[1/9] TestNetHTTPS#test_certificate_verify_failure = 1.08 s
[2/9] TestNetHTTPS#test_get = 1.14 s
[3/9] TestNetHTTPS#test_identity_verify_failure = 0.08 s
[4/9] TestNetHTTPS#test_post = 1.13 s
[5/9] TestNetHTTPS#test_session_reuse = 3.29 s
[6/9] TestNetHTTPS#test_session_reuse_but_expire = 2.25 s
[7/9] TestNetHTTPS#test_timeout_during_SSL_handshake = 0.05 s
[8/9] TestNetHTTPS#test_verify = 0.76 s
[9/9] TestNetHTTPS#test_verify_none = 1.14 s
Finished tests in 10.919400s, 0.8242 tests/s, 4.9453 assertions/s.
9 tests, 54 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

E:\GitHub\ruby\test>ruby -v --disable-gems runner.rb -I./lib -v --show-skip webrick/test_ssl_server.rb
ruby 2.5.0dev (2017-10-13 trunk 60176) [x64-mingw32]
Run options: -I./lib -v --show-skip

# Running tests:

[1/3] TestWEBrickSSLServer#test_self_signed_cert_server = 0.14 s
[2/3] TestWEBrickSSLServer#test_self_signed_cert_server_with_string = 0.19 s
[3/3] TestWEBrickSSLServer#test_slow_connect = 0.30 s
Finished tests in 0.639600s, 4.6904 tests/s, 20.3252 assertions/s.
3 tests, 13 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

Thanks, Greg


webrick_60172_fix.patch (1.8 KB) webrick_60172_fix.patch MSP-Greg (Greg L), 10/13/2017 06:28 PM
webrick_60172_fix.patch (1.81 KB) webrick_60172_fix.patch MSP-Greg (Greg L), 10/14/2017 03:33 AM
webrick.patch (990 Bytes) webrick.patch MSP-Greg (Greg L), 10/17/2017 03:48 PM
webrick_ssl.patch (1.04 KB) webrick_ssl.patch MSP-Greg (Greg L), 10/18/2017 07:28 PM

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