



Feature #2740


Extend const_missing to pass in the nesting

Added by wycats (Yehuda Katz) about 15 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Target version:


At the moment, it is impossible for const_missing to differentiate between these cases:

 class Foo::Bar

 class Foo
   class Bar

In Rails, we implement a class loading system that loads classes from the file system if they are not found. In the above case, Foo::Baz might be stored in app/models/foo/baz.rb. We would like to be able to use the same Ruby constant lookup logic when looking up classes from the file system.

 class Foo::Bar

Here, we should look in "app/models/foo/bar/baz.rb" and in "app/models/baz.rb" just as Ruby would search for Foo::Bar::Baz and then Object::Baz.

 class Foo
   class Bar

Here, we should look in "app/models/foo/bar/baz.rb", then "app/models/foo/baz.rb", and finally "app/models/baz.rb" just as Ruby would search for Foo::Bar::Baz, then Foo::Baz, and then Object::Baz.

In order to achieve this, I propose that we extend the const_missing method to take an optional second parameter containing the nesting:

 class Foo
   class Bar
     def self.const_missing(id, nesting)
       id == :Baz
       nesting == [Foo::Bar] # first case
       nesting == [Foo::Bar, Foo] # second case

This would allow people who wish to do their own custom constant loading (such as Rails) to do so in a way that is consistent with Ruby's own constant lookup. In order to avoid backward-compatibility issues, we can check the arity of the const_missing method, and only pass in the nesting if a second parameter was provided.


const_missing_nesting.diff (621 Bytes) const_missing_nesting.diff Patch that provides the nesting to const_missing if arity != 1 wycats (Yehuda Katz), 02/13/2010 08:53 AM
const_missing_murphy.patch (2.56 KB) const_missing_murphy.patch another patch for NoConstantError behavior murphy (Kornelius Kalnbach), 02/16/2010 11:53 AM
Actions #1

Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) about 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Assigned
  • Assignee set to matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)
  • Priority changed from 6 to Normal
Actions #2

Updated by murphy (Kornelius Kalnbach) about 15 years ago

Interesting idea. However, I see two problems with the proposal:

  1. It changes the const_missing API, breaking code. It would be nice to
    find a way around this.

  2. The feature Module.nesting is dependent on the "point of the call".
    As you described, const_missing is not. I'm not sure about the
    implications; Module.nesting is defined in eval.c, while
    const_missing and const_get are defined in variable.c.

There may be another way around this. method_missing makes it possible to use Ruby's inheritance chain again by calling super. So, what if we just follow the constant lookup nesting chain again when const_missing didn't return anything?

You wouldn't even have to write the logic yourself. The implementation could look something like this:

class Module
  # classic-style const_missing
  def const_missing(id)
    namespace = "#{name}::" unless self == Object
    puts "Searching for #{namespace}#{id}..."

class Module
  # new-style constant lookup, given nesting
  # This would have to be implemented in C.
  def const_get2 id, nesting
    nesting += [Object]  # Don't forget top level.
    # As usual: Try to find existing constant (without const_missing).
    for mod in nesting
      # imitating constant lookup without const_missing
      if { |c| c.to_sym }.include? id.to_sym
        return mod.const_get(id)
    # New style: Call const_missing on each nesting level.
    for mod in nesting
      value = mod.const_missing id
      return value if value
    # As usual: Raise NameError if nothing was found.
    raise NameError, "uninitialized constant #{name}::#{id}"

class Foo
  class Bar
    const_get2(:Baz, Module.nesting)
    # >> Searching for Foo::Bar::Baz...
    # >> Searching for Foo::Baz...
    # >> Searching for Baz...
    #~> uninitialized constant Foo::Bar::Baz (NameError)

class Foo::Bar
  const_get2(:Baz, Module.nesting)
  # >> Searching for Foo::Bar::Baz...
  # >> Searching for Baz...
  #~> uninitialized constant Foo::Bar::Baz (NameError)

This solves 1., but not 2. Calling const_get and would still depend on Module.nesting.

Also, a constant with a value of nil or false would be interpreted as "not found". Maybe we could define a protocol for this, something like StopIteration?

NoConstantError = NameError

class Module
  def const_missing(id)
    raise NoConstantError

class Module
  def const_get2 id, nesting
    for mod in nesting
        return mod.const_missing(id)
      rescue NoConstantError
        # continue

On the other hand, maybe implicit constant lookup through the module nesting and automatic loading is a bit too much ;-)

Actions #3

Updated by wycats (Yehuda Katz) about 15 years ago

Interesting idea. However, I see two problems with the proposal:

  1. It changes the const_missing API, breaking code. It would be nice to
    find a way around this.

A simple arity check will get around this issue.

  1. The feature Module.nesting is dependent on the "point of the call".
    As you described, const_missing is not. I'm not sure about the
    implications; Module.nesting is defined in eval.c, while
    const_missing and const_get are defined in variable.c.

Module.nesting is essentially global (stored in a thread-local), so we can get it in const_missing via rb_funcall. If we made rb_mod_nesting not static, we could also access it via rb_mod_nesting.

I have attached a patch that makes nesting available in const_missing if the const_missing method has an arity other than 1.

Actions #4

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 15 years ago


At Fri, 12 Feb 2010 11:15:14 +0900,
Yehuda Katz wrote in [ruby-core:28154]:

class Foo::Bar

Here, we should look in "app/models/foo/bar/baz.rb" and in
"app/models/baz.rb" just as Ruby would search for
Foo::Bar::Baz and then Object::Baz.

class Foo
  class Bar

Here, we should look in "app/models/foo/bar/baz.rb", then
"app/models/foo/baz.rb", and finally "app/models/baz.rb" just
as Ruby would search for Foo::Bar::Baz, then Foo::Baz, and
then Object::Baz.

I don't think you can distinguish the latter from the following.

class Foo
  class Bar

Is it OK?

Nobu Nakada

Actions #5

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 15 years ago


2010/2/13 Yehuda Katz :

  1. It changes the const_missing API, breaking code. It would be nice to
    find a way around this.

A simple arity check will get around this issue.

It's ugly. The core should avoid such a dirty hack when possible.
I also think it would be nice to find another clean API.

I have attached a patch that makes nesting available in const_missing if the const_missing method has an arity other than 1.

It causes SEGV.

$ ./miniruby -e '
class C
  def self.const_missing(id, nesting)
    p id, nesting
C.enum_for(:const_get, :D).next
[BUG] Segmentation fault
ruby 1.9.2dev (2010-02-13 trunk 26659) [i686-linux]

-- control frame ----------
c:0005 p:---- s:0009 b:0009 l:000008 d:000008 CFUNC  :nesting
c:0004 p:---- s:0007 b:0007 l:000006 d:000006 CFUNC  :const_get
c:0003 p:---- s:0005 b:0005 l:000004 d:000004 CFUNC  :each
c:0002 p:---- s:0003 b:0003 l:002168 d:000002 IFUNC
c:0001 p:---- s:0001 b:-001 l:000000 d:000000 ------
-- Ruby level backtrace information ----------------------------------------
-e:0:in `each'
-e:0:in `const_get'
-e:0:in `nesting'

-- C level backtrace information -------------------------------------------
./miniruby(rb_vm_bugreport+0xbd) [0x81a5c6d]
./miniruby [0x808e69e]
./miniruby(rb_bug+0x28) [0x808e758]
./miniruby [0x813a6b0]
./miniruby(rb_vm_cref+0x38) [0x8193d88]
./miniruby [0x8090dc4]
./miniruby [0x819d889]
./miniruby(rb_funcall+0x92) [0x819e142]
./miniruby [0x817d571]
./miniruby [0x80db78c]
./miniruby [0x8191bfd]
./miniruby [0x819d889]
./miniruby [0x81a1c2e]
./miniruby(rb_iterate+0xac) [0x8191dac]
./miniruby(rb_block_call+0x3f) [0x8191f3f]
./miniruby [0x808c0d9]
./miniruby [0x819d889]
./miniruby [0x81a1c2e]
./miniruby(rb_iterate+0xac) [0x8191dac]
./miniruby(rb_block_call+0x3f) [0x8191f3f]
./miniruby [0x808c162]
./miniruby [0x8195d5b]
./miniruby(rb_vm_invoke_proc+0x76) [0x819c816]
./miniruby(rb_fiber_start+0x1d2) [0x81aed52]
./miniruby [0x8091479]
./miniruby(ruby_run_node+0x32) [0x8092c92]
./miniruby(main+0x5a) [0x805a8da]
/lib/i686/cmov/ [0xb7d89455]
./miniruby [0x805a7e1]

You may have encountered a bug in the Ruby interpreter or extension libraries.
Bug reports are welcome.
For details:


Yusuke ENDOH

Actions #6

Updated by wycats (Yehuda Katz) about 15 years ago

Upon further reflection, I really like the idea of raising an exception like NoConstantError from const_missing to tell Ruby to keep searching up the nesting chain.

 class Module
   def const_missing(name)
     puts "#{self} is missing #{name}"
     raise NoConstantError unless self == Object

 module Foo
   module Bar

 # Output:
 # Foo::Bar is missing Baz
 # Foo is missing Baz
 # Object is missing Baz

 module Foo::Bar

 # Output
 # Foo::Bar is missing Baz
 # Object is missing Baz

 module Foo::Bar

 # Output
 # Foo::Bar is missing Baz

 module Foo

 # Output
 # Foo::Bar is missing Baz


Actions #7

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 15 years ago


At Mon, 15 Feb 2010 22:21:55 +0900,
Yehuda Katz wrote in [ruby-core:28177]:

Upon further reflection, I really like the idea of raising an
exception like NoConstantError from const_missing to tell
Ruby to keep searching up the nesting chain.

Maybe reasonable.

Index: error.c
--- error.c	(revision 26674)
+++ error.c	(working copy)
@@ -402,4 +402,6 @@ VALUE rb_eSyntaxError;
 VALUE rb_eLoadError;
+VALUE rb_eNoConstantError;
 VALUE rb_eSystemCallError;
 VALUE rb_mErrno;
@@ -1143,4 +1145,5 @@ Init_Exception(void)
     rb_define_method(rb_eNoMethodError, "initialize", nometh_err_initialize, -1);
     rb_define_method(rb_eNoMethodError, "args", nometh_err_args, 0);
+    rb_eNoConstantError = rb_define_class("NoConstantError", rb_eNameError);
     rb_eRuntimeError = rb_define_class("RuntimeError", rb_eStandardError);
Index: variable.c
--- variable.c	(revision 26674)
+++ variable.c	(working copy)
@@ -1356,7 +1356,29 @@ uninitialized_constant(VALUE klass, ID i
 static VALUE
+const_missing_call(VALUE arg)
+    VALUE *args = (VALUE *)arg;
+    ID const_missing_id;
+    CONST_ID(const_missing_id, "const_missing");
+    return rb_check_funcall(args[0], const_missing_id, 1, &args[1]);
+static VALUE
+const_missing_rescue(VALUE arg, VALUE errinfo)
+    return arg;
+extern VALUE rb_eNoConstantError;
+static VALUE
 const_missing(VALUE klass, ID id)
-    return rb_funcall(klass, rb_intern("const_missing"), 1, ID2SYM(id));
+    VALUE args[2];
+    args[0] = klass;
+    args[1] = ID2SYM(id);
+    return rb_rescue2(const_missing_call, (VALUE)args,
+		      const_missing_rescue, (VALUE)Qundef,
+		      rb_eNoConstantError, (VALUE)0);
@@ -1598,5 +1620,21 @@ rb_const_get_0(VALUE klass, ID id, int e
-    value = const_missing(klass, id);
+    if ((value = const_missing(tmp, id)) == Qundef) {
+	NODE *rb_vm_cref(void);
+	NODE *cref = rb_vm_cref();
+	while (cref && cref->nd_next &&
+	       ((cref->flags & NODE_FL_CREF_PUSHED_BY_EVAL) ||
+		NIL_P(tmp = cref->nd_clss) ||
+		(value = const_missing(tmp, id)) == Qundef)) {
+	    cref = cref->nd_next;
+	}
+	if (value == Qundef) {
+	    if (!exclude && BUILTIN_TYPE(klass) == T_MODULE &&
+		(value = const_missing(rb_cObject, id)) == Qundef) {
+		uninitialized_constant(klass, id);
+	    }
+	}
+    }
     return value;

Nobu Nakada

Actions #8

Updated by murphy (Kornelius Kalnbach) about 15 years ago

Nobu, great to see a patch for this! Thank you.

However, it didn't produce the desired results for me. After some debugging, I got a version that works for me:

class Object
  def self.const_missing(id)
    namespace = "#{name}::" unless self == Object
    puts "Searching for #{namespace}#{id}..."
    raise NoConstantError

class Foo
  class Bar
    p Module.nesting
    Baz rescue nil
    # [Foo::Bar, Foo]
    # Searching for Foo::Bar::Baz...
    # Searching for Foo::Baz...
    # Searching for Baz...

class Foo::Bar
  p Module.nesting
  Baz rescue nil
  # [Foo::Bar]
  # Searching for Foo::Bar::Baz...
  # Searching for Baz...

It also passes "make test".

Yehuda: Your example works as you described with this patch.

Index: error.c
--- error.c	(revision 26674)
+++ error.c	(working copy)
@@ -402,4 +402,6 @@ VALUE rb_eSyntaxError;
 VALUE rb_eLoadError;
+VALUE rb_eNoConstantError;
 VALUE rb_eSystemCallError;
 VALUE rb_mErrno;
@@ -1143,4 +1145,5 @@ Init_Exception(void)
     rb_define_method(rb_eNoMethodError, "initialize", nometh_err_initialize, -1);
     rb_define_method(rb_eNoMethodError, "args", nometh_err_args, 0);
+    rb_eNoConstantError = rb_define_class("NoConstantError", rb_eNameError);
     rb_eRuntimeError = rb_define_class("RuntimeError", rb_eStandardError);
Index: variable.c
--- variable.c	(revision 26674)
+++ variable.c	(working copy)
@@ -1355,9 +1355,31 @@
 static VALUE
+const_missing_call(VALUE arg)
+    VALUE *args = (VALUE *)arg;
+    ID const_missing_id;
+    CONST_ID(const_missing_id, "const_missing");
+    return rb_check_funcall(args[0], const_missing_id, 1, &args[1]);
+static VALUE
+const_missing_rescue(VALUE arg, VALUE errinfo)
+    return arg;
+extern VALUE rb_eNoConstantError;
+static VALUE
 const_missing(VALUE klass, ID id)
-    return rb_funcall(klass, rb_intern("const_missing"), 1, ID2SYM(id));
+    VALUE args[2];
+    args[0] = klass;
+    args[1] = ID2SYM(id);
+    return rb_rescue2(const_missing_call, (VALUE)args,
+		      const_missing_rescue, (VALUE)Qundef,
+		      rb_eNoConstantError, (VALUE)0);
@@ -1392,8 +1414,7 @@
 rb_mod_const_missing(VALUE klass, VALUE name)
-    rb_frame_pop(); /* pop frame for "const_missing" */
-    uninitialized_constant(klass, rb_to_id(name));
+    rb_raise(rb_eNoConstantError, "uninitialized constant");
     return Qnil;		/* not reached */
@@ -1596,8 +1617,26 @@
 	tmp = rb_cObject;
 	goto retry;
+    tmp = klass;
+    if ((value = const_missing(tmp, id)) == Qundef) {
+	NODE *rb_vm_cref(void);
+	NODE *cref = rb_vm_cref();
+        cref = cref->nd_next;
+        while (cref && cref->nd_next &&
+               ((cref->flags & NODE_FL_CREF_PUSHED_BY_EVAL) ||
+             NIL_P(tmp = cref->nd_clss) ||
+             (value = const_missing(tmp, id)) == Qundef)) {
+            cref = cref->nd_next;
+        }
+	if (value == Qundef) {
+	    if (!exclude && (BUILTIN_TYPE(klass) == T_MODULE || BUILTIN_TYPE(klass) == T_CLASS) &&
+		(value = const_missing(rb_cObject, id)) == Qundef) {
+		uninitialized_constant(klass, id);
+	    }
+	}
+    }
-    value = const_missing(klass, id);
     return value;
Actions #9

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 15 years ago


2010/2/15 Yehuda Katz :

Upon further reflection, I really like the idea of raising an exception like NoConstantError from const_missing to tell Ruby to keep searching up the nesting chain.

Cool! I agree with Yehuda.

Additional idea: NoConstantError may be raised when referring
uninitialized constant, to make it consistent with NoMethodError.

Yusuke ENDOH


Actions #10

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 15 years ago


Matz, do you accept Yehuda's suggestion?

Current status:

  • Three persons (nobu, murphy and I) have approved.
  • There is no objection.
  • There is a patch written by nobu and murphy, though it has a
    little bug. I revised a patch below.

2010/2/15 Yehuda Katz :

class Module
def const_missing(name)
puts "#{self} is missing #{name}"
raise NoConstantError unless self == Object


module Foo::Bar


Foo::Bar is missing Baz

I'd like to make sure one thing; the above code should raise
NoConstantError after the output, ok? This is because scoped
constant reference does not check bindings of Object class.

Instead of raising an error, nobu's patch leaks Qundef for the
above code, which causes SEGV in RubySpec. It is clearly a

 diff --git a/error.c b/error.c
 index 3fcd184..d0373fd 100644
 --- a/error.c
 +++ b/error.c
 @@ -401,6 +401,8 @@ VALUE rb_eScriptError;
  VALUE rb_eSyntaxError;
  VALUE rb_eLoadError;
 +VALUE rb_eNoConstantError;
  VALUE rb_eSystemCallError;
  VALUE rb_mErrno;
  static VALUE rb_eNOERROR;
 @@ -701,18 +703,34 @@ exit_success_p(VALUE exc)
      return Qfalse;
 +static VALUE
 +new_name_error(VALUE klass, ID id, const char *fmt, va_list args)
 +    VALUE argv[2];
 +    argv[0] = rb_vsprintf(fmt, args);
 +    argv[1] = ID2SYM(id);
 +    return rb_class_new_instance(2, argv, klass);
  rb_name_error(ID id, const char *fmt, ...)
 -    VALUE exc, argv[2];
 +    VALUE exc;
      va_list args;
      va_start(args, fmt);
 -    argv[0] = rb_vsprintf(fmt, args);
 +    exc = new_name_error(rb_eNameError, id, fmt, args);
 +    rb_exc_raise(exc);
 -    argv[1] = ID2SYM(id);
 -    exc = rb_class_new_instance(2, argv, rb_eNameError);
 +rb_name_error_with_class(VALUE klass, ID id, const char *fmt, ...)
 +    VALUE exc;
 +    va_list args;
 +    va_start(args, fmt);
 +    exc = new_name_error(klass, id, fmt, args);
 +    va_end(args);
 @@ -1142,6 +1160,7 @@ Init_Exception(void)
      rb_eNoMethodError = rb_define_class("NoMethodError", rb_eNameError);
      rb_define_method(rb_eNoMethodError, "initialize", nometh_err_initialize, -1);
      rb_define_method(rb_eNoMethodError, "args", nometh_err_args, 0);
 +    rb_eNoConstantError = rb_define_class("NoConstantError", rb_eNameError);
      rb_eRuntimeError = rb_define_class("RuntimeError", rb_eStandardError);
      rb_eSecurityError = rb_define_class("SecurityError", rb_eException);
 diff --git a/test/rake/test_top_level_functions.rb b/test/rake/test_top_level_functions.rb
 index 12a8cd1..7315f88 100644
 --- a/test/rake/test_top_level_functions.rb
 +++ b/test/rake/test_top_level_functions.rb
 @@ -86,6 +86,6 @@ class Rake::TestTopLevelFunctions < Test::Unit::TestCase
    def test_missing_other_constant
 -    assert_raise(NameError) do Object.const_missing(:Xyz) end
 +    assert_raise(NoConstantError) do Object.const_missing(:Xyz) end
 diff --git a/test/ruby/test_basicinstructions.rb b/test/ruby/test_basicinstructions.rb
 index ff14e4a..eb985ef 100644
 --- a/test/ruby/test_basicinstructions.rb
 +++ b/test/ruby/test_basicinstructions.rb
 @@ -271,25 +271,25 @@ class TestBasicInstructions < Test::Unit::TestCase
      Const::A::B._remove_const :C
      assert_equal 'Const::C', Const::C
      assert_equal 'Const::A::C', Const::A::C
 -    assert_raise(NameError) { Const::A::B::C }
 +    assert_raise(NoConstantError) { Const::A::B::C }
      Const::A._remove_const :C
      assert_equal 'Const::C', Const::C
 -    assert_raise(NameError) { Const::A::C }
 -    assert_raise(NameError) { Const::A::B::C }
 +    assert_raise(NoConstantError) { Const::A::C }
 +    assert_raise(NoConstantError) { Const::A::B::C }
      Const._remove_const :C
 -    assert_raise(NameError) { Const::C }
 -    assert_raise(NameError) { Const::A::C }
 -    assert_raise(NameError) { Const::A::B::C }
 +    assert_raise(NoConstantError) { Const::C }
 +    assert_raise(NoConstantError) { Const::A::C }
 +    assert_raise(NoConstantError) { Const::A::B::C }
      Const::A.const_set :C, 'Const::A::C'
 -    assert_raise(NameError) { Const::C }
 +    assert_raise(NoConstantError) { Const::C }
      assert_equal 'Const::A::C', Const::A::C
 -    assert_raise(NameError) { Const::A::B::C }
 +    assert_raise(NoConstantError) { Const::A::B::C }
      Const::A::B.const_set :C, 'Const::A::B::C'
 -    assert_raise(NameError) { Const::C }
 +    assert_raise(NoConstantError) { Const::C }
      assert_equal 'Const::A::C', Const::A::C
      assert_equal 'Const::A::B::C', Const::A::B::C
 diff --git a/test/ruby/test_module.rb b/test/ruby/test_module.rb
 index f905431..fbeb29b 100644
 --- a/test/ruby/test_module.rb
 +++ b/test/ruby/test_module.rb
 @@ -451,13 +451,13 @@ class TestModule < Test::Unit::TestCase
      assert_equal(:foo, c1::Foo)
      assert_equal(:foo, c2::Foo)
      assert_equal(:foo, c2.const_get(:Foo))
 -    assert_raise(NameError) { c2.const_get(:Foo, false) }
 +    assert_raise(NoConstantError) { c2.const_get(:Foo, false) }
      eval("c1::Foo = :foo")
 -    assert_raise(NameError) { c1::Bar }
 -    assert_raise(NameError) { c2::Bar }
 -    assert_raise(NameError) { c2.const_get(:Bar) }
 -    assert_raise(NameError) { c2.const_get(:Bar, false) }
 +    assert_raise(NoConstantError) { c1::Bar }
 +    assert_raise(NoConstantError) { c2::Bar }
 +    assert_raise(NoConstantError) { c2.const_get(:Bar) }
 +    assert_raise(NoConstantError) { c2.const_get(:Bar, false) }
      c1.instance_eval do
        def const_missing(x)
 diff --git a/test/ruby/test_object.rb b/test/ruby/test_object.rb
 index 0a49422..af91f75 100644
 --- a/test/ruby/test_object.rb
 +++ b/test/ruby/test_object.rb
 @@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ class TestObject < Test::Unit::TestCase
      x = "foo".instance_exec("bar") {|a| self + a }
      assert_equal("foobar", x)
 -    assert_raise(NameError) do
 +    assert_raise(NoConstantError) do { INSTANCE_EXEC }
 diff --git a/variable.c b/variable.c
 index d7b99f1..4be8a8e 100644
 --- a/variable.c
 +++ b/variable.c
 @@ -1341,23 +1341,49 @@ rb_obj_remove_instance_variable(VALUE obj, VALUE name)
      return Qnil;		/* not reached */
 +extern VALUE rb_eNoConstantError;
 +PRINTF_ARGS(NORETURN(void rb_name_error_with_class(VALUE, ID, const char*, ...)), 3, 4);
  NORETURN(static void uninitialized_constant(VALUE, ID));
  static void
  uninitialized_constant(VALUE klass, ID id)
 -    if (klass && klass != rb_cObject)
 -	rb_name_error(id, "uninitialized constant %s::%s",
 +    if (klass && klass != rb_cObject){
 +	rb_name_error_with_class(rb_eNoConstantError,
 +		      id, "uninitialized constant %s::%s",
 +    }
      else {
 -	rb_name_error(id, "uninitialized constant %s", rb_id2name(id));
 +	rb_name_error_with_class(rb_eNoConstantError,
 +		      id, "uninitialized constant %s", rb_id2name(id));
  static VALUE
 +const_missing_call(VALUE arg)
 +    VALUE *args = (VALUE *)arg;
 +    ID const_missing_id;
 +    CONST_ID(const_missing_id, "const_missing");
 +    return rb_check_funcall(args[0], const_missing_id, 1, &args[1]);
 +static VALUE
 +const_missing_rescue(VALUE arg, VALUE errinfo)
 +    return arg;
 +static VALUE
  const_missing(VALUE klass, ID id)
 -    return rb_funcall(klass, rb_intern("const_missing"), 1, ID2SYM(id));
 +    VALUE args[2];
 +    args[0] = klass;
 +    args[1] = ID2SYM(id);
 +    return rb_rescue2(const_missing_call, (VALUE)args,
 +		      const_missing_rescue, (VALUE)Qundef,
 +		      rb_eNoConstantError, (VALUE)0);
 @@ -1597,7 +1623,27 @@ rb_const_get_0(VALUE klass, ID id, int exclude, int recurse)
  	goto retry;
 -    value = const_missing(klass, id);
 +    tmp = klass;
 +    if ((value = const_missing(tmp, id)) == Qundef) {
 +	NODE *rb_vm_cref(void);
 +	NODE *cref = rb_vm_cref();
 +	cref = cref->nd_next;
 +	while (cref && cref->nd_next &&
 +	       ((cref->flags & NODE_FL_CREF_PUSHED_BY_EVAL) ||
 +		NIL_P(tmp = cref->nd_clss) ||
 +		(value = const_missing(tmp, id)) == Qundef)) {
 +	    cref = cref->nd_next;
 +	}
 +	if (value == Qundef) {
 +	    if (!exclude) {
 +		value = const_missing(rb_cObject, id);
 +	    }
 +	    if (value == Qundef) {
 +		uninitialized_constant(klass, id);
 +	    }
 +	}
 +    }
      return value;
 @@ -1655,7 +1701,7 @@ rb_const_remove(VALUE mod, ID id)
  	    rb_name_error(id, "cannot remove %s::%s",
  			  rb_class2name(mod), rb_id2name(id));
 -	rb_name_error(id, "constant %s::%s not defined",
 +	rb_name_error_with_class(rb_eNoConstantError, id, "constant %s::%s not defined",
  		      rb_class2name(mod), rb_id2name(id));

Yusuke ENDOH

Actions #11

Updated by znz (Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA) almost 15 years ago

  • Target version changed from 1.9.2 to 2.0.0



Updated by wycats (Yehuda Katz) over 13 years ago

What's the status of this?

Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 12 years ago

  • Assignee changed from matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) to mame (Yusuke Endoh)

Who's ball?
mame-san, could you give us the response?

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 12 years ago

  • Assignee changed from mame (Yusuke Endoh) to matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)

It looks we need matz's approval.
Sorry I cannot remember the detailed status immediately.

Yusuke Endoh

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 12 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2.0.0 to 2.6

Updated by najamelan (Naja Melan) about 8 years ago

This would still be very useful for people implementing auto loading systems, not just Rails

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) almost 8 years ago

A long time has passed. I am a bit concerned about the situation.
Do we still need this, regarding the fact I am not a big fan of autoloading?

In any case, I don't like the name "NoConstantError" which should be somehow analogous to "StopIteration" but this case, we continue, not stop.


Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 7 years ago

  • Assignee changed from matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) to matsuda (Akira Matsuda)

I'm not sure how this feature is related to autoloading... Anyway.

Matsuda-san, do you know if Rails still needs this feature? Or do you have any opinion?

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Closed

The proposal has been changed from the original. I close this for now. Please re-submit the new proposal (if you want).



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