



Bug #5193


ruby_thread_data_type linker errors fixed with RUBY_EXTERN

Added by cfis (Charlie Savage) over 13 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Third Party's Issue
Target version:
ruby -v:


ruby-debug-base19x fails to compile with VC++ 2010 with this error:

ruby_debug.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _ruby_thread_data_type

ruby_thread_data_type is declared in vm_core.h as:

extern const rb_data_type_t ruby_thread_data_type;

ruby-debug calls GetThreadPtr which is defined as:

#define GetThreadPtr(obj, ptr)
TypedData_Get_Struct((obj), rb_thread_t, &ruby_thread_data_type, (ptr))

What makes this interesting is that ruby_thread_data_type is properly included in the msvcr100-ruby191.def file and is exported from msvcr100-ruby191.dll. Somehow the &ruby_thread_data_type causes problems for VC++ (mingw works correctly).

Some Ubuntu users seem to be having a similar issue. See:

The problem is resolved for VC++ by changing the definition to:

RUBY_EXTERN const rb_data_type_t ruby_thread_data_type;

Any chance this change could be made?

Thanks - Charlie


msvcrt-ruby191-exports.txt (30.7 KB) msvcrt-ruby191-exports.txt cfis (Charlie Savage), 08/20/2011 06:07 PM

Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Assigned
  • Assignee set to nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada)

nobu changed the name of this variable at r30783, and I guess that
he has intended to make this variable public.

nobu, is this correct?
and do you have any opinion about this request?

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 13 years ago

  • ruby -v changed from ruby 1.9.3dev (2011-08-10 revision 32904) [i386-mswin32_100] to -


At Tue, 16 Aug 2011 16:53:07 +0900,
Usaku NAKAMURA wrote in [ruby-core:38973]:

nobu changed the name of this variable at r30783, and I guess that
he has intended to make this variable public.

No, it was a follow-up to r30781.

nobu, is this correct?
and do you have any opinion about this request?

Even if the variable were public, rb_thread_t is internal use
only, and nothing is guaranteed about it. I think debugger-API
proposal has been awaited for a while, but nothing seems to

Nobu Nakada

Updated by cfis (Charlie Savage) over 13 years ago

rb_thread_t is not public. ruby-debug-base includes vm_core.h directly to get access to rb_thread_t. So I would guess the developers are well aware that it could change at any time. But given the alternative of no debugger at all, that seems like a good risk (note that ruby-debug is the ruby debugger for RubyMine, Netbeans, Eclipse/Aptana and probably any other IDE that is used for Ruby).

So back to the original request. ruby_thread_data_type is already marked as extern and is already publicly exported via the *.def file generated when compiling ruby from source. But even with this, it doesn't work on VC++ unless the extern is changed to RUBY_EXTERN (because RUBY_EXTERN becomes __declpec(dllimport) when used by a client).



Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 13 years ago


At Wed, 17 Aug 2011 14:48:59 +0900,
Charlie Savage wrote in [ruby-core:39003]:

rb_thread_t is not public. ruby-debug-base includes
vm_core.h directly to get access to rb_thread_t. So I would
guess the developers are well aware that it could change at
any time. But given the alternative of no debugger at all,
that seems like a good risk (note that ruby-debug is the ruby
debugger for RubyMine, Netbeans, Eclipse/Aptana and probably
any other IDE that is used for Ruby).

Then if ruby-debug can work, do those work all?

But ruby-debug code seems quite outdated; the check for
rb_method_entry_t in extconf.rb doesn't work since 2 years ago.

So back to the original request. ruby_thread_data_type is
already marked as extern and is already publicly exported via
the *.def file generated when compiling ruby from source.
But even with this, it doesn't work on VC++ unless the extern
is changed to RUBY_EXTERN (because RUBY_EXTERN becomes
__declpec(dllimport) when used by a client).

It was accidentally left exported on only mswin version.
Cygwin and mingw versions don't export it, and fixed now.

Nobu Nakada

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Third Party's Issue

I'd sent workarounds to ruby-debug.

Updated by cfis (Charlie Savage) over 13 years ago

Commit dea63e4ba22d354984ce0e9e4395f8aba7152ed3 breaks ruby-debug-base19 (not the old ruby-debug-base). ruby-debug-base19 is here:

The result is this breaks the debugger in JetBrains, NetBeans, etc when running 1.9.3. This seems like a huge step backwards and a showstopper for a 1.9.3 release.

Can this please be reverted or an alternate solution provided that will fix the problem?

Thanks - Charlie

Updated by cfis (Charlie Savage) over 13 years ago

MinGW built versions of ruby did export ruby_thread_data_type before the last commit.

$ ruby -v
ruby 1.9.3dev (2011-08-10 revision 32901) [i386-mingw32]

$ pexports /usr/local/ruby193/bin/msvcrt-ruby191.dll > msvcrt-ruby191-exports.txt

Output is attached - see line 1632.



Updated by cfis (Charlie Savage) over 13 years ago

Just wanted to follow up on this. Can we do something about this for the 1.9.3 release?

Thanks - Charlie

Updated by cfis (Charlie Savage) over 13 years ago

Hi Nobu,

Thanks for sending the pull request.

It seems Mark is still having trouble though. Do you mind helping him out? See:

Thank you.


Updated by cfis (Charlie Savage) over 13 years ago

Bringing this one up again - can we get resolution for the 1.9.3 release?

Thanks - Charlie

Updated by kosaki (Motohiro KOSAKI) over 13 years ago

At first, I have to put a disclaimer. The following comment is only my personal opinion, but not commiters consensus.

Symbol exposing doesn't have any regression risk. So, it can be commited into 193 if nobu agreed. But, I strongly hope to add explicitly disclaimer comments. We may stop export rb_method_entry() when debugger issue has been resoleved more cleaner way. I don't recommend other gems use it.

Nobu, what do you think?

Thank you.

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 13 years ago


At Wed, 14 Sep 2011 10:36:09 +0900,
Motohiro KOSAKI wrote in [ruby-core:39536]:

Symbol exposing doesn't have any regression risk. So, it can
be commited into 193 if nobu agreed. But, I strongly hope to
add explicitly disclaimer comments. We may stop export
rb_method_entry() when debugger issue has been resoleved more
cleaner way. I don't recommend other gems use it.

rb_method_entry() doesn't seem necessary for me. The uses of
it are:

  • extracting cfuncs from defined methods, ObjectSpace._id2ref
    and Thread#alive?, and
  • checking the current method is bound at RUBY_EVENT_C_RETURN.

The reason for _id2ref is that threads are stored in debug
contexts as object IDs, and reversed when accessing with
checking if it's alive at same time. I have no idea why such
roundabout way is used, and guess this could be simpler.

For the latter use, I suspect rb_method_boundp() would be
better than rb_method_entry().

Nobu, what do you think?

Current state is

There are still rb_vm_make_env_object() and
rb_vm_get_sourceline(). Seems the only workaround is to export
these functions.

diff --git a/vm.c b/vm.c
index 6e2e9a4..18cc81d 100644
--- a/vm.c
+++ b/vm.c
@@ -50,6 +50,15 @@ void vm_analysis_operand(int insn, int n, VALUE op);
void vm_analysis_register(int reg, int isset);
void vm_analysis_insn(int insn);


    • TODO: replace with better interface at the next patch release.
    • these functions are exported just as a workaround for ruby-debug
    • for the time being.
  • */
    +RUBY_FUNC_EXPORTED VALUE rb_vm_make_env_object(rb_thread_t *th,
    rb_control_frame_t *cfp);
    +RUBY_FUNC_EXPORTED int rb_vm_get_sourceline(const rb_control_frame_t *cfp);


Nobu Nakada

Updated by cfis (Charlie Savage) over 13 years ago

Thanks Nobu for looking at this.

The reason for _id2ref is that threads are stored in
debug contexts as object IDs, and reversed when accessing
with checking if it's alive at same time. I have no
idea why such roundabout way is used, and guess this
could be simpler.

Could this be to avoid holding a reference to a thread object, and thus not allowing it to be GCed?

Current state is

Great, thanks. I have also taken your changes, except the id2ref ones, and have applied them to:

With the changes, that version of ruby-debug now compiles and works on 1.9.3.

If rb_vm_make_env_object() and rb_vm_get_sourceline() are exported, would that solve the need for compiling against vm_core.h?

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 13 years ago


At Fri, 16 Sep 2011 02:03:39 +0900,
Charlie Savage wrote in [ruby-core:39564]:

The reason for _id2ref is that threads are stored in
debug contexts as object IDs, and reversed when accessing
with checking if it's alive at same time. I have no
idea why such roundabout way is used, and guess this
could be simpler.

Could this be to avoid holding a reference to a thread
object, and thus not allowing it to be GCed?

No, it keeps thread objects. But I'm not sure if allowing GC
is necessary. Seems a thread object will be removed from the
table by check_thread_contexts() if the thread has terminated.
Isn't it enough?

If it is really critical, you would be possible to remove dead
threads and mark living ones only.

If rb_vm_make_env_object() and rb_vm_get_sourceline() are
exported, would that solve the need for compiling against

I'm uncertain of "the need". You mean that you won't need the
header to compile ruby-debug?

Nobu Nakada

Updated by cfis (Charlie Savage) over 13 years ago

No, it keeps thread objects. But I'm not sure if allowing
GC is necessary. Seems a thread object will be removed
from the table by check_thread_contexts() if the thread has
terminated. Isn't it enough?

Since I don't know the code, I don't the answer. Mark would be best to answer that.

I'm uncertain of "the need". You mean that you won't
need the header to compile ruby-debug?

Yes. To compile ruby-debug you must have the Ruby source code installed because it refers to the headers iseq.h and vm_core.h neither of which are installed by Ruby.

It would be much better for ruby-debug to not have to use those headers and instead could just use Ruby's public api. Don't know if that is currently possible. If not, seems like a nice addition for 1.9.4 (I know you have mentioned work on an official debug api).

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 13 years ago


At Fri, 16 Sep 2011 11:32:04 +0900,
Charlie Savage wrote in [ruby-core:39570]:

No, it keeps thread objects. But I'm not sure if allowing
GC is necessary. Seems a thread object will be removed
from the table by check_thread_contexts() if the thread has
terminated. Isn't it enough?

Since I don't know the code, I don't the answer. Mark would
be best to answer that.

You don't need to use object_id in C, just don't mark it
instead. I updated my clone.

I'm uncertain of "the need". You mean that you won't
need the header to compile ruby-debug?

Yes. To compile ruby-debug you must have the Ruby source
code installed because it refers to the headers iseq.h and
vm_core.h neither of which are installed by Ruby.

It wouldn't be possible since ruby-debug depens on the ruby
internal structures.

It would be much better for ruby-debug to not have to use
those headers and instead could just use Ruby's public api.
Don't know if that is currently possible. If not, seems like
a nice addition for 1.9.4 (I know you have mentioned work on
an official debug api).

It's much more preferable way, of course. So we had requested
the API proposal and its use cases long before, but no response
till the last month and just "it can't build".

Nobu Nakada

Actions #18

Updated by cfis (Charlie Savage) over 13 years ago

So we had requested the API proposal and its use cases
long before, but no response till the last month and
just "it can't build".

First, is there anything else we need to do for ruby 1.9.3? The current status is that both ruby-debug-base19 and ruby-debug-base19x (JetBrain's fork) both compile now. ruby-debug-base19x works for me, but ruby-debug-base19 does not due to segmentation faults when evaluating expressions. I assume that is due to an issue in ruby-debug-base19 and not ruby. So my original goal for this ticket has been met, thank you.


We had requested the API proposal and its use cases
long before, but no response till the last month
and just "it can't build".

Who is in charge of this? Is ruby-core supposed to propose an API? If so, who? Or is it the ruby-debug developers (Mark and JetBrains)?

Remember I'm just a user of ruby-debug who was alarmed when it stopped working last month. Having said that, it is important enough to me that I am happy to help with whatever is needed.

But instead of discussing that here, should a new ticket be opened for a creating an official debugger api for 1.9.4?

Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 13 years ago


(11/09/16 18:44), Charlie Savage wrote:

But instead of discussing that here, should a new ticket be opened for a creating an official debugger api for 1.9.4?

I (and maybe nobu) will try them. Actually, I've needed to implement
it. However, because of my laziness, I've postponed it.
Sorry about that. Maybe I'll make it at least the end of Apr/2012.

(I'm not sure which version contains this feature)


Updated by mark-moseley (Mark Moseley) over 13 years ago

I've merged nobu's changes, and they're at rubyforge ( )

I'm getting a segmentation fault running the "where" command in ruby-debug19. I've traced it to this ruby code:

id = context_frame_method(pos)
call_str << id.id2name

The first line calls into ruby_debug.c, method context_frame_id, which was changed.
The segfault is on the second line; CFUNC :id2name is at the top of the control frame dump.

The purpose of this section (from frame.rb) was to get the method name of the given frame for the stack trace.

This code worked fine with 1.9.2.

Updated by mark-moseley (Mark Moseley) over 13 years ago

Any chance this will get looked at? I can't release ruby-debug19 for 1.9.3 until it's fixed.

Updated by jrochkind (jonathan rochkind) over 13 years ago

There is lots of interest in having a ruby-debug that works for 1.9.3. Lots of people depend upon it. This solution is floating around the net:

People say that's working, I'm not sure what prevents that from turning into an actual tagged release of ruby-debug19, rather than requiring building of unreleased gem sources. But one way or another, lots of developers are hurting from loss of ruby-debug.

Updated by janvarwig (Jan Varwig) about 13 years ago

Are there any news on this issue?

Manually installing the unreleased gems via somthing like

curl -LO
curl -LO

gem install linecache19-0.5.13.gem
gem install ruby-debug-base19-0.11.26.gem -- --with-ruby-include=$HOME/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p0-falcon/include/ruby-1.9.1/ruby-1.9.3-p0/

rm linecache19-0.5.13.gem
rm ruby-debug-base19-0.11.26.gem

seems to work perfectly for me and others. What's holding this back?

The current situation makes it really painful to work with bundler and making the jump from 1.8.7 to 1.9.x
is out of the question within my company (and I'm sure in other places too) as long as the debugger isn't easily available.

Updated by mark-moseley (Mark Moseley) about 13 years ago

What's holding this back is the segmentation fault running the "where" command.

Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Third Party's Issue to Feedback

Could you summarize current situation?

I want to release Ruby 1.9.3 patch release and know which commits should be backported.
I know 1.9.3 hides internal functions and it breaks ruby-debug, so the workaround (r33289) is committed to trunk.
Only I need to do is backport r33289 to 1.9.3?

Actions #26

Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) about 13 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Backport
  • Project changed from Ruby to 13
  • Category deleted (core)
  • Target version deleted (1.9.3)

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 13 years ago

Yui NARUSE wrote:

I know 1.9.3 hides internal functions and it breaks ruby-debug, so the workaround (r33289) is committed to trunk.
Only I need to do is backport r33289 to 1.9.3?

No, the workaround is to 1.9.3, not trunk.

Actions #28

Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) about 13 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Backport to Bug
  • Project changed from 13 to Ruby
  • Status changed from Feedback to Third Party's Issue

Ah, I see, thanks nobu.

Other issues reported to this tickets are considered Third Party's Issue.


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