Feature #5360
For meta-programming purposes I think there needs to be a way to get a BasicObject's binding.
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 13 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Feedback
Can you elaborate?
Updated by trans (Thomas Sawyer) over 13 years ago
Sure. I think the most obvious usecase is with ERB. If I want to strictly control the available interface to an ERB template a subclass of BasicObject is an ideal way to do. But ERB's result method takes a binding. So that's one specific case I've come across, and I am certain there are others given that both BasicObject and binding are very useful devices in the context of meta-programming.
Updated by kernigh (George Koehler) over 13 years ago
I can get a Binding from a BasicObject like so:
class Cow < BasicObject
Moo = "Moooo!"
def binding
b = Cow.new.binding
p eval("Moo", b) # => "Moooo!"
p eval("String", b) # raises NameError
This uses the syntax "::Kernel" to access a global constant.
Updated by trans (Thomas Sawyer) over 13 years ago
On Sep 27, 3:51Â pm, George Koehler xkern...@netscape.net wrote:
Issue #5360 has been updated by George Koehler.
I can get a Binding from a BasicObject like so:
 class Cow < BasicObject
Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 12 years ago
- Target version set to 2.6