

inversion (Yura Babak)

  • Login: inversion
  • Registered on: 07/10/2019
  • Last sign in: 04/29/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 3 3 6




09:37 AM Ruby master Bug #19784 (Closed): String#delete_prefix! problem
Here is the snipped and the question is in the comments:
``` ruby
fp = 'with_BOM_16.txt'
body =
inversion (Yura Babak)


01:27 PM Ruby master Bug #19609 (Open): net/http ignores open_timeout, read_timeout on Windows
This small sample works fine on Linux (it takes 2 seconds to finish) but on Windows, it always fails with a timeout a... inversion (Yura Babak)


06:47 PM Ruby master Bug #18947: Unexpected Errno::ENAMETOOLONG on Windows
Today rechecked that for the latest
**ruby 3.2.2** (2023-03-30 revision e51014f9c0) [x64-mingw-ucrt]
still we have ...
inversion (Yura Babak)


03:28 PM Ruby master Bug #18947: Unexpected Errno::ENAMETOOLONG on Windows
austin (Austin Ziegler) wrote in #note-1:
> If Ruby does not have an application manifest (I don’t know whether it d...
inversion (Yura Babak)
07:08 AM Ruby master Bug #18947 (Open): Unexpected Errno::ENAMETOOLONG on Windows
On Windows 10, I am working on a script to copy a complex folder structure.
Pathname and FileUtils work fine for m...
inversion (Yura Babak)


05:49 AM Ruby master Bug #18941 (Closed): Endless loop with a memory leak in FileUtils::mkpath
On Windows 10 with Ruby `3.1.2p20 (2022-04-12 revision 4491bb740a) [x64-mingw-ucrt]`,
an attempt to create a path on...
inversion (Yura Babak)


05:57 AM Ruby master Bug #18244: Unexpected errors output order
>I believe the real issue here is to $stderr.sync = false, why do you do that?
>That's like explicitly breaking what...
inversion (Yura Babak)


08:00 PM Ruby master Bug #18244: Unexpected errors output order
> Why mixing `stdout` and `stderr`?
I have a script that is running periodically in the background on another mach...
inversion (Yura Babak)
02:12 PM Ruby master Bug #18244: Unexpected errors output order
> Do you have any reason to make `stderr` unbuffered?
I do add records to stdout within a cycle, so it is better t...
inversion (Yura Babak)
05:58 AM Ruby master Bug #18244 (Closed): Unexpected errors output order
Having this code:
# $stderr.sync = false
warn 'warn'
$stderr.puts 'err'
When I run it like th...
inversion (Yura Babak)

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