


Bug #4785 ยป 0001-CSV-Documentation-Updates.patch

ysiadf (Ysiad Ferreiras), 05/26/2011 04:52 PM

View differences:

# hopefully this won't be too radically different.
# We must have met our goals because FasterCSV was renamed to CSV and replaced
# the original library.
# the original library as of Ruby 1.9. If you are migrating code from 1.8 or
# earlier, you may have to change your code to comply with the new interface.
# == What's Different From the Old CSV?
# This methods is used to turn a finished +row+ into a CSV::Row. Header rows
# This method is used to turn a finished +row+ into a CSV::Row. Header rows
# are also dealt with here, either by returning a CSV::Row with identical
# headers and fields (save that the fields do not go through the converters)
# or by reading past them to return a field row. Headers are also saved in
# Thiw methods injects an instance variable <tt>unconverted_fields</tt> into
# +row+ and an accessor method for it called unconverted_fields(). The
# This method injects an instance variable <tt>unconverted_fields</tt> into
# +row+ and an accessor method for +row+ called unconverted_fields(). The
# variable is set to the contents of +fields+.
def add_unconverted_fields(row, fields)