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# Project Tracker Status Subject Assignee Updated
21204 Ruby Bug Open `TestEtc#test_ractor_parallel` is still flaky result 03/28/2025 03:32 AM Actions
21203 Ruby Bug Assigned TestGc#test_gc_parameter_init_slots is flaky results peterzhu2118 (Peter Zhu) 03/28/2025 03:14 AM Actions
21202 Ruby Bug Open Ripper wrongly concats separate tstring_content within nested unterminated heredoc 03/27/2025 06:38 PM Actions
21201 Ruby Bug Open Performance regression when defining methods inside `refine` blocks 03/27/2025 06:11 PM Actions
21200 Ruby Bug Open Ractor spuriously hangs, segfaults or errors on TestEtc#test_ractor_parallel ractor 03/27/2025 10:05 AM Actions
21198 Ruby Bug Open Fiber::Scheduler#blocking_operation_wait crash due to stack-use-after-return 03/27/2025 05:21 AM Actions
21197 Ruby Bug Assigned Prism does not accept newline after defined? keyword prism 03/27/2025 08:15 PM Actions
21194 Ruby Feature Open How to manage application-level information in Ruby application 03/21/2025 05:06 AM Actions
21193 Ruby Bug Assigned Inherited callback returns `nil` for `Object.const_source_location` matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) 03/21/2025 08:54 AM Actions
21188 Ruby Bug Assigned PRISM does not end reading from tty with ^D twice prism 03/27/2025 01:15 AM Actions
21187 Ruby Bug Open Strings concatenated with `\` getting frozen with literal hashes (PRISM only) 03/17/2025 09:10 PM Actions
21183 Ruby Bug Open Ractor error with Prism::VERSION 03/12/2025 04:44 PM Actions
21182 Ruby Feature Open Add Hash#rename 03/12/2025 05:41 AM Actions
21171 Ruby Bug Assigned Segfault on large stack (RUBY_THREAD_VM_STACK_SIZE) on 3.4.2 ko1 (Koichi Sasada) 03/14/2025 09:59 AM Actions
21169 Ruby Bug Open "try to mark T_NONE object" with 3.3.7 03/06/2025 08:20 AM Actions
21168 Ruby Bug Assigned Prism doesn't require argument parentheses (in some cases) when a block is present but parse.y does prism 03/27/2025 01:15 AM Actions
21166 Ruby Bug Assigned Fiber Scheduler is unable to be interrupted by `IO#close`. ioquatix (Samuel Williams) 03/27/2025 01:15 AM Actions
21160 Ruby Feature Open Local return from proc 02/27/2025 05:05 PM Actions
21158 Ruby Bug Open Ractor using 'receive_if' sits in busy wait when there are skipped messages in the incoming queue 03/01/2025 12:11 AM Actions
21156 Ruby Feature Open Prettier RUBY_DEBUG_LOG output in cruby 02/25/2025 09:43 PM Actions
21155 Ruby Feature Open File scoped namespace declarations as in C# 02/25/2025 08:03 AM Actions
21148 Ruby Feature Open Class proposal: IndefiniteNumeric < Numeric 03/11/2025 09:53 AM Actions
21146 Ruby Bug Open VM_ASSERT(expr) gives bad bug report results when another ractor fails an assertion during printing of report 03/11/2025 09:47 PM Actions
21142 Ruby Bug Open Lazy enumerator `.each_with_index` ignores `.take(0)` before it 03/14/2025 08:07 AM Actions
21140 Ruby Feature Open Add a method to get the address of certain JIT related functions 02/19/2025 04:04 PM Actions
21139 Ruby Bug Assigned Prism and parse.y parses `it = it` differently prism 03/27/2025 01:15 AM Actions
21121 Ruby Feature Open Ractor channels 03/11/2025 10:42 PM Actions
21119 Ruby Bug Open Programs containing `Dir.glob` with a thread executing a CPU-heavy task run very slowly. 02/13/2025 09:29 AM Actions
21111 Ruby Bug Assigned RbConfig::CONFIG['CXX'] quietly set to "false" when Ruby cannot build C++ programs katei (Yuta Saito) 02/13/2025 08:54 PM Actions
21110 Ruby Misc Open Should Marshal.dump always use object links for repeated Float values? 02/09/2025 09:15 AM Actions
21108 Ruby Bug Open C-c (SIGINT) crashes ruby when looping Ractors are not taken? 02/03/2025 03:47 AM Actions
21107 Ruby Feature Open Add a Ractor safety & shareability section to stdlib class docs 02/02/2025 06:57 AM Actions
21104 Ruby Bug Open Net::HTTP connections failing in Ruby >= 3.4.0 on macOS with Happy Eyeballs enabled 02/27/2025 02:55 PM Actions
21100 Ruby Misc Open DevMeeting before RubyKaigi 2025 03/06/2025 01:19 AM Actions
21097 Ruby Bug Assigned `x = a rescue b in c` and `def f = a rescue b in c` parsed differently between parse.y and prism nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) 03/11/2025 07:24 AM Actions
21090 Ruby Bug Open SEGV from require in Thread in Ractor 02/02/2025 11:20 PM Actions
21089 Ruby Bug Assigned Missing methods on enumerators created from Enumerator::product and Enumerator::Chain knu (Akinori MUSHA) 03/27/2025 01:15 AM Actions
21086 Ruby Feature Open Declare rb_profile_frames() family as async-signal-safe 01/23/2025 03:33 PM Actions
21084 Ruby Feature Open Declare objects have weak references 02/06/2025 03:01 PM Actions
21042 Ruby Feature Assigned Add and expose Thread#memory_allocations memory allocation counters ioquatix (Samuel Williams) 03/27/2025 01:15 AM Actions
21041 Ruby Feature Open Enum class 01/15/2025 10:15 PM Actions
21039 Ruby Feature Assigned Ractor.make_shareable breaks block semantics (seeing updated captured variables) of existing blocks ko1 (Koichi Sasada) 03/27/2025 01:15 AM Actions
21037 Ruby Bug Open Ractors hang with multiple threads 01/24/2025 09:52 PM Actions
21033 Ruby Feature Open Allow lambdas that don't access `self` to be Ractor shareable 02/04/2025 05:20 PM Actions
21023 Ruby Bug Open Unintentional ruby/spec capi extension build twice 01/10/2025 11:13 AM Actions
21020 Ruby Feature Assigned Sync sig directory for prism of default gem. prism 02/13/2025 06:13 PM Actions
21015 Ruby Feature Open Add in a `-g` flag, like `-s` but with a few more quality of life features 01/11/2025 12:26 AM Actions
21007 Ruby Bug Open Ractor scheduler issue when multiple threads in a ractor 01/06/2025 10:34 PM Actions
21005 Ruby Feature Open Update the source location method to include line start/stop and column start/stop details 01/09/2025 02:36 PM Actions
21000 Ruby Feature Open A way to avoid loading constant required by a type check 01/08/2025 02:36 PM Actions
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