


Bug #8745 » 0001-Add-documentation-for-RSS-Utils.patch

steveklabnik (Steve Klabnik), 08/07/2013 03:31 AM

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module RSS
# RSS::Utils is a module that holds various utility functions that are used
# across many parts of the rest of the RSS library. Like most modules named
# some variant of 'util', its methods are probably not particuarly useful
# to those who aren't developing the library itself.
module Utils
# Convert a name_with_underscores to CamelCase.
# Given a +name+ in a name_with_underscores or a name-with-dashes format,
# returns the CamelCase version of +name+.
# If the +name+ is already CamelCased, nothing happens.
# Examples:
# require 'rss/utils'
# RSS::Utils.to_class_name("sample_name")
# # => "SampleName"
# RSS::Utils.to_class_name("with-dashes")
# # => "WithDashes"
# RSS::Utils.to_class_name("CamelCase")
# # => "CamelCase"
def to_class_name(name)
name.split(/[_\-]/).collect do |part|
"#{part[0, 1].upcase}#{part[1..-1]}"
# Returns an array of two elements: the filename where the calling method
# is located, and the line number where it is defined.
# Takes an optional argument +i+, which specifies how many callers up the
# stack to look.
# Examples:
# require 'rss/utils'
# def foo
# p RSS::Utils.get_file_and_line_from_caller
# p RSS::Utils.get_file_and_line_from_caller(1)
# end
# def bar
# foo
# end
# def baz
# bar
# end
# baz
# # => ["test.rb", 5]
# # => ["test.rb", 9]
def get_file_and_line_from_caller(i=0)
file, line, = caller[i].split(':')
line = line.to_i
[file, line]
# escape '&', '"', '<' and '>' for use in HTML.
# Takes a string +s+ with some HTML in it, and escapes '&', '"', '<' and '>', by
# replacing them with the appropriate entities.
# This method is also aliased to h, for convenience.
# Examples:
# require 'rss/utils'
# RSS::Utils.html_escape("Dungeons & Dragons")
# # => "Dungeons &amp; Dragons"
# RSS::Utils.h(">_>")
# # => "&gt;_&gt;"
def html_escape(s)
s.to_s.gsub(/&/, "&amp;").gsub(/\"/, "&quot;").gsub(/>/, "&gt;").gsub(/</, "&lt;")
# This method is used inside of several different objects to determine
# if special behavior is needed in the constructor.
# Special behavior is needed if the array passed in as +args+ has
# +true+ or +false+ as its value, and if the second element of +args+
# is a hash.
def element_initialize_arguments?(args)
[true, false].include?(args[0]) and args[1].is_a?(Hash)