


Feature #10341 » 0002-Code-cleanup-in-fiber_switch-fiber_store.patch

nome (Knut Franke), 10/08/2014 11:59 AM

View differences:

th->root_fiber = th->fiber = fib->cont.self;
cont_save_machine_stack(th, &fib->cont);
if (FIBER_USE_NATIVE || ruby_setjmp(fib->cont.jmpbuf)) {
fiber_setcontext(next_fib, fib);
fiber_setcontext(next_fib, fib);
/* restored */
#ifndef _WIN32
if (terminated_machine_stack.ptr) {
if (machine_stack_cache_index < MAX_MACHINE_STACK_CACHE) {
machine_stack_cache[machine_stack_cache_index].ptr = terminated_machine_stack.ptr;
machine_stack_cache[machine_stack_cache_index].size = terminated_machine_stack.size;
if (terminated_machine_stack.ptr) {
if (machine_stack_cache_index < MAX_MACHINE_STACK_CACHE) {
machine_stack_cache[machine_stack_cache_index].ptr = terminated_machine_stack.ptr;
machine_stack_cache[machine_stack_cache_index].size = terminated_machine_stack.size;
else {
if (terminated_machine_stack.ptr != fib->cont.machine.stack) {
munmap((void*)terminated_machine_stack.ptr, terminated_machine_stack.size * sizeof(VALUE));
else {
if (terminated_machine_stack.ptr != fib->cont.machine.stack) {
munmap((void*)terminated_machine_stack.ptr, terminated_machine_stack.size * sizeof(VALUE));
else {
rb_bug("terminated fiber resumed");
rb_bug("terminated fiber resumed");
terminated_machine_stack.ptr = NULL;
terminated_machine_stack.size = 0;
terminated_machine_stack.ptr = NULL;
terminated_machine_stack.size = 0;
GetFiberPtr(th->fiber, fib);
if (fib->cont.argc == -1) rb_exc_raise(fib->cont.value);
return fib->cont.value;
#endif /* not _WIN32 */
#else /* FIBER_USE_NATIVE */
cont_save_machine_stack(th, &fib->cont);
if (ruby_setjmp(fib->cont.jmpbuf)) {
/* restored */
GetFiberPtr(th->fiber, fib);
if (fib->cont.argc == -1) rb_exc_raise(fib->cont.value);
if (nextfib->cont.value == Qundef) {
cont_restore_0(nextfib->cont, &nextfib->cont.value);
rb_bug("rb_fiber_resume: unreachable");
return fib->cont.value;
else {
return Qundef;
VALUE undef = Qundef;
cont_restore_0(nextfib->cont, &undef);
rb_bug("rb_fiber_resume: unreachable");
#endif /* FIBER_USE_NATIVE */
static inline VALUE
else if (fib->status == TERMINATED) {
value = rb_exc_new2(rb_eFiberError, "dead fiber called");
if (th->fiber != fibval) {
GetFiberPtr(th->fiber, fib);
if (fib->status != TERMINATED) rb_exc_raise(value);
fibval = th->root_fiber;
else {
fibval = fib->prev;
if (NIL_P(fibval)) fibval = th->root_fiber;
GetFiberPtr(fibval, fib);
GetFiberPtr(th->fiber, fib);
if (fib->status != TERMINATED) rb_exc_raise(value);
/* th->fiber is also dead => switch to root fiber */
/* (this means we're being called from rb_fiber_terminate, */
/* and the terminated fiber's return_fiber() is already dead) */
GetFiberPtr(th->root_fiber, fib);
cont = &fib->cont;
cont->argc = -1;
cont->value = value;
VALUE oldfibval;
VALUE oldfibval = th->fiber;
rb_fiber_t *oldfib;
oldfibval = rb_fiber_current();
GetFiberPtr(oldfibval, oldfib);
fiber_setcontext(fib, oldfib);
cont_restore_0(cont, &value);
/* unreachable */
if (is_resume) {
cont->value = make_passing_arg(argc, argv);
value = fiber_store(fib);
if (value == Qundef) {
cont_restore_0(cont, &value);
rb_bug("rb_fiber_resume: unreachable");
return value;