


Misc #10843 ยป delete-removed-libraries.patch

sho-h (Sho Hashimoto), 02/10/2015 03:58 AM

View differences:

doc/standard_library.rdoc (working copy)
Benchmark:: Provides methods to measure and report the time used to execute code
CGI:: Support for the Common Gateway Interface protocol
CMath:: Provides Trigonometric and Transcendental functions for complex numbers
complex.rb:: Deprecated library replaced by C implementation in core
ConditionVariable:: Augments the Mutex class, provided by thread.rb
CSV:: Provides an interface to read and write CSV files and data
DEBUGGER__:: Debugging functionality for Ruby
Find:: This module supports top-down traversal of a set of file paths
Forwardable:: Provides delegation of specified methods to a designated object
GetoptLong:: Parse command line options similar to the GNU C getopt_long()
GServer:: HTTP server with logging, thread pooling and multi-server management
IPAddr:: Provides methods to manipulate IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses
IRB:: Interactive Ruby command-line tool for REPL (Read Eval Print Loop)
Logger:: Provides a simple logging utility for outputing messages
mathn.rb:: Deprecated library that extends math operations
MakeMakefile:: Module used to generate a Makefile for C extensions
Matrix:: Represents a mathematical matrix.
MiniTest:: A test suite with TDD, BDD, mocking and benchmarking
Monitor:: Provides an object or module to use safely by more than one thread
Mutex_m:: Mixin to extend objects to be handled like a Mutex
Net::FTP:: Support for the File Transfer Protocol
Queue:: Synchronized communication between threads, provided by thread.rb
Racc:: A LALR(1) parser generator written in Ruby.
Rake:: Ruby build program with capabilities similar to make
rational.rb:: Deprecated library replaced by C implementation in core
RbConfig:: Information of your configure and build of Ruby
RDoc:: Produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby
resolv-replace.rb:: Replace Socket DNS with Resolv
Singleton:: Implementation of the Singleton pattern for Ruby
Synchronizer:: A module that provides a two-phase lock with a counter
Tempfile:: A utility class for managing temporary files
Test::Unit:: A compatibility layer for MiniTest
Thread:: Provides support classes for threaded programs
ThreadsWait:: Watches for termination of multiple threads
Time:: Extends the Time class with methods for parsing and conversion