


Bug #16040 » deck.rb

Represents a deck of 52 or 54 cards - edhotmetal (Edward Fernandez), 08/02/2019 09:42 PM

# An object of type Deck represents a deck of playing cards. The deck
# is a regular poker deck that contains 52 regular cards and that can
# also optionally inlude two Jokers
# Original version is from javanotes

require_relative "card.rb"

class Deck
# @deck is an array of 52 or 54 cards. a 54-card deck contains two Jokers,
# in addition to the 52 cards of a regular poker deck
# @card_used keeps track of the number of cards that have been dealt from the deck so far
attr_accessor :deck, :cards_used

# Constructs a regular 52-card poker deck. Initially, the cards
# are in a sorted order. The shuffle() method can be called to
# randomize the order. (Note that "" is equivalent to
# "".)
# Only one constructor is needed here because we can pass
# a default parameter of false in Ruby
def initialize(include_jokers = false)
if(include_jokers) then
@deck = # If the deck will include Jokers, create a deck with 54 cards
@deck = # If the deck will not inluce Jokers, create a deck with 52 cards
card_count = 0 # How many cards have been created so far

for suit in 0..3
for value in 1..13
@deck[card_count] =, suit)
card_count += 1
if(include_jokers) then
@deck[52] =, Card.class_variable_get(:@@JOKER))
@deck[53] =, Card.class_variable_get(:@@JOKER))
@cards_used = 0

# Put all the used cards back into the deck (if any), and
# shuffle the deck into a random order.
def shuffle()
range = (@deck.length-1)..0
(range.first).downto(range.last).each { |i|
rand = Random.rand(i+1)
temp_card = @deck[i]
@deck[i] = @deck[rand]
@deck[rand] = temp_card
@cards_used = 0

# As cards are dealt from the deck, the number of cards left
# decreases. This function returns the number of cards that
# are still left in the deck. The return value would be
# 52 or 54 (depending on whether the deck includes Jokers)
# when the deck is first created or after the deck has been
# shuffled. It decreases by 1 each time the deal_card method
# is called
def cards_left()
return @deck.length - @cards_used

# Removes the next card from the deck and returns it. It is illegal
# to call this method if there are no more cards in the deck. You can
# check the number of cards remaining by calling the card_left method
# Return the card which is removed from the deck.
# Throws StateError if there are no cards left in the deck
def deal_card()
if(@cards_used == @deck.length) then
raise"No cards are left in the deck")
@cards_used += 1
return @deck[@cards_used - 1]
# Cards are not literally removed from the array
# that represents the deck. We just keep track of how many cards
# have been used

# Test whether the deck contains Jokers
# Return true, if this is a 54-card deck containing two jokers, or false if
# this is a 52-card deck that contains no jokers
def has_jokers()
return (@deck.length == 54)