Bug #11283
Updated by nepalez (Andrew Kozin) over 9 years ago
That is how it works: module Test def self.build(&block) klass = Class.new(Object) klass.__send__(:define_method, :foo) klass.__send__(:define_method, :bar) klass end end Tested = Test.build { :foo } # warning: tried to create Proc object without a block # => Tested Tested.new.foo # => :foo Tested.new.bar # => :foo The block is assigned to all methods implicitly, while it wasn't asked to. The interpreter sends warning message, but doesn't raise `SyntaxError` as it IMHO should be. The behaviour is tested under MRI 1.9.3, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, ruby-head. Exceptions are raised by Rbx and Jruby interpreters. For the context look at this thread https://github.com/mbj/mutant/issues/356