Bug #11859
Updated by matsui (Kimihito Matsui) over 9 years ago
U+FF21 (A, FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A) and U+00c0 (À, LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE) is `Uppercase_Letter` @Uppercase_Letter@ so it should be match and return 0 in following case but this returns 1. ~~~ <pre> ruby -e 'puts "\uFF21A".encode("EUC-JP") =~ Regexp.compile("\\\p{Upper}".encode("EUC-JP”))' # => 1 ruby -e 'puts "\u00C0A".encode("EUC-JP") =~ Regexp.compile("\\\p{Upper}".encode("EUC-JP"))’ # => 1 ~~~ </pre> This also happens in lower case matching. ~~~ <pre> ruby -e 'puts "\uFF41a".encode("EUC-JP") =~ Regexp.compile("\\\p{Lower}".encode("EUC-JP"))’ #=> 1 ~~~ </pre> In Unicode encoding it works as follows. ~~~ <pre> ruby -e 'puts "\uFF21A" =~ Regexp.compile("\\\p{Upper}")' # => 0 ~~~ </pre> Looks like EUC-JP `\p{Upper}` @\p{Upper}@ and `\p{Lower}` @\p{Lower}@ regex is limited to ASCII characters.