Bug #14702
Updated by makoto_tajitsu@hotmail.co.jp (Makoto Tajitsu) over 6 years ago
On Ruby 2.5.1, when loading file with RubyVM::InstructionSequence.load_from_binary, TracePoint callback event is not working on loaded file. ## Steps to reproduce Ruby version. ``` $ ruby -v # => ruby 2.5.1p57 (2018-03-29 revision 63029) [x86_64-darwin16] ``` The example with `yomikomu` gem which is simply used `load_iseq` and `load_from_binary` method to load file quickly is following. ``` $ YOMIKOMU_AUTO_COMPILE=true bundle exec irb > TracePoint.trace(:line) { |tp| puts tp.lineno if tp.path == '/path/to/somefile.rb' } # => #<TracePoint:enabled> > load '/path/to/somefile.rb' # 3 # 4 # ... require 'yomikomu' load '/path/to/somefile.rb' './somefile.rb' # no tracepoint callback for line event ``` On Ruby 2.4.3, this example is working correctly, so tracepoint callback is called and output lineno to stdout when loaded file after `require 'yomikomu'`.