Bug #14702
Updated by makoto_tajitsu@hotmail.co.jp (Makoto Tajitsu) over 6 years ago
On Ruby 2.5.1, when loading file with RubyVM::InstructionSequence.load_from_binary, TracePoint callback event is not working on loaded file. ## Steps to reproduce Ruby version. ``` $ ruby -v # => ruby 2.5.1p57 (2018-03-29 revision 63029) [x86_64-darwin16] ``` The example with `yomikomu` gem which is simply used `load_iseq` and `load_from_binary` method to load file quickly is following. ```ruby ``` $ YOMIKOMU_AUTO_COMPILE=true bundle exec irb > TracePoint.trace(:line) { |tp| puts tp.lineno if tp.path == '/path/to/somefile.rb' } # => #<TracePoint:enabled> > load '/path/to/somefile.rb' # 3 # 4 # ... > require 'yomikomu' > load '/path/to/somefile.rb' # no tracepoint callback for line event ``` ## Result of reproduce process tracepoint callback isn't called on loaded file by using load_iseq and load_from_binary. ## Expected result and the reason why you expect tracepoint callback should be called for any loaded file to debug with debugguer(e.g. byebug). On Ruby 2.4.3, this example is working correctly, so tracepoint callback is called and output lineno to stdout when loaded file after `require 'yomikomu'`.