


Feature #17942

Updated by TylerRick (Tyler Rick) about 3 years ago

This proposal builds on the proposed `initialize(@a, @b)` instance var assignment shortcut syntax described in #15192. 

 1. It allows you to add an *optional* `public`/`protected`/`private` modifier before any instance var parameter. Doing so automatically defines *accessor methods* (with the given access modifier; equivalent to `attr_accessor` inside of a    `public`/`protected`/`private` block) for the instance var it precedes. 
 2. If the visibility modifier is omitted, then it defaults to automatically _no_ getter/setter methods for that instance var (it _only_ does an assignment of that already-private instance var). 

 ## Parameter properties in TypeScript language 

 This is inspired by TypeScript's `constructor(public a, private b)` syntax, which allows you to write this ([REPL]( 
 class Foo { 
     constructor(public a:number, public b:number, private c:number) { 
 instead of this: 
 class Foo { 
     constructor(a, b, c) { 
         this.a = a; 
         this.b = b; 
         this.c = c; 

 (The `public`/`private` access modifiers actually disappear in the transpiled JavaScript code because it's only the TypeScript compiler that enforces those access modifiers, and it does so at *compile* time rather than at run time.) 

 Further reading: 

 ## Differences from TypeScript 

 I propose adding a similar feature to Ruby, but with following differences from TypeScript: 

 1. Use **`@a`** instead of bare `a`. This makes it *much* clearer that you are assigning directly to instance variables instead of to locals. 
     - Rationale: The `@` is actually _part_ of the instance variable name, and is inseparable from it. (This is also consistent with how the `#` is part of the name itself in JavaScript's [(Private instance fields)]( 
     - (`public a` would be a syntax error because there's no such thing as access modifiers for locals. Okay, I guess there's no such thing as access modifiers for instance vars either, which is why...) 

 1. Make the syntax for ***assigning*** to instance vars (`@a`) (the proposal in #15192) and defining ***accessor methods*** for those instance vars (`public`/`private`) separate/distinct. 
     - In other words, rather than make the `public`/`private` keywords a *required* part of the syntax like it is for TypeScript [parameter properties](, you could omit the modifier and it would still do the instance var _assignment*. 
     - The `public`/`private` access modifiers be an additional (*optional*) shortcut when you want to add an ***accessor method*** in *addition* to doing an ***assignment*** . 
     - Unlike Java and TypeScript where you _can_ add access modifiers to instance variables, in Ruby, `public`/`private` _can't_ be applied to instance variables (direct access is only possible from within the instance). So if we're going to allow a `public`/`private` modifier here at all, They _must_ refer to methods, specifically accessor methods for those instance variables. 

 1. Keep it **private** by default (which of course `@a` by itself implies—it _is_ private unless you add a public accessor). 
     - (Rather than make it `public` by default like it is in TypeScript.) 
     - Keeping instance variables completely private is probably what people will want most of the time, and we should optimize the ergonomics for the most common case. 
     - Private is a safer default, and should be assumed unless you explicitly ask for a public accessor to be added. 
     - I bet TypeScript made the `public` the default mostly to be consistent with JavaScript (which TypeScript compiles to): JavaScript (along with other languages like Java) allows direct access (no getter/setter neede) to instance properties/variables from objects outside the instance. JavaScript doesn't even _have_ a way to make instance variables private (but hopefully will soon with this [proposal]( to add `#a` syntax for private properties). 

 So this: 

 class Thing 
   def initialize(public @a, public @b, @c) 

 would be equivalent to this: 

 class Thing 
   attr_accessor :a, :b 

   def initialize(a, b, c) 
     @a = a 
     @b = b 
     @c = c 

 ## How is `initialize(private @a)` different from `initialize(@a)`? 

 Even though `@a` by itself is already private... 
 1. This defines a private accessor for that instance var, which lets you write `self.a =` instead of `@a =` (if you want). 
 2. Having a concise way to do that is helpful, for example if you want to make it a matter of practice/policy to only set an instance variable by going through its *setter method*. (See [discussion here]( 

 Why not just use `initialize(private @a)` to be consistent with TypeScript spec? 
 - TypeScript's `public`/`private` is not standard JavaScript. In fact, if the [private methods/fields proposal]( had existed when TypeScript added [parameter properties](, I'd like to think that they might have actually *made use* of the new `#b` syntax and gone with a terser syntax like `constructor(public a, #b)` instead of ``constructor(public a, private b)`. 

 ## Upsides of this proposal 

 1. Removes even more boilerplate (all those `attr_accessor` lines), much of the time 

 ## Downsides of this proposal 

 1. Only provides a way to define both getter and setter at once. Doesn't provide a way to _just_ define a getter and not a setter, for example. 
     - Doesn't seem like a big deal, however. You can just not use this feature and define the getter with `attr_reader :a` instead. Or define private getter/setter with `private @a` and then override with `attr_reader :a` to add a public getter (while keeping the private setter). 
