


Feature #18265

Updated by zw963 (Wei Zheng) over 2 years ago


 Yes, what i said is this. 

 1. Go-language supports to make self-contained one-binary. 
 2. Is it useful for ruby? 

 I personal propose add this feature into ruby 3.X 3 in the future, i consider this is a killer 
 advantage compare to others dynamic language. 

 And, this feature is very important for distribute code to the third party.(e.g. client) for two reason: 

 1. distribute is easy. 
 2. for protect code change unexpectly by client 

 in fact, my friend switch from ruby to go recent days, the only reason is, it could not find out 
 a usable solution to distribute code to our client safely. 


 Because i could not find out a mature similar issue, so, just create this for discuss. 

 BTW: maybe not so useful, Emacs editor since master(since version 28 28), which can native compilation of Elisp files which has greatly improved performance and start-up time, i don't know if this tech can be borrow from there for ruby. 

 anyway, i consider both are similarities, similarities. 

 i hope guess that can help. may help on how to archive this. 
