

tompng (tomoya ishida)


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 17 17
Reported issues 8 66 74


Project Roles Registered on
Ruby Committer 12/26/2024
Backport187 Committer 12/26/2024
Backport191 Committer 12/26/2024
Backport192 Committer 12/26/2024
Backport193 Committer 12/26/2024
Backport200 Committer 12/26/2024
Backport21 Committer 12/26/2024
Backport22 Committer 12/26/2024
Ruby 1.8 Committer 12/26/2024
Ruby master Committer 12/26/2024



05:30 PM Ruby master Bug #21139 (Assigned): Prism and parse.y parses `it = it` differently
# ruby --parser=parse.y -e "42.tap { it = it; p it }"
# ruby --parser=prism -e "42.tap { it = it; p it }"
tompng (tomoya ishida)
01:41 PM Ruby master Bug #21097 (Open): `x = a rescue b in c` and `def f = a rescue b in c` parsed differently between parse.y and prism
tompng (tomoya ishida)


04:55 PM Ruby master Bug #21117 (Assigned): Inconsistent behaviour between "_1" and "it" variables
These two should be SyntaxError, and is actually SyntaxError with --parser=parse.y
[1, 2, 3].each { _1 += 1...
tompng (tomoya ishida)


01:36 PM Ruby master Bug #21117: Inconsistent behaviour between "_1" and "it" variables
Prism and parse.y parses these two code in the example differently.
[1, 2, 3].each { it = it + 1; p it }
tompng (tomoya ishida)


11:24 AM Ruby master Bug #21114 (Closed): Prism hangs up while parsing deeply nested `def`
Prism.parse "def f\n" * 500 # Ruby 3.4
Prism.parse "def f\n" * 5000 # Ruby 3.5
Prism.parse "def initialize...
tompng (tomoya ishida)


12:53 PM Ruby master Revision 2d3d7a74 (git): [DOC] Fix wrong call-seq format (#12662)
tompng (tomoya ishida)
10:06 AM Ruby master Bug #21097: `x = a rescue b in c` and `def f = a rescue b in c` parsed differently between parse.y and prism
`not` `in` and `not` `rescue` has the same problem
$ ruby --parser=parse.y -e "def f = not 1 in 2; p f"
tompng (tomoya ishida)
08:51 AM Ruby master Bug #21097 (Open): `x = a rescue b in c` and `def f = a rescue b in c` parsed differently between parse.y and prism
x = a rescue b in c
(x = (a rescue b)) in c # parse.y, prism(ruby 3.4)
x = (a rescue (b in c)) # prism(rub...
tompng (tomoya ishida)


03:58 PM Ruby master Revision 8c4134a3 (git): [ruby/irb] Use EnvUtil.rubybin instead of "ruby" in copy command
`ruby` is not always available.
tompng (tomoya ishida)
02:08 PM Ruby master Revision 6821b057 (git): [ruby/irb] Bump version to 1.15.1
tompng (tomoya ishida)

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