

nirvdrum (Kevin Menard)

  • Login: nirvdrum
  • Registered on: 03/03/2017
  • Last sign in: 12/17/2024


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 6 7


Project Roles Registered on
Ruby Contributor 03/03/2025




03:44 AM Ruby Feature #20792: String#with_encoding(encoding)
Eregon (Benoit Daloze) wrote in #note-1:
> I have wanted this feature too, how about adding an optional argument to ...
nirvdrum (Kevin Menard)


03:23 PM Ruby Misc #19431: DevMeeting at RubyKaigi 2023
I'll be there. nirvdrum (Kevin Menard)


05:33 PM Ruby Feature #18949: Deprecate and remove replicate and dummy encodings
> But on the other hand, ISO-2022-JP, UTF-16, and UTF-32 definitely have their uses. They are not so much used direct... nirvdrum (Kevin Menard)


04:38 PM Ruby Bug #18931: Inconsistent handling of invalid codepoints in String#lstrip and String#rstrip
My own take on three options, with no significance to the order, are:
**Ignore the code point**
The documentati...
nirvdrum (Kevin Menard)
04:25 PM Ruby Bug #18931 (Closed): Inconsistent handling of invalid codepoints in String#lstrip and String#rstrip
When attempting to strip a string, there are three basic options when an invalid code point is encountered:
1) Ign...
nirvdrum (Kevin Menard)


03:14 AM Ruby Feature #18579: Concatenation of ASCII-8BIT strings shouldn't behave differently depending on string contents
naruse (Yui NARUSE) wrote in #note-2:
> The encoding of the resulted string depends "ascii only or not" and "ascii c...
nirvdrum (Kevin Menard)


04:33 PM Ruby Feature #15940: Coerce symbols internal fstrings in UTF8 rather than ASCII to better share memory with string literals
I generally like the idea, but really from a semantics perspective rather than a memory savings one. It's confusing t... nirvdrum (Kevin Menard)


04:28 PM Ruby Bug #15635: Inconsistent handling of dummy encodings and code range
I also tested some older Ruby releases. The issue is also present in `ruby 2.4.4p296 (2018-03-28 revision 63013) [x86... nirvdrum (Kevin Menard)
04:26 PM Ruby Bug #15635 (Closed): Inconsistent handling of dummy encodings and code range
It's hard to write code that works properly with dummy encodings, so they should really be avoided altogether. Howeve... nirvdrum (Kevin Menard)


04:35 PM Ruby Bug #15543 (Rejected): rb_str_set_len should clear code range
Calling `rb_str_set_len` on a `String` could alter the code range. I think this hasn't been much of an issue because ... nirvdrum (Kevin Menard)

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