

RichOrElse (Ritchie Buitre)

  • Login: RichOrElse
  • Registered on: 04/28/2017
  • Last sign in: 06/10/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 2 0 2



05:48 PM Ruby master Feature #17663: Enumerator#with, an alternative to Enumerator#with_object
Hanmac (Hans Mackowiak) wrote in #note-4:
> i had a similar problem when i wanted to make Symbol to_proc use paramete...
RichOrElse (Ritchie Buitre)
02:00 PM Ruby master Feature #16113: Partial application
I like the idea. I made a [similar proposal](, but admittedly it wasn't as in... RichOrElse (Ritchie Buitre)


05:23 PM Ruby master Feature #17663 (Open): Enumerator#with, an alternative to Enumerator#with_object
**Enumerator#with** yields each element along with the arguments
``` ruby
class Enumerator
def with(*options)
RichOrElse (Ritchie Buitre)


10:16 AM Ruby master Feature #15302: Proc#with and Proc#by, for partial function application and currying
matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) wrote:
> I wonder those words do not cause confusion which works which way? At least I was...
RichOrElse (Ritchie Buitre)


05:12 AM Ruby master Misc #15229: DevelopersMeeting20181122Japan
* [Feature #15302] Proc#with and Proc#by, for partial function application and currying (Ritchie Buitre)
* Conveni...
RichOrElse (Ritchie Buitre)


04:54 PM Ruby master Feature #15302: Proc#with and Proc#by, for partial function application and currying
shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) wrote:
> I am not sure if the API seems ok. I am also not sure if matz
> wants to have ...
RichOrElse (Ritchie Buitre)


09:49 AM Ruby master Feature #12115: Add Symbol#call to allow to_proc shorthand with arguments
I have a related proposal #15302 with a different implementation and interface. RichOrElse (Ritchie Buitre)


06:56 AM Ruby master Feature #15302 (Open): Proc#with and Proc#by, for partial function application and currying
**Proc#by** allows currying implicitly
~~~ ruby
class Proc
def by(*head)
return self if head.none?
RichOrElse (Ritchie Buitre)


02:35 PM Ruby master Feature #14594: Rethink yield_self's name
I suggest aliasing `#yield_self` with **#to_be**. The `to_` prefix suggest returning a value while [the word "be"](ht... RichOrElse (Ritchie Buitre)


07:47 PM Ruby master Feature #6284: Add composition for procs
matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) wrote:
> I want to make sure if everyone agrees with "*" instead of OP's "<<".
> Besides ...
RichOrElse (Ritchie Buitre)

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