

mame (Yusuke Endoh)

  • Login: mame
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  • Registered on: 05/28/2008
  • Last sign in: 12/05/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 1 149 150
Reported issues 14 335 349


Project Roles Registered on
Ruby Committer 07/18/2008
Backport187 Committer 06/18/2013
Backport191 Committer 05/16/2009
Backport192 Committer 08/02/2010
Backport193 Committer 08/24/2011
Backport200 Committer 02/17/2013
Backport21 Committer 12/21/2013
Backport22 Committer 12/19/2014
Ruby 1.8 Committer 05/28/2008
Ruby master Committer, Security team, Infrastructure team 05/28/2008




12:59 AM Ruby master Misc #21035: Clarify or redefine Module#autoload? and Module#const_defined?
I'm not going to argue with the definition of the word "circular require", but I don't think that code is valid anywa... mame (Yusuke Endoh)


03:45 PM Ruby master Misc #21134 (Open): DevMeeting-2025-03-13
# The next dev meeting
**Date: 2025/03/13 13:00-17:00** (JST)
Log: *TBD*
- Dev meeting *IS NOT* a decision-mak...
mame (Yusuke Endoh)
03:44 PM Ruby master Misc #21019 (Closed): DevMeeting-2025-02-13
mame (Yusuke Endoh)
03:42 PM Ruby master Feature #20953: Array#fetch_values vs #values_at protocols
It was discussed at the dev meeting. @matz said that it would be good to raise an IndexError consistently if beginles... mame (Yusuke Endoh)
03:32 PM Ruby master Feature #21105: Improve Ruby Stack Trace to Include Exact Error Position (Column Number)
I think it is worth to display column info as `trace.rb:3:7: in 'run': ... `. When you click on it in the vscode term... mame (Yusuke Endoh)
03:18 PM Ruby master Misc #21035: Clarify or redefine Module#autoload? and Module#const_defined?
This ticket was discussed briefly at the dev meeting.
fxn (Xavier Noria) wrote in #note-3:
> Let me give you a ge...
mame (Yusuke Endoh)
03:09 PM Ruby master Bug #20998: rb_str_locktmp() changes flags of frozen strings and string literals
Discussed at the dev meeting. @akr preferred raising an Exception. The current purpose of `rb_str_locktmp` is to prev... mame (Yusuke Endoh)
09:21 AM Ruby master Feature #21028: Method for finding why an object isn't Ractor shareable
Is `ObjectSpace.reachable_objects_from` usable for the use case? It's a bit tedious, but I think it's more flexible n... mame (Yusuke Endoh)


09:03 AM Ruby master Misc #21035: Clarify or redefine Module#autoload? and Module#const_defined?
@fxn Please write expected behavior and actual result clearly. I understood your issue as the following, is it correc... mame (Yusuke Endoh)


01:04 PM Ruby master Bug #21124 (Rejected): Enumerable#find called without a block returns Enumerator without size
Thanks for your confirmation. Closing. mame (Yusuke Endoh)

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