

gmcgibbon (Gannon McGibbon)


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 4 4



04:35 PM Ruby master Feature #20676: Pathnames aren't Comparable
It looks like I got it wrong. `<=>` does case-sensitive matching and doesn't behave the way I thought it did. General... gmcgibbon (Gannon McGibbon)


09:43 PM Ruby master Feature #20676 (Feedback): Pathnames aren't Comparable
I was working with Pathnames recently and noticed that I could do:
Pathname("/a/b").to_s <= Pathname("...
gmcgibbon (Gannon McGibbon)


05:55 PM Ruby master Revision 1984f9ae (git): Specify Kernel#autoload? uses current namespace
Because Kernel#autoload? uses the current namespace, it can lead to
potentially confusing results. We should make it ...
gmcgibbon (Gannon McGibbon)


11:00 PM Ruby master Bug #20411: Kenrel.autoload? behaviour
Ah, I see. Thank you for clarifying! Strangely, if you use `class B` and not a `module B`, the behaviour changes. Do... gmcgibbon (Gannon McGibbon)
09:32 PM Ruby master Bug #20411 (Closed): Kenrel.autoload? behaviour
👋 I recently tried checking if a top-level constant was autoloaded within a module, and it doesn't seem to work prope... gmcgibbon (Gannon McGibbon)


05:53 PM Ruby master Revision 4bdb7961 (git): Mark frame info structs with rb_gc_mark_movable
Using rb_gc_mark_movable and a reference update function, we can make
frame infos movable in memory, and avoid pinnin...
gmcgibbon (Gannon McGibbon)


02:43 PM Ruby master Revision a31ca350 (git): Mark iseq structs with rb_gc_mark_movable
Using rb_gc_mark_movable and a reference update function, we can make
instruction sequences movable in memory, and av...
gmcgibbon (Gannon McGibbon)


08:14 AM Ruby master Revision 19e4a4c6 (git): [ruby/irb] Rename IDB::ReidlineInputMethod to IRB::RelineInputMethod
Deprecates IDB::ReidlineInputMethod and USE_REIDLINE in favor of
IRB::RelineInputMethod and USE_RELINE. The Input met...
gmcgibbon (Gannon McGibbon)


09:03 PM Ruby master Bug #18600: Aliased method visibility issue on Ruby 3.1
May be related to gmcgibbon (Gannon McGibbon)
08:49 PM Ruby master Bug #18600 (Closed): Aliased method visibility issue on Ruby 3.1
It seems methods on classes that were originally private in the parent and made public in the child can no longer be ... gmcgibbon (Gannon McGibbon)

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