

sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada)

  • Login: sawa
  • Registered on: 04/27/2011
  • Last sign in: 05/22/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 55 142 197




06:21 AM Ruby master Feature #20054 (Rejected): Replace the use of `def` in endless method definitions with a new sigil
I propose to remove the use of keyword `def` from the syntax of endless method definition, and introduce a new sigil ... sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada)


06:29 AM Ruby master Misc #20015: Privacy policy for
I would like to point out a few syntax errors in the published description or expressions whose meaning most likely d... sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada)


05:51 AM Ruby master Feature #19978: NoMethodError and large objects should not create unwieldy error messages
If displaying the instance is not important for a NoMethodError, then getting rid of it entirely may make it simpler.... sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada)
05:42 AM Ruby master Feature #19978: NoMethodError and large objects should not create unwieldy error messages
Do you intend the elided inspect form to be defined for each class, or should it be a result of simple string ellipsi... sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada)


01:10 AM Ruby master Feature #19931: to_int is not for implicit conversion?
Your description suggests a contrast between `to_int` and `to_i`, but while you showed a code example using `to_int`,... sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada)


04:30 AM Ruby master Feature #19884: Make Safe Navigation Operator work on classes
sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada) wrote:
> > > > You stated that you want &. to work on classes, but that does not make sense. ...
sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada)


11:37 AM Ruby master Feature #19884: Make Safe Navigation Operator work on classes
p8 (Petrik de Heus) wrote in #note-5:
> > Furthermore, the specification you are asking for is not clear. What Excep...
sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada)


07:59 AM Ruby master Feature #19744: Namespace on read
It may be useful to allow a code block if that does not cause a trouble.
require "my_module" do...
sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada)


01:10 PM Ruby master Feature #19889 (Feedback): Let `Kernel.#require` search for files relative to the current working directory for non ./, ../ relative paths
My understanding is that `./` and `../` in the given path argument are interpreted relative to:
* The current...
sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada)


08:11 AM Ruby master Feature #19884: Make Safe Navigation Operator work on classes
Currently, you can do `ActiveRecord::Base.some_method rescue nil`
Using `&.` for rescuing an error in addition to th...
sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada)

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