

abrom (Andrew Bromwich)

  • Login: abrom
  • Registered on: 01/22/2020
  • Last sign in: 01/22/2020


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04:58 AM Ruby master Bug #16520: Brackets ignored over multi-line
mame (Yusuke Endoh) wrote:
> ```
> (1
> +2)
> ```
> is equivalent to
> ```
> begin
> 1
> +2
> e...
abrom (Andrew Bromwich)
04:57 AM Ruby master Bug #16520: Brackets ignored over multi-line
Note when running the above code through the parser it's pretty clear why it's breaking, and to be honest i'm not sur... abrom (Andrew Bromwich)
04:43 AM Ruby master Bug #16520 (Rejected): Brackets ignored over multi-line
I was refactoring some code in a gem and noticed some test failures. It appears to be a bug in the tests masked by wh... abrom (Andrew Bromwich)

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