

ioquatix (Samuel Williams)


open closed Total
Assigned issues 13 101 114
Reported issues 26 110 136


Project Roles Registered on
Ruby Committer 09/19/2018
Backport187 Committer 09/19/2018
Backport191 Committer 09/19/2018
Backport192 Committer 09/19/2018
Backport193 Committer 09/19/2018
Backport200 Committer 09/19/2018
Backport21 Committer 09/19/2018
Backport22 Committer 09/19/2018
Ruby 1.8 Committer 09/19/2018
Ruby master Committer 09/19/2018




09:10 PM Ruby master Misc #19122: Use MADV_DONTNEED instead of MADV_FREE when freeing a Fiber's stack
On the latest Linux kernel, the constants have changed:
I did a quick compa...
ioquatix (Samuel Williams)


02:55 AM Ruby master Bug #21166: Fiber Scheduler is unable to be interrupted by `IO#close`.
The fiber scheduler hook `rb_fiber_scheduler_io_wait` could be implemented like this:
static VALUE
ioquatix (Samuel Williams)


11:54 PM Ruby master Bug #21166: Fiber Scheduler is unable to be interrupted by `IO#close`.
> when you can accomplish the same thing by allowing the io operation to be interrupted by a close in every case like... ioquatix (Samuel Williams)
09:38 PM Ruby master Bug #21166 (Open): Fiber Scheduler is unable to be interrupted by `IO#close`.
## Background
Ruby's `IO#close` can cause `IO#read`, `IO#write`, `IO#wait`, `IO#wait_readable` and `IO#wait_writab...
ioquatix (Samuel Williams)
10:27 PM Ruby master Misc #21134: DevMeeting-2025-03-13
- [Bug #21166] Fiber Scheduler is unable to be interrupted by `IO#close`.
- Introduce new public interfaces:
ioquatix (Samuel Williams)
10:20 PM Ruby master Feature #19059 (Closed): Introduce top level `module TimeoutError` for aggregating various timeout error classes.
It is unlikely that Ruby will adopt this, so I am going to close it. ioquatix (Samuel Williams)
10:18 PM Ruby master Misc #20968: `Array#fetch_values` unexpected method name in stack trace
I also agree this is not a bug and the expanded stack trace is good. But let me talk about my experience with Objecti... ioquatix (Samuel Williams)


08:33 PM Ruby master Misc #21136: [ANN] The update of branch maintainer for Ruby 3.2 to 3.4
Thanks to all the branch maintainers for your hard work. ioquatix (Samuel Williams)


10:12 PM Ruby master Bug #21095: Prefer `uname -n` over `hostname` in tests.
Ruby should prefer (POSIX) standardised tools and interfaces where possible. This change costs us nothing and reduces... ioquatix (Samuel Williams)
09:39 PM Ruby master Bug #21095: Prefer `uname -n` over `hostname` in tests.
Fixed in <> and < ioquatix (Samuel Williams)

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