

FedorKK (Fedor Koshel)

  • Login: FedorKK
  • Registered on: 05/09/2020
  • Last sign in: 05/09/2020


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06:38 PM Ruby master Bug #16843: A bug with floating point multiplication
Ok, let's close it. It's really doesn't make any sense to improve the standard representation. But still:
``` go
FedorKK (Fedor Koshel)
05:45 PM Ruby master Bug #16843: A bug with floating point multiplication
Yes, but for example in Go:
``` go
func main() {
fmt.Printf("%f", 0.29 * 100)
fmt.Printf("%f", ...
FedorKK (Fedor Koshel)
04:50 PM Ruby master Bug #16843: A bug with floating point multiplication
The behaviour is super unpredictable. I mean, the problem with floats is known, but it usually happens with precision... FedorKK (Fedor Koshel)
03:49 PM Ruby master Bug #16843 (Rejected): A bug with floating point multiplication
I've reproduced it with both currently stable versions: 2.6.6 and 2.7.1.
``` ruby
irb(main):001:0> 0.29 * 100
FedorKK (Fedor Koshel)

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