

megatux (Cristian Molina)

  • Login: megatux
  • Registered on: 02/10/2022
  • Last sign in: 10/21/2022


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09:35 PM Ruby master Bug #19093 (Third Party's Issue): gem uninstall, when prompting for gem selection it does not handle CTRL+D
Scenario: calling `gem uninstall some_gem` and there is more than 1 version of that gem installed
A list of the n ve...
megatux (Cristian Molina)
09:17 PM Ruby master Bug #19092 (Third Party's Issue): gem uninstall exit code when multiple gem are installed and no option is given on prompt
When there are several versions of a gem to uninstall and there is a prompt with all the installed versions and it is... megatux (Cristian Molina)

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