

ashwinsurya14 (Ashwin Surya Kumar Sivasubramanian)

  • Login: ashwinsurya14
  • Registered on: 10/05/2023
  • Last sign in: 10/05/2023


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09:14 PM Ruby master Bug #19911: require slower with ruby/3.2.2
On further debugging we found that the following is speeding up the require and file read operation
time ruby --di...
ashwinsurya14 (Ashwin Surya Kumar Sivasubramanian)
05:37 PM Ruby master Bug #19911: require slower with ruby/3.2.2
Also i have seen this happeneing in other versions/systems one other thing i tested was with ubuntu. ashwinsurya14 (Ashwin Surya Kumar Sivasubramanian)
05:36 PM Ruby master Bug #19911 (Feedback): require slower with ruby/3.2.2
we tested require with ruby 3.2.2 and ruby 2.7.2
and its seems to slowdown considerabily
the test case:
Ruby 3.2...
ashwinsurya14 (Ashwin Surya Kumar Sivasubramanian)

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