

shan (Shannon Skipper)

  • Login: shan
  • Registered on: 12/23/2012
  • Last sign in: 06/20/2024


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 4 7 11




11:25 PM Ruby master Feature #20476: Add Enumerator#eager that returns self, like Enumerator::Lazy#lazy
Added a PR shan (Shannon Skipper)
11:24 PM Ruby master Feature #20476 (Open): Add Enumerator#eager that returns self, like Enumerator::Lazy#lazy
I'd like to propose adding an Enumerator#eager method. We currently have Enumerator#lazy, Enumerator::Lazy#lazy, Enum... shan (Shannon Skipper)


03:45 PM Ruby master Feature #20469: Add a JSON addition for Enumerator::ArithmeticSequence
I just realized I filed my PR in the wrong place since JSON is a gem. (Sorry for the noise.) I closed the previous PR... shan (Shannon Skipper)


07:11 PM Ruby master Feature #20469 (Third Party's Issue): Add a JSON addition for Enumerator::ArithmeticSequence
There's a JSON addition for `Range` but one wasn't added for `Enumerator::ArithmeticSequence` when it was introduced.... shan (Shannon Skipper)


01:47 AM Ruby master Bug #20450: Ruby 3.3.1 broken with bootsnap
RVM is now patching this by default for 3.3.1 installs. shan (Shannon Skipper)


10:40 PM Ruby master Bug #20450: Ruby 3.3.1 broken with bootsnap
For what it's worth, here are some untested install scripts using a minimalist version of @eugeneius's patch for ruby... shan (Shannon Skipper)
02:56 PM Ruby master Feature #20443: Allow Major GC's to be disabled
I wonder if "full_sweep" would be worth considering as an alternative to "major" to align with the existing `GC.start... shan (Shannon Skipper)


02:26 PM Ruby master Feature #20404: `2pi`
The Tau Manifesto ( was introduced by Michael Hartl, a Rubyist, and handily `𝜏 == 2π` so it might... shan (Shannon Skipper)


07:32 PM Ruby master Feature #20394: Add an offset parameter to `String#to_i`
Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) wrote in #note-4:
> It doesn't seem like String#getbyte is much faster than File#getbyte, a...
shan (Shannon Skipper)


08:12 PM Ruby master Feature #20326: Add an `undefined` for use as a default argument.
zverok (Victor Shepelev) wrote in #note-6:
> Unfortunately, such APIs are sometimes unavoidable, especially in imple...
shan (Shannon Skipper)

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