

vajrasky (Vajrasky Kok)


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 1 1
Reported issues 0 6 6



07:08 PM Ruby master Feature #9383 (Closed): Add unit test for FileUtils.chown_R
There is no unit tests for FileUtils.chown_R.
Here is the patch to add unit test for FileUtils.chown_R.
vajrasky (Vajrasky Kok)


05:58 PM Ruby master Bug #9327: Why FileUtils.rmdir ignores Errno::ENOTEMPTY ?
It is because we added :parents option in FileUtils.rmdir. See this ticket for detail: vajrasky (Vajrasky Kok)
05:50 PM Backport191 Bug #3178: Fileutils#rmdir does rescue Dir Errors without raising new
Here is the preliminary patch. Any feedback is welcome. vajrasky (Vajrasky Kok)


04:44 PM Ruby master Misc #9307 (Closed): Add expression for Zlib.adler32 documentation
In ext/zlib/zlib.c, line 435, there is a line:
* FIXME: expression.
So I replaced it with the expression of Zli...
vajrasky (Vajrasky Kok)


07:36 PM Ruby master Feature #9303 (Closed): Add unit test for chown method in test_fileutils.rb to test that it does not chmod recursively
I was about to write unit test for FileUtils.chown_R then I realized that I needed to make sure FileUtils.chown does ... vajrasky (Vajrasky Kok)


07:34 PM Ruby master Feature #9292 (Closed): Add unit test for chown method in test_fileutils.rb with root account
There is no unit test for chown method in test_fileutils.rb with root account. Chown with root account has unique beh... vajrasky (Vajrasky Kok)


05:40 PM Ruby master Feature #9286 (Closed): Add unit test for test_chown in test_fileutils.rb with non-root account
Right now, there is no unit tests for test_chown except for checking whether chown is singleton or not. Hereby, I att... vajrasky (Vajrasky Kok)


06:19 PM Ruby master Feature #9263 (Closed): When creating symlink (or link) and the destination exists already, the error message is ambiguous
Assume file 'link_b' already exists.
irb(main):001:0> File.symlink('a.txt', 'link_b')
Errno::EEXIST: File exists ...
vajrasky (Vajrasky Kok)

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