


Feature #4100 » net.http.rb.doc.2.patch

Revised patch that applies atop 29983 - drbrain (Eric Hodel), 12/01/2010 02:06 AM

View differences:

lib/net/http.rb (working copy)
# == An HTTP client API for Ruby.
# For more details about HTTP, see [RFC2616](
# Net::HTTP provides a rich library which can be used to build HTTP
# user-agents. For more details about HTTP see
# [RFC2616](
# == Examples
# Net::HTTP is designed to work closely with URI. URI::HTTP#host,
# URI::HTTP#port and URI::HTTP#request_uri are designed to work with
# Net::HTTP.
# === Fetching Documents
# If you are only performing a few GET requests you should try OpenURI.
# Simple GET
# == How to use Net::HTTP
# require 'net/http'
# Net::HTTP.get('', '/index.html') => String
# Net::HTTP provides several convenience methods for performing a GET on a
# web server which are described below.
# Simple GET by URI object
# All examples assume you have loaded Net::HTTP with:
# require 'net/http'
# require 'uri'
# Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse('')) => String
# require 'net/http'
# More generic GET with dynamic parameters
# This will also require 'uri' so you don't need to require it separately.
# require 'net/http'
# require 'uri'
# The following example code can be used as the basis of a HTTP user-agent
# which will perform a variety of request types.
# uri = URI.parse('')
# params = { :limit => 10, :page => 3 }
# uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params)
# res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)
# puts res.body if res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess)
# uri = URI.parse ''
# Even more generic GET with Basic Auth and custom header
# Net::HTTP.start, uri.port do |http|
# request = uri.request_uri
# require 'net/http'
# response = http.request request # Net::HTTPResponse object
# end
# uri = URI.parse('')
# req =
# req.basic_auth 'user', 'pass'
# req['X-Custom-Header'] =
# res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) {|http|
# http.request(req)
# }
# puts res.body
# Net::HTTP::start immediately creates a connection to an HTTP server which
# is kept open for the duration of the block. The connection will remain
# open for multiple requests in the block if the server indicates it
# supports persistent connections.
# Accessing Response data:
# The request types Net::HTTP supports are listed below in the section "HTTP
# Request Classes".
# res = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(''))
# # Headers
# res['Set-Cookie'] => String
# res.get_fields('set-cookie') => Array
# res.to_hash['set-cookie'] => Array
# puts "Headers: #{res.to_hash.inspect}"
# # Status
# puts res.code => '200'
# puts res.message => 'OK'
# puts => 'HTTPOK'
# puts res.body
# If you wish to re-use a connection across multiple HTTP requests without
# automatically closing it you can use ::new instead of ::start. #request
# will automatically open a connection to the server if one is not currently
# open. You can manually close the connection with #close.
# === Posting Form Data
# === Response Data
# require 'net/http'
# require 'uri'
# uri = URI.parse('')
# res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)
# #1: Simple POST
# res = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse(''),
# {'q' => 'ruby', 'max' => '50'})
# puts res.body
# # Headers
# res['Set-Cookie'] # => String
# res.get_fields('set-cookie') # => Array
# res.to_hash['set-cookie'] # => Array
# puts "Headers: #{res.to_hash.inspect}"
# #2: Detailed control of POST with authentication
# # Status
# puts res.code # => '200'
# puts res.message # => 'OK'
# puts # => 'HTTPOK'
# uri = URI.parse('')
# req =
# req.basic_auth 'jack', 'pass'
# req.set_form_data({'from' => '2005-01-01', 'to' => '2005-03-31'}, ';')
# res =, uri.port).start {|http| http.request(req) }
# case res
# when Net::HTTPSuccess, Net::HTTPRedirection
# # OK
# # Body
# puts res.body if res.response_body_permitted?
# === Following Redirection
# Each Net::HTTPResponse object belongs to a class for its response code.
# For example, all 2XX responses are instances of a Net::HTTPSuccess
# subclass, a 3XX response is an instance of a Net::HTTPRedirection
# subclass and a 200 response is an instance of the Net::HTTPOK class. For
# details of response classes, see the section "HTTP Response Classes"
# below.
# Using a case statement you can handle various types of responses properly:
# def fetch(uri_str, limit = 10)
# # You should choose a better exception.
# raise ArgumentError, 'too many HTTP redirects' if limit == 0
# response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(uri_str))
# case response
# when Net::HTTPSuccess then
# response
# when Net::HTTPRedirection then
# location = response['location']
# warn "redirected to #{location}"
# fetch(location, limit - 1)
# else
# res.error!
# response.value
# end
# end
# #3: Multiple values
# res = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse(''),
# {'q' => ['ruby', 'perl'], 'max' => '50'})
# puts res.body
# === Accessing via Proxy
# Net::HTTP.Proxy is an http proxy class. It has the same
# methods as Net::HTTP, but its instances always connect via a proxy,
# instead of directly to the given host.
# require 'net/http'
# proxy_addr = ''
# proxy_port = 8080
# :
# Net::HTTP::Proxy(proxy_addr, proxy_port).start('') {|http|
# # always connect to your.proxy.addr:8080
# :
# }
# The top-level Net::HTTP class creates objects which represent
# HTTP sessions.
# Since Net::HTTP.Proxy returns Net::HTTP itself when +proxy_addr+ is nil,
# there's no need to change your code depending on whether there's a proxy
# or not.
# There are two additional parameters in Net::HTTP.Proxy which allow you to
# specify a user name and password for the proxy:
# Net::HTTP::Proxy(proxy_addr, proxy_port, proxy_user = nil, proxy_pass = nil)
# You can use them to work with authorization-enabled proxies:
# require 'net/http'
# require 'uri'
# proxy_host = ''
# proxy_port = 8080
# uri = URI.parse(ENV['http_proxy'])
# proxy_user, proxy_pass = uri.userinfo.split(/:/) if uri.userinfo
# Net::HTTP::Proxy(proxy_host, proxy_port,
# proxy_user, proxy_pass).start('') {|http|
# # always connect to your.proxy.addr:8080 using specified username and password
# :
# }
# print fetch('')
# Note that net/http does not use the HTTP_PROXY environment variable.
# If you want to use a proxy, you must do so explicitly.
# === POST
# === Following Redirection
# A POST can be made using the Net::HTTP::Post request class. This example
# creates a urlencoded POST body:
# require 'net/http'
# require 'uri'
# uri = URI.parse('')
# req =
# req.set_form_data('from' => '2005-01-01', 'to' => '2005-03-31')
# def fetch(uri_str, limit = 10)
# # You should choose better exception.
# raise ArgumentError, 'HTTP redirect too deep' if limit == 0
# response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(uri_str))
# case response
# when Net::HTTPSuccess then response
# when Net::HTTPRedirection then fetch(response['location'], limit - 1)
# else
# response.error!
# end
# end
# res =, uri.port).start do |http|
# http.request(req)
# end
# print fetch('')
# case res
# when Net::HTTPSuccess, Net::HTTPRedirection
# # OK
# else
# res.value
# end
# Net::HTTPSuccess and Net::HTTPRedirection are HTTPResponse subclasses.
# All HTTPResponse objects belong to their own response class, which
# indicates the HTTP result status. For details of the response classes,
# see the section "HTTP Response Classes".
# At this time Net::HTTP does not support multipart/form-data. To send
# multipart/form-data use Net::HTTPRequest#body= and
# Net::HTTPRequest#content_type=:
# === Full example with retrying and error reporting
# req =
# req.body = multipart_data
# req.content_type = 'multipart/form-data'
# require 'uri'
# require 'net/http'
# Other requests that can contain a body such as PUT can be created in the
# same way using the corresponding request class (Net::HTTP::Put).
# url = ""
# === Setting Headers
# # Break apart the URL
# uri = URI.parse(url)
# # Reassemble the path for the HTTP request
# if uri.query
# path = uri.path + '?' + uri.query
# else
# path = uri.path
# end
# The following example performs a conditional GET using the
# If-Modified-Since header. If the files has not been modified since the
# time in the header a Not Modified response will be returned. See RFC 2616
# section 9.3 for further details.
# # Create a request object
# request =
# uri = URI.parse('')
# file = File.stat 'cached_response'
# # Prepare an HTTP connection object
# http =, uri.port)
# req =
# req['If-Modified-Since'] = file.mtime.rfc2822
# # Open the connection and issue the request, retrying up to 3 times if there
# # is a timeout
# attempts = 1
# begin
# response = http.request(request)
# rescue Exception => e
# puts e
# puts "[Retrying]"
# attempts += 1
# retry if attempts <= 3
# end
# res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) {|http|
# http.request(req)
# }
# # Report the result
# if response.kind_of? Net::HTTPSuccess
# puts response.body
# else
# raise "Error fetching #{url}: #{response.code} #{response.message}"
# end
# open 'cached_response', 'w' do |io|
# io.write res.body
# end if res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess)
# === HTTP Request Classes
# === Basic Authentication
# Here is HTTP request class hierarchy.
# Basic authentication is performed according to
# [RFC2617](
# Net::HTTPRequest
# Net::HTTP::Get
# Net::HTTP::Head
# Net::HTTP::Post
# Net::HTTP::Put
# Net::HTTP::Proppatch
# Net::HTTP::Lock
# Net::HTTP::Unlock
# Net::HTTP::Options
# Net::HTTP::Propfind
# Net::HTTP::Delete
# Net::HTTP::Move
# Net::HTTP::Copy
# Net::HTTP::Mkcol
# Net::HTTP::Trace
# uri = URI.parse('')
# === HTTP Response Classes
# req =
# req.basic_auth 'user', 'pass'
# The request() method returns a response of a specific class, depending
# on the result of the HTTP request.
# res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) {|http|
# http.request(req)
# }
# puts res.body
# To handle the result, you can use case/when statements. Example:
# === Streaming Response Bodies
# response = http.request(req)
# case response
# when Net::HTTPSuccess
# # Succeeded
# when Net::HTTPInformation
# # Continuing process
# when Net::HTTPRedirection
# # Page has moved, handle redirect
# when Net::HTTPClientError
# # Client is wrong
# when Net::HTTPServerError
# # Site is broken
# else
# # Unknown
# By default Net::HTTP reads an entire response into memory. If you are
# handling large files or wish to implement a progress bar you can instead
# stream the body directly to an IO.
# uri = URI.parse ''
# Net::HTTP.start, uri.port do |http|
# request = uri.request_uri
# http.request request do |response|
# open 'large_file', 'w' do |io|
# response.read_body do |chunk|
# io.write chunk
# end
# end
# end
# end
# === HTTPS
# HTTPS is enabled for an HTTP connection by Net::HTTP#use_ssl=.
# uri = URI.parse ''
#, uri.port
# http.use_ssl = uri.scheme == 'https'
# http.start do
# request = uri.request_uri
# response = http.request request # Net::HTTPResponse object
# end
# In previous versions of ruby you would need to require 'net/https' to use
# HTTPS. This is no longer true.
# === Proxies
# Net::HTTP::Proxy has the same methods as Net::HTTP but its instances always
# connect via the proxy instead of directly to the given host.
# proxy_addr = ''
# proxy_port = 8080
# Net::HTTP::Proxy(proxy_addr, proxy_port).start('') {|http|
# # always connect to your.proxy.addr:8080
# }
# Net::HTTP::Proxy returns a Net::HTTP instance when proxy_addr is nil so
# there is no need for conditional code.
# See Net::HTTP::Proxy for further details and examples such as proxies that
# require a username and password.
# == Simple Examples
# The Net::HTTP methods in the following examples do not persist
# connections. They are not recommended if you are performing many HTTP
# requests.
# === GET
# Net::HTTP.get('', '/index.html') # => String
# === GET by URI
# uri = URI.parse('')
# Net::HTTP.get(uri) # => String
# === GET with Dynamic Parameters
# uri = URI.parse('')
# params = { :limit => 10, :page => 3 }
# uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params)
# res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)
# puts res.body if res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess)
# === POST
# uri = URI.parse('')
# res = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, 'q' => 'ruby', 'max' => '50')
# puts res.body
# === POST with Multiple Values
# uri = URI.parse('')
# res = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, 'q' => ['ruby', 'perl'], 'max' => '50')
# puts res.body
# == HTTP Request Classes
# Here is the HTTP request class hierarchy.
# * Net::HTTPRequest
# * Net::HTTP::Get
# * Net::HTTP::Head
# * Net::HTTP::Post
# * Net::HTTP::Put
# * Net::HTTP::Proppatch
# * Net::HTTP::Lock
# * Net::HTTP::Unlock
# * Net::HTTP::Options
# * Net::HTTP::Propfind
# * Net::HTTP::Delete
# * Net::HTTP::Move
# * Net::HTTP::Copy
# * Net::HTTP::Mkcol
# * Net::HTTP::Trace
# == HTTP Response Classes
# Here is HTTP response class hierarchy. All classes are defined in Net
# module and are subclasses of Net::HTTPResponse.
# HTTPUnknownResponse:: For unhandled HTTP extenensions
# HTTPInformation:: 1xx
# HTTPContinue:: 100
# HTTPSwitchProtocol:: 101
# HTTPSuccess:: 2xx
# HTTPOK:: 200
# HTTPCreated:: 201
# HTTPAccepted:: 202
# HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation:: 203
# HTTPNoContent:: 204
# HTTPResetContent:: 205
# HTTPPartialContent:: 206
# HTTPRedirection:: 3xx
# HTTPMultipleChoice:: 300
# HTTPMovedPermanently:: 301
# HTTPFound:: 302
# HTTPSeeOther:: 303
# HTTPNotModified:: 304
# HTTPUseProxy:: 305
# HTTPTemporaryRedirect:: 307
# HTTPClientError:: 4xx
# HTTPBadRequest:: 400
# HTTPUnauthorized:: 401
# HTTPPaymentRequired:: 402
# HTTPForbidden:: 403
# HTTPNotFound:: 404
# HTTPMethodNotAllowed:: 405
# HTTPNotAcceptable:: 406
# HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired:: 407
# HTTPRequestTimeOut:: 408
# HTTPConflict:: 409
# HTTPGone:: 410
# HTTPLengthRequired:: 411
# HTTPPreconditionFailed:: 412
# HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge:: 413
# HTTPRequestURITooLong:: 414
# HTTPUnsupportedMediaType:: 415
# HTTPRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable:: 416
# HTTPExpectationFailed:: 417
# HTTPServerError:: 5xx
# HTTPInternalServerError:: 500
# HTTPNotImplemented:: 501
# HTTPBadGateway:: 502
# HTTPServiceUnavailable:: 503
# HTTPGatewayTimeOut:: 504
# HTTPVersionNotSupported:: 505
# The HTTPResponse classes all provide +code+ and +message+ accessors to
# obtain the 3-digit HTTP result code and the HTTP result message sent by
# the server.
# Here is HTTP response class hierarchy.
# All classes are defined in Net module.
# HTTPResponse
# HTTPUnknownResponse
# HTTPInformation # 1xx
# HTTPContinue # 100
# HTTPSwitchProtocol # 101
# HTTPSuccess # 2xx
# HTTPOK # 200
# HTTPCreated # 201
# HTTPAccepted # 202
# HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation # 203
# HTTPNoContent # 204
# HTTPResetContent # 205
# HTTPPartialContent # 206
# HTTPRedirection # 3xx
# HTTPMultipleChoice # 300
# HTTPMovedPermanently # 301
# HTTPFound # 302
# HTTPSeeOther # 303
# HTTPNotModified # 304
# HTTPUseProxy # 305
# HTTPTemporaryRedirect # 307
# HTTPClientError # 4xx
# HTTPBadRequest # 400
# HTTPUnauthorized # 401
# HTTPPaymentRequired # 402
# HTTPForbidden # 403
# HTTPNotFound # 404
# HTTPMethodNotAllowed # 405
# HTTPNotAcceptable # 406
# HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired # 407
# HTTPRequestTimeOut # 408
# HTTPConflict # 409
# HTTPGone # 410
# HTTPLengthRequired # 411
# HTTPPreconditionFailed # 412
# HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge # 413
# HTTPRequestURITooLong # 414
# HTTPUnsupportedMediaType # 415
# HTTPRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable # 416
# HTTPExpectationFailed # 417
# HTTPServerError # 5xx
# HTTPInternalServerError # 500
# HTTPNotImplemented # 501
# HTTPBadGateway # 502
# HTTPServiceUnavailable # 503
# HTTPGatewayTimeOut # 504
# HTTPVersionNotSupported # 505
# There is also the Net::HTTPBadResponse exception which is raised when
# there is a protocol error.
# == Switching Net::HTTP versions
# You can use net/http.rb 1.1 features (bundled with Ruby 1.6)
# by calling HTTP.version_1_1. Calling Net::HTTP.version_1_2
# allows you to use 1.2 features again.
# You can use net/http.rb 1.1 features (bundled with Ruby 1.6) by calling
# HTTP.version_1_1. Calling Net::HTTP.version_1_2 allows you to use 1.2
# features again. Do not confuse this with HTTP protocol features.
# # example
# Net::HTTP.start {|http1| ...(http1 has 1.2 features)... }
# # example
# Net::HTTP.start {|http1| ...(http1 has 1.2 features)... }
# Net::HTTP.version_1_1
# Net::HTTP.start {|http2| ...(http2 has 1.1 features)... }
# Net::HTTP.version_1_1
# Net::HTTP.start {|http2| ...(http2 has 1.1 features)... }
# Net::HTTP.version_1_2
# Net::HTTP.start {|http3| ...(http3 has 1.2 features)... }
# Net::HTTP.version_1_2
# Net::HTTP.start {|http3| ...(http3 has 1.2 features)... }
# Switching versions is NOT thread-safe.
lib/net/https.rb (working copy)
= net/https -- SSL/TLS enhancement for Net::HTTP.
This file has been merged with net/http. There is no longer any need to
require 'net/https' to use HTTPS.
See Net::HTTP for details on how to make HTTPS connections.
== Info
'OpenSSL for Ruby 2' project
Copyright (C) 2001 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
This program is licenced under the same licence as Ruby.
(See the file 'LICENCE'.)
== Example
Here is a simple HTTP client:
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
uri = URI.parse(ARGV[0] || 'http://localhost/')
http =, uri.port)
http.start {
http.request_get(uri.path) {|res|
print res.body
It can be replaced by the following code:
require 'net/https'
require 'uri'
uri = URI.parse(ARGV[0] || 'https://localhost/')
http =, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true if uri.scheme == "https" # enable SSL/TLS
http.start {
http.request_get(uri.path) {|res|
print res.body
== class Net::HTTP
=== Instance Methods
: use_ssl?
returns true if use SSL/TLS with HTTP.
: use_ssl=((|true_or_false|))
sets use_ssl.
: peer_cert
return the X.509 certificates the server presented.
: key, key=((|key|))
Sets an OpenSSL::PKey::RSA or OpenSSL::PKey::DSA object.
(This method is appeared in Michal Rokos's OpenSSL extension.)
: cert, cert=((|cert|))
Sets an OpenSSL::X509::Certificate object as client certificate
(This method is appeared in Michal Rokos's OpenSSL extension).
: ca_file, ca_file=((|path|))
Sets path of a CA certification file in PEM format.
The file can contrain several CA certificates.
: ca_path, ca_path=((|path|))
Sets path of a CA certification directory containing certifications
in PEM format.
: verify_mode, verify_mode=((|mode|))
Sets the flags for server the certification verification at
beginning of SSL/TLS session.
OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE or OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER is acceptable.
: verify_callback, verify_callback=((|proc|))
Sets the verify callback for the server certification verification.
: verify_depth, verify_depth=((|num|))
Sets the maximum depth for the certificate chain verification.
: cert_store, cert_store=((|store|))
Sets the X509::Store to verify peer certificate.
: ssl_timeout, ssl_timeout=((|sec|))
Sets the SSL timeout seconds.
require 'net/http'