


Bug #4704 ยป 0002-cleaned-up-CGI-documentation.patch

davetron5000 (David Copeland), 05/16/2011 11:48 AM

View differences:

# Class representing an HTTP cookie.
# In addition to its specific fields and methods, a Cookie instance
# is a delegator to the array of its values.
# See RFC 2965.
# == Examples of use
# cookie1 = CGI::Cookie::new("name", "value1", "value2", ...)
# cookie1 = CGI::Cookie::new("name" => "name", "value" => "value")
# cookie1 = CGI::Cookie::new('name' => 'name',
# 'value' => ['value1', 'value2', ...],
# 'path' => 'path', # optional
# 'domain' => 'domain', # optional
# 'expires' =>, # optional
# 'secure' => true # optional
# )
# cgi.out("cookie" => [cookie1, cookie2]) { "string" }
# name =
# values = cookie1.value
# path = cookie1.path
# domain = cookie1.domain
# expires = cookie1.expires
# secure =
# = 'name'
# cookie1.value = ['value1', 'value2', ...]
# cookie1.path = 'path'
# cookie1.domain = 'domain'
# cookie1.expires = + 30
# = true
class CGI
@@accept_charset="UTF-8" unless defined?(@@accept_charset)
# Class representing an HTTP cookie.
# In addition to its specific fields and methods, a Cookie instance
# is a delegator to the array of its values.
# See RFC 2965.
# == Examples of use
# cookie1 = CGI::Cookie::new("name", "value1", "value2", ...)
# cookie1 = CGI::Cookie::new("name" => "name", "value" => "value")
# cookie1 = CGI::Cookie::new('name' => 'name',
# 'value' => ['value1', 'value2', ...],
# 'path' => 'path', # optional
# 'domain' => 'domain', # optional
# 'expires' =>, # optional
# 'secure' => true # optional
# )
# cgi.out("cookie" => [cookie1, cookie2]) { "string" }
# name =
# values = cookie1.value
# path = cookie1.path
# domain = cookie1.domain
# expires = cookie1.expires
# secure =
# = 'name'
# cookie1.value = ['value1', 'value2', ...]
# cookie1.path = 'path'
# cookie1.domain = 'domain'
# cookie1.expires = + 30
# = true
class Cookie < Array
# Create a new CGI::Cookie object.
# The contents of the cookie can be specified as a +name+ and one
# or more +value+ arguments. Alternatively, the contents can
# be specified as a single hash argument. The possible keywords of
# this hash are as follows:
# name:: the name of the cookie. Required.
# value:: the cookie's value or list of values.
# path:: the path for which this cookie applies. Defaults to the
# base directory of the CGI script.
# domain:: the domain for which this cookie applies.
# expires:: the time at which this cookie expires, as a +Time+ object.
# secure:: whether this cookie is a secure cookie or not (default to
# false). Secure cookies are only transmitted to HTTPS
# servers.
# :call-seq:
# These keywords correspond to attributes of the cookie object.
# +name_string+:: The name of the cookie; in this form, there is no #domain or #expiration. The #path
# is gleaned from the +SCRIPT_NAME+ environment variable, and #secure is false.
# <tt>*value</tt>:: value or list of values of the cookie
# +options_hash+:: A Hash of options to initialize this Cookie. Possible options are:
# name:: the name of the cookie. Required.
# value:: the cookie's value or list of values.
# path:: the path for which this cookie applies. Defaults to the
# the value of the +SCRIPT_NAME+ environment variable.
# domain:: the domain for which this cookie applies.
# expires:: the time at which this cookie expires, as a +Time+ object.
# secure:: whether this cookie is a secure cookie or not (default to
# false). Secure cookies are only transmitted to HTTPS
# servers.
# These keywords correspond to attributes of the cookie object.
def initialize(name = "", *value)
@domain = nil
@expires = nil
attr_accessor("name", "path", "domain", "expires")
# Name of this cookie, as a +String+
attr_accessor :name
# Path for which this cookie applies, as a +String+
attr_accessor :path
# Domain for which this cookie applies, as a +String+
attr_accessor :domain
# Time at which this cookie expires, as a +Time+
attr_accessor :expires
# True if this cookie is secure; false otherwise
def value
# Methods for generating HTML, parsing CGI-related parameters, and
# generating HTTP responses.
class CGI
$CGI_ENV = ENV # for FCGI support
# Create an HTTP header block as a string.
# :call-seq:
# headers(content_type_string="text/html")
# headers(headers_hash)
# Includes the empty line that ends the header block.
# +options+ can be a string specifying the Content-Type (defaults
# to text/html), or a hash of header key/value pairs. The following
# header keys are recognized:
# type:: the Content-Type header. Defaults to "text/html"
# charset:: the charset of the body, appended to the Content-Type header.
# nph:: a boolean value. If true, prepend protocol string and status code, and
# date; and sets default values for "server" and "connection" if not
# explicitly set.
# status:: the HTTP status code, returned as the Status header. See the
# list of available status codes below.
# server:: the server software, returned as the Server header.
# connection:: the connection type, returned as the Connection header (for
# instance, "close".
# length:: the length of the content that will be sent, returned as the
# Content-Length header.
# language:: the language of the content, returned as the Content-Language
# header.
# expires:: the time on which the current content expires, as a +Time+
# object, returned as the Expires header.
# cookie:: a cookie or cookies, returned as one or more Set-Cookie headers.
# The value can be the literal string of the cookie; a CGI::Cookie
# object; an Array of literal cookie strings or Cookie objects; or a
# hash all of whose values are literal cookie strings or Cookie objects.
# These cookies are in addition to the cookies held in the
# @output_cookies field.
# Other header lines can also be set; they are appended as key: value.
# +content_type_string+:: If this form is used, this string is the <tt>Content-Type</tt>
# +headers_hash+:: A Hash of header values. The following header keys are recognized:
# type:: the Content-Type header. Defaults to "text/html"
# charset:: the charset of the body, appended to the Content-Type header.
# nph:: a boolean value. If true, prepend protocol string and status code, and
# date; and sets default values for "server" and "connection" if not
# explicitly set.
# status:: the HTTP status code as a String, returned as the Status header. The
# values are:
# OK:: 200 OK
# PARTIAL_CONTENT:: 206 Partial Content
# MULTIPLE_CHOICES:: 300 Multiple Choices
# MOVED:: 301 Moved Permanently
# REDIRECT:: 302 Found
# NOT_MODIFIED:: 304 Not Modified
# BAD_REQUEST:: 400 Bad Request
# AUTH_REQUIRED:: 401 Authorization Required
# FORBIDDEN:: 403 Forbidden
# NOT_FOUND:: 404 Not Found
# METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED:: 405 Method Not Allowed
# NOT_ACCEPTABLE:: 406 Not Acceptable
# LENGTH_REQUIRED:: 411 Length Required
# PRECONDITION_FAILED:: 412 Precondition Failed
# SERVER_ERROR:: 500 Internal Server Error
# NOT_IMPLEMENTED:: 501 Method Not Implemented
# BAD_GATEWAY:: 502 Bad Gateway
# VARIANT_ALSO_VARIES:: 506 Variant Also Negotiates
# server:: the server software, returned as the Server header.
# connection:: the connection type, returned as the Connection header (for
# instance, "close".
# length:: the length of the content that will be sent, returned as the
# Content-Length header.
# language:: the language of the content, returned as the Content-Language
# header.
# expires:: the time on which the current content expires, as a +Time+
# object, returned as the Expires header.
# cookie:: a cookie or cookies, returned as one or more Set-Cookie headers.
# The value can be the literal string of the cookie; a CGI::Cookie
# object; an Array of literal cookie strings or Cookie objects; or a
# hash all of whose values are literal cookie strings or Cookie objects.
# These cookies are in addition to the cookies held in the
# @output_cookies field.
# Other headers can also be set; they are appended as key: value.
# Examples:
# header
# # Content-Type: text/html
# "my_header1" => "my_value"
# "my_header2" => "my_value")
# The status codes are:
# "OK" --> "200 OK"
# "PARTIAL_CONTENT" --> "206 Partial Content"
# "MULTIPLE_CHOICES" --> "300 Multiple Choices"
# "MOVED" --> "301 Moved Permanently"
# "REDIRECT" --> "302 Found"
# "NOT_MODIFIED" --> "304 Not Modified"
# "BAD_REQUEST" --> "400 Bad Request"
# "AUTH_REQUIRED" --> "401 Authorization Required"
# "FORBIDDEN" --> "403 Forbidden"
# "NOT_FOUND" --> "404 Not Found"
# "METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED" --> "405 Method Not Allowed"
# "NOT_ACCEPTABLE" --> "406 Not Acceptable"
# "LENGTH_REQUIRED" --> "411 Length Required"
# "PRECONDITION_FAILED" --> "412 Precondition Failed"
# "SERVER_ERROR" --> "500 Internal Server Error"
# "NOT_IMPLEMENTED" --> "501 Method Not Implemented"
# "BAD_GATEWAY" --> "502 Bad Gateway"
# "VARIANT_ALSO_VARIES" --> "506 Variant Also Negotiates"
# This method does not perform charset conversion.
def header(options='text/html')
if options.is_a?(String)
# Print an HTTP header and body to $DEFAULT_OUTPUT ($>)
# The header is provided by +options+, as for #header().
# The body of the document is that returned by the passed-
# in block. This block takes no arguments. It is required.
# cgi =
# cgi.out{ "string" }
# # Content-Type: text/html
# # Content-Length: 6
# #
# # string
# cgi.out("text/plain") { "string" }
# # Content-Type: text/plain
# # Content-Length: 6
# #
# # string
# cgi.out("nph" => true,
# "status" => "OK", # == "200 OK"
# "server" => ENV['SERVER_SOFTWARE'],
# "connection" => "close",
# "type" => "text/html",
# "charset" => "iso-2022-jp",
# # Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-2022-jp
# "language" => "ja",
# "expires" => + (3600 * 24 * 30),
# "cookie" => [cookie1, cookie2],
# "my_header1" => "my_value",
# "my_header2" => "my_value") { "string" }
# Content-Length is automatically calculated from the size of
# :call-seq:
# out(content_type_string='text/html')
# out(headers_hash)
# +content_type_string+:: If a string is passed, it is assumed to
# be the content type.
# +headers_hash+:: This is a Hash of headers, similar to that used by #header.
# cgi =
# cgi.out{ "string" }
# # Content-Type: text/html
# # Content-Length: 6
# #
# # string
# cgi.out("text/plain") { "string" }
# # Content-Type: text/plain
# # Content-Length: 6
# #
# # string
# cgi.out("nph" => true,
# "status" => "OK", # == "200 OK"
# "server" => ENV['SERVER_SOFTWARE'],
# "connection" => "close",
# "type" => "text/html",
# "charset" => "iso-2022-jp",
# # Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-2022-jp
# "language" => "ja",
# "expires" => + (3600 * 24 * 30),
# "cookie" => [cookie1, cookie2],
# "my_header1" => "my_value",
# "my_header2" => "my_value") { "string" }
# # HTTP/1.1 200 OK
# # Date: Sun, 15 May 2011 17:35:54 GMT
# # Server: Apache 2.2.0
# # Connection: close
# # Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-2022-jp
# # Content-Length: 6
# # Content-Language: ja
# # Expires: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 17:35:54 GMT
# # Set-Cookie: foo
# # Set-Cookie: bar
# # my_header1: my_value
# # my_header2: my_value
# #
# # string
# +block+:: A block is required and should evaluate to the body of the response.
# <tt>Content-Length</tt> is automatically calculated from the size of
# the String returned by the content block.
# If ENV['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "HEAD", then only the header
# is outputted (the content block is still required, but it
# If <tt>ENV['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "HEAD"</tt>, then only the header
# is output (the content block is still required, but it
# is ignored).
# If the charset is "iso-2022-jp" or "euc-jp" or "shift_jis" then
# Maximum number of request parameters when multipart
# Mixin module. It provides the follow functionality groups:
# Mixin module that provides the following:
# 1. Access to CGI environment variables as methods. See
# documentation to the CGI class for a list of these variables.
# 1. Access to the CGI environment variables as methods. See
# documentation to the CGI class for a list of these variables. The methods
# are exposed by removing the leading +HTTP_+ (if it exists) and
# downcasing the name. For example, +auth_type+ will return the
# environment variable +AUTH_TYPE+, and +accept+ will return the
# value for +HTTP_ACCEPT+.
# 2. Access to cookies, including the cookies attribute.
# 3. Access to parameters, including the params attribute, and overloading
# [] to perform parameter value lookup by key.
# #[] to perform parameter value lookup by key.
# 4. The initialize_query method, for initialising the above
# 4. The initialize_query method, for initializing the above
# mechanisms, handling multipart forms, and allowing the
# class to be used in "offline" mode.
# Get the value for the parameter with a given key.
# If the parameter has multiple values, only the first will be
# retrieved; use #params() to get the array of values.
# retrieved; use #params to get the array of values.
def [](key)
params = @params[key]
return '' unless params
# Return all parameter keys as an array.
# Return all query parameter names as an array of String.
def keys(*args)
# Returns true if a given parameter key exists in the query.
# Returns true if a given query string parameter exists.
def has_key?(*args)
end # QueryExtension
# InvalidEncoding Exception class
# Exception raised when there is an invalid encoding detected
class InvalidEncoding < Exception; end
# @@accept_charset is default accept character set.
attr_reader :accept_charset
# Create a new CGI instance.
# CGI accept constructor parameters either in a hash, string as a block.
# But string is as same as using :tag_maker of hash.
#"html3") #=>>"html3")
# And, if you specify string, @accept_charset cannot be changed.
# Instead, please use hash parameter.
# == accept_charset
# :accept_charset specifies encoding of received query string.
# ( Default value is @@accept_charset. )
# If not valid, raise CGI::InvalidEncoding
# Example. Suppose @@accept_charset # => "UTF-8"
# when not specified:
# # @accept_charset # => "UTF-8"
# when specified "EUC-JP":
# => "EUC-JP") # => "EUC-JP"
# == block
# When you use a block, you can write a process
# that query encoding is invalid. Example:
# encoding_error={}
#>"EUC-JP") do |name,value|
# encoding_error[key] = value
# end
# == tag_maker
# :tag_maker specifies which version of HTML to load the HTML generation
# methods for. The following versions of HTML are supported:
# html3:: HTML 3.x
# html4:: HTML 4.0
# html4Tr:: HTML 4.0 Transitional
# html4Fr:: HTML 4.0 with Framesets
# If not specified, no HTML generation methods will be loaded.
# If the CGI object is not created in a standard CGI call environment
# :call-seq:
# = {},&block)
# <tt>tag_maker</tt>:: This is the same as using the +options_hash+ form
# with the value <tt>{ :tag_maker => tag_maker }</tt>
# Note that it is recommended to use the +options_hash+ form,
# since it also allows you specify the charset you will accept.
# <tt>options_hash</tt>:: A Hash that recognizes two options:
# <tt>:accept_charset</tt>:: specifies encoding of received query string. If omitted,
# <tt>@@accept_charset</tt> is used. If the encoding is not
# valid, a CGI::InvalidEncoding will be raised.
# Example. Suppose <tt>@@accept_charset</tt> # => "UTF-8"
# when not specified:
# # @accept_charset # => "UTF-8"
# when specified as "EUC-JP":
# => "EUC-JP") # => "EUC-JP"
# <tt>:tag_maker</tt>:: a String that specifies which version of the HTML generation methods to use.
# If not specified, no HTML generation methods will be loaded.
# The following values are supported:
# "html3":: HTML 3.x
# "html4":: HTML 4.0
# "html4Tr":: HTML 4.0 Transitional
# "html4Fr":: HTML 4.0 with Framesets
# <tt>&block</tt>:: If provided, the block is called when an invalid
# encoding is encountered. For example:
# encoding_errors={}
#>"EUC-JP") do |name,value|
# encoding_errors[name] = value
# end
# Finally, if the CGI object is not created in a standard CGI call environment
# (that is, it can't locate REQUEST_METHOD in its environment), then
# it will run in "offline" mode. In this mode, it reads its parameters
# from the command line or (failing that) from standard input. Otherwise,
# cookies and other parameters are parsed automatically from the standard
# CGI locations, which varies according to the REQUEST_METHOD. It works this:
# This will be obsolete:
attr_reader :accept_charset
def initialize(options = {},&block)
# CGI locations, which varies according to the REQUEST_METHOD.
def initialize(options = {},&block) # :yields: name,value
@accept_charset_error_block=block if block_given?
case options
class CGI
# Base module for HTML-generation mixins.
# Provides methods for code generation for tags following
# the various DTD element types.
class CGI
module TagMaker # :nodoc:
# Generate code for an element with required start and end tags.