


Feature #5427 » load.c.patch

load.c patch against ruby-trunk - funny_falcon (Yura Sokolov), 12/14/2011 05:59 PM

View differences:

#define IS_DLEXT(e) (strcmp((e), DLEXT) == 0)
static int sorted_loaded_features = 1;
static const char *const loadable_ext[] = {
".rb", DLEXT,
return ST_STOP;
static int rb_feature_first_equal_or_greater(VALUE, const char *, long);
static int rb_stop_search_feature(VALUE, const char *, long);
static int feature_basename_length(const char *, long);
static int
rb_feature_p(const char *feature, const char *ext, int rb, int expanded, const char **fn)
type = 0;
features = get_loaded_features();
for (i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(features); ++i) {
i = rb_feature_first_equal_or_greater(features, feature, len);
for (; i < RARRAY_LEN(features); ++i) {
v = RARRAY_PTR(features)[i];
if (rb_stop_search_feature(v, feature, len)) break;
f = StringValuePtr(v);
if ((n = RSTRING_LEN(v)) < len) continue;
if (strncmp(f, feature, len) != 0) {
loading_tbl = get_loading_table();
if (loading_tbl) {
if (loading_tbl && loading_tbl->num_entries > 0) {
f = 0;
if (!expanded) {
struct loaded_feature_searching fs;
return FALSE;
static int
feature_basename_length(const char *feature, long flen)
if (sorted_loaded_features) {
const char *ext;
for (ext = feature + (flen - 1); ext >= feature; ext--) {
if (*ext == '.') return ext - feature;
if (*ext == '/') return flen;
return flen;
} else {
return 0;
static int
compare_feature_name(const char *left, long llen, const char *right, long rlen)
int diff = 0;
while (llen-- && rlen--) {
diff = left[llen] - right[rlen];
if (diff) break;
if (left[llen] == '/') break;
return diff;
static int
rb_compare_feature_name(VALUE loaded, const char *feature, long flen)
const char *loaded_name = StringValuePtr(loaded);
long loaded_len = feature_basename_length(loaded_name, RSTRING_LEN(loaded));
return compare_feature_name(loaded_name, loaded_len, feature, flen);
/* used to find when equal features run out */
static int
rb_stop_search_feature(VALUE loaded, const char *feature, long flen)
if (sorted_loaded_features)
return rb_compare_feature_name(loaded, feature, flen) > 0;
return FALSE;
/* returns first position to search feature from */
static int
rb_feature_first_equal_or_greater(VALUE features, const char *feature, long flen)
if (sorted_loaded_features) {
int before = 0, first = RARRAY_LEN(features);
VALUE *values = RARRAY_PTR(features);
if (first == 0)
return 0;
if (rb_compare_feature_name(values[0], feature, flen) >= 0)
return 0;
while (first - before > 1) {
int mid = (first + before) / 2;
int cmp = rb_compare_feature_name(values[mid], feature, flen);
if (cmp >= 0)
first = mid;
before = mid;
return first;
} else {
return 0;
/* returns position to insert new feature in */
static int
rb_feature_first_greater(VALUE features, const char *feature, long flen)
if (sorted_loaded_features) {
int before = 0, first = RARRAY_LEN(features);
VALUE *values = RARRAY_PTR(features);
if (first == 0)
return 0;
if (rb_compare_feature_name(values[0], feature, flen) > 0)
return 0;
if (rb_compare_feature_name(values[first-1], feature, flen) <= 0)
return first;
while (first - before > 1) {
int mid = (first + before) / 2;
int cmp = rb_compare_feature_name(values[mid], feature, flen);
if (cmp > 0)
first = mid;
before = mid;
return first;
} else {
return RARRAY_LEN(features);
static VALUE
rb_push_feature_1(VALUE features, VALUE feature)
const char *fname = StringValuePtr(feature);
long flen = feature_basename_length(fname, RSTRING_LEN(feature));
int i = rb_feature_first_greater(features, fname, flen);
rb_ary_push(features, feature);
if ( i < RARRAY_LEN(features) - 1 ) {
MEMMOVE(RARRAY_PTR(features) + i + 1, RARRAY_PTR(features) + i,
VALUE, RARRAY_LEN(features) - i - 1);
RARRAY_PTR(features)[i] = feature;
return features;
static VALUE
rb_push_feature_m(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE features)
while (argc--) {
rb_push_feature_1(features, *argv++);
return features;
static VALUE
rb_concat_features(VALUE features, VALUE add)
add = rb_convert_type(add, T_ARRAY, "Array", "to_ary");
if (RARRAY_LEN(add)) {
rb_push_feature_m(RARRAY_LEN(add), RARRAY_PTR(add), features);
return features;
static const char *load_features_undefined_methods[] = {
"[]=", "reverse!", "rotate!", "sort!", "sort_by!",
"collect!", "map!", "shuffle!", "fill", "insert",
static VALUE
char *sorted_flag;
const char **name;
VALUE loaded_features = rb_ary_new();
VALUE loaded_features_c = rb_singleton_class(loaded_features);
sorted_flag = getenv("RUBY_LOADED_FEATURES_SORTED");
if (sorted_flag != NULL) {
int sorted_set = atoi(sorted_flag);
if (RTEST(ruby_verbose))
fprintf(stderr, "sorted_loaded_features=%d (%d)\n", sorted_set, sorted_loaded_features);
sorted_loaded_features = sorted_set;
for(name = load_features_undefined_methods; *name; name++) {
rb_undef_method(loaded_features_c, *name);
if (sorted_loaded_features) {
rb_define_method(loaded_features_c, "<<", rb_push_feature_1, 1);
rb_define_method(loaded_features_c, "push", rb_push_feature_m, -1);
rb_define_method(loaded_features_c, "concat", rb_concat_features, 1);
rb_define_method(loaded_features_c, "unshift", rb_push_feature_m, -1);
return loaded_features;
static void
rb_provide_feature(VALUE feature)
"$LOADED_FEATURES is frozen; cannot append feature");
rb_ary_push(get_loaded_features(), feature);
rb_push_feature_1(get_loaded_features(), feature);
rb_define_virtual_variable("$\"", get_loaded_features, 0);
rb_define_virtual_variable("$LOADED_FEATURES", get_loaded_features, 0);
vm->loaded_features = rb_ary_new();
vm->loaded_features = rb_loaded_features_init();
rb_define_global_function("load", rb_f_load, -1);
rb_define_global_function("require", rb_f_require, 1);