Bug #19405
closedPrevent Use of include CustomModule in a Nested Class
Bug present ever since Ruby 1.8.
Tested in Ruby 2.7 and 3.0 as well.
I would like to request the developers to prevent any person from doing something as illogical and useless as the code I have provided you with right below.
module MyModule
class MyClass
A = 'A'
B = 'B'
include MyModule
If you print something like:
puts MyModule::MyClass::MyClass::MyClass::MyClass::MyClass::MyClass::MyClass::MyClass::MyClass::MyClass::MyClass::MyClass::MyClass::MyClass::MyClass::MyClass::B
Ruby will let you do it!
Why is it possible to chain the calls to MyClass class forever and ever?
It should throw an error for including the very same module and class where the constants are nested.
Proposed Error Class:
"ModuleError: Class nested in module %s cannot call include method to add the same module."
Or something the like. =_=¡
Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) about 2 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Rejected
This is not a bug, this is expected behavior. It is true in Ruby even if you don't define any classes:
# => Object
If you want to prevent this, you could override include
module MyModule
class MyClass
A = 'A'
B = 'B'
def self.include(mod)
raise if mod.const_get(name) == self
include MyModule
You can even try to handle this globally:
class Module
def append_features(mod)
raise if const_get(mod.name) == mod
That only handles the direct inclusion case, it won't handle more complex cases, or even other simple cases such as module MyModule; MyModule = self end
In general, you should just accept that this is how Ruby is, and it isn't a problem.