Bug #20798
closedMissing spaces/punctuation in SyntaxError message.
Hi all,
with the following simple snippet of Ruby code:
def x.y.z
the interpreter raises a SyntaxError
, whose message is made up of two sentences with no spaces or punctuation in between (see line no. 2 of the output):
scratch2.rb: --> scratch2.rb
expected a delimiter to close the parametersunexpected '.', ignoring it
> 1 def x.y.z
> 2 end
scratch2.rb:1: syntax errors found (SyntaxError)
> 1 | def x.y.z
| ^ unexpected '.', ignoring it
| ^ expected a delimiter to close the parameters
2 | end
3 |
This happens on master with the sentences reported above, but also on 3.3.5 with the sentences:
expected a delimiter to close the parameterscannot parse the expression
Unfortunately I can't tell if the same glitch occurs with other error messages.
Updated by kddnewton (Kevin Newton) 5 months ago
This is an issue with the syntax suggest gem. Could you open an issue here please? https://github.com/ruby/syntax_suggest/issues
Updated by sanjioh (Fabio Sangiovanni) 5 months ago
kddnewton (Kevin Newton) wrote in #note-1:
This is an issue with the syntax suggest gem. Could you open an issue here please? https://github.com/ruby/syntax_suggest/issues
Oh of course! Thanks for letting me know.
This can be closed then.
Updated by kddnewton (Kevin Newton) 5 months ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed