Feature #19521
Updated by ioquatix (Samuel Williams) about 2 years ago
See https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/19450 for previous discussion and motivation. [This proposal](https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/7483) This proposal introduces `Module#name=` (and thus also `Class#name`) to set the temporary class name. The name assignment has no effect if the module/class already has a permanent name. ```ruby c = Class.new do self.name = "fake name" end c = Class.new c.name = "fake name" ``` Alternatively, we could use `set_name`: ```ruby Class.new do set_name "fake_name" end ``` Setting I believe once the name of a class changes its current name, irrespective of whether it's been assigned a permanent name, or has nested modules/classes which have cached a previous name. We might like to limit the cases where a name is set, e.g. only once, only if it is impossible to change, but I'll check the name is nil, or only if it's not already permanent. There is no real harm in any of those options, just inconsistency. implementation. ## Example usage The current Ruby test suite has code which shows the usefulness of this new method: ```ruby def labeled_module(name, &block) Module.new do singleton_class.class_eval { define_method(:to_s) {name} alias inspect to_s alias name to_s } class_eval(&block) if block end end module_function :labeled_module def labeled_class(name, superclass = Object, &block) Class.new(superclass) do singleton_class.class_eval { define_method(:to_s) {name} alias inspect to_s alias name to_s } class_eval(&block) if block end end module_function :labeled_class ``` The updated code would look like this: ```ruby def labeled_module(name, &block) Module.new do self.name = name class_eval(&block) if block end end def labeled_class(name, superclass = Object, &block) Class.new(superclass) do self.name = name class_eval(&block) if block end end module_function :labeled_class ``` Because the name cannot be set as part of `.new`, we have to have a separate block to set the name, before calling `class_eval`. I think the ergonomics and performance of this are slightly worse than the [counter proposal](https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/19520).